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No, please, save him.

As Soonhee paced back and forth in front of the Emergency Room, the words she had been silently repeating to herself were etched in her mind, her hands pressed tightly against her forehead.

" Soonhee.. " A voice called out, breaking her trance

Soonhee sank to her knees, crying out, " Soon, Jihoon was fighting for his life there, Soon " shaking the knees of the brother as Soonyoung caressed her back.

Soonyoung rose from his seat and knelt beside her, grasping her upper arms and locking eyes with her tear-swollen ones " Jihoon will be alright, Soon. He is a strong guy " he reassured.

But, null.

Soonhee threw herself into Soonyoung's arms, burying her head in his chest, tears soaking his white T-shirt, leaving a damp mark. "I shouldn't have said that," she mumbled, almost in a whisper.

"And I regret letting you into my happy life."

"I shouldn't have left the house," she whimpered, her hand clutching Soonyoung's shirt tightly. " I said terrible things to him, Soon. What should I do?"

Soonyoung's face contorted with worry as he held her close to his chest, one hand caressing her back, and the other gently stroking her head.

Suddenly, both pairs of ears caught the sound of hurried footsteps, anxiety evident in their pace, accompanied by a male voice calling out, "Kwon Soonhee!" The Kwon siblings turned to face the newcomer simultaneously.

Slowly, Soonhee stood upright and approached him. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and his narrowed eyes gave him an intimidating look.

Just like Jihoon.

Summoning her courage, Soonhee replied, "Yes?"

"What the hell have you done to my brother!" he yelled, tears streaming down his face without restraint.

Soonhee's eyes widened, and her feet instinctively moved back in shock.


Jihoon had a younger sibling?

"He was perfectly fine when he called me this afternoon!" Jihoon's brother continued to shout, crouching down with his hands on his knees.

Gradually, Soonhee extended one hand and reached for his arm, pulling him into a consoling embrace. "I'm sorry," she whispered, resting her chin on top of his head while her hands gently squeezed the back of his head.

This situation left Soonhee wondering:

What kind of marriage was this?

Neither Soonhee nor Jihoon knew about each other's siblings.

If Soonhee hadn't revealed it that day, Jihoon would never have known about Soonyoung's existence. And today, she had just learned about the existence of Jihoon's younger brother, held in her arms.

"Jeongwoo?" a soft, elderly voice murmured.

The man in Soonhee's embrace immediately looked up and rushed toward the voice. "Mama!"

To Jihoon's mother.

Before Soonhee could approach the two figures, her attention was drawn by a sliding sound, indicating the doctor's exit from the Emergency Room. This prompted all four of them to converge around the doctor when he inquired, "Is Mr. Park Jihoon's guardian present?"

With a sense of relief, the doctor, identified by the nametag bearing the name Jeon Wonwoo, momentarily raised the corners of his lips before they gradually returned to their neutral position. "The surgery was successful," he began. However, he paused, carefully scrutinizing the document in his hand, which Soonhee assumed to be Jihoon's medical record.

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