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"Sir" Hao called out, swinging the door inward. He ambled his way to Jihoon's desk.

Who just back to his work for today.

Hao placed an A4-sized envelope on the desk "This is Mrs. Kwon's inform letter for a long day off without being paid"

Jihoon's eyeballs moved slightly to take a look at the envelope and looked up to Hao "Long days off? She should just submit a resignation letter"

Hao's one eyebrow arched up

"And seeing how she won't come home any time soon, she should have just called a lawyer to turn in a divorcement"

Hao's patience wore thin, and he could no longer contain the frustration that had been building up inside him. He leaned in closer, his voice laced with anger as he confronted Jihoon "You've gone too far, Jihoon," Hao said through gritted teeth, dropping all pretense of formality.

Jihoon looked up to Hao, acting all dumb "What?"

With a burning flame, Hao threw back a question "Which one of it? Because this marriage for the company or because of your illness?"

Jihoon let out a heavy sigh "You don't understand..."

"Did you even know why were you fell into a coma for a month? Did you even check the scar on your body?" Hao threw him question continuously. Which left Jihoon hanging his jaw low.

Hao straightened his back and place his hands on his waist "Now, checked your scars" Hao commanded.

In a slow pace, Jihoon's trembling fingers moved to his right abdomen, where he knew the scars lay hidden beneath his clothing. As his fingers brushed against his skin, he felt the raised tissue and the faint ridges of two distinct scars. His eyes widened with realization as the truth washed over him.

He had two scars.

The first, the one he had known about, was from the surgery he had undergone after he was stabbed, a desperate attempt to save his life. But the second scar, slightly higher and less pronounced, was a mystery to him. How had he acquired it? Why hadn't he noticed it before?

Hao's eyes softened as he observed Jihoon's reaction to the scars on his abdomen. He could see the confusion in Jihoon's expression.

"Jihoon," Hao began gently, "You've been through a lot, and you're here now, healthy and alive. You don't need to draw yourself away from Soonhee. You are not sick anymore"

Hao knew.

He was there.

On the day Jihoon brought Soonhee to the beach.

Hao willingly to help after Jihoon asked him to standby anywhere nearby. Just in case something will happen.

And it did actually happen.

Jihoon had a severe nosebleed due to the cirrhosis. Not wanting to get Soonhee worried, Jihoon stormed his way away, immediately told Hao to bring Soonhee home.

"If I have to be honest, I actually like her" Hao confessed, leaving a pang of relization in Jihoon's head

"But, Jihoon." Hao added, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation, "Feelings can't be forced. I can't force her to love me"

"You can" Jihoon supprisingly answer with a convinction.

"She loves you, Jihoon. Not me"

Jihoon blinked rapidly, was leaving numb in words.

"So go and chase Soonhee" Hao urged

"Or I will force her to love me instead.


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