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"Ji," Soonhee called out, entering their bedroom carefully, having her hands clasped behind her back. Jihoon glanced up from his laptop with his glasses slipped down along his nose bridge as he threw her a smile.

"What's up, honey? Want to sleep already?" Jihoon softly asked, gazing back at his laptop with his fingers actively pressing the keyboard.

Not answering his question, Soonhee approached her husband's work desk in the corner of their bedroom, She carried a small box, and her lips curled into a sheepish grin as she placed it gently on the desk, pushing it in Jihoon's direction.

Jihoon's brow furrowed in curiosity as he picked up the small box. "What is this for?" he questioned.

Soonhee widened her grin, her eyes shining with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Open it" She urged

As he was told, Jihoon shifted his attention to the small box. It was well-decorated with a cute ribbon on top of it. As curiosity built up in him, Jihoon uncapped the box, examining the content.

Which left him in stunned

Soonhee's smile slipped off when she caught him motionless "Ji?" She called.

As if he was awakened from a sleep, he threw the box and looked at her "Positive?" He asked, hands grabbing his mouth as he looked terrified.

Soonhee frowned as she nodded hesitantly, not knowing how to react after seeing such a reaction from her husband.

Jihoon got up on his feet in an instant, dumping both his work and the small box as he grabbed Soonhee's upper arms "Did you struggle to breathe? or shortness of breath? or... or... feel fainted?" he bombarded her with questions as he began to stutter

Soonhee tilted her head in confusion. No she didn't understand what was going on "huh?"

"Where had you been going, honey? How can you get a COVID?" The worriedness was visible in his voice.

The confusion on her face started to loose up as she now understands what was making him look like this. Soonhee broke into a laughter as Jihoon stared at her, the terrifying expression still evident on his face.

"Yah," Soonhee exclaimed, hitting his forearm as he let out a loud laugh. Jihoon frowned in confusion. He couldn't understand.

What was so funny about having COVID-19?

"It is not a COVID test kit, honey" Soonhee uttered as soon as her laughter died down.

"Then, what?" Jihoon asked, looking back at the small box in horror.

Soonhee pulled him down to reach his ear and whispered "Sooha is going to get a new friend"

Jihoon's gasped out aloud as his jaw dropped, covering his mouth in a sassy way "That's good to hear" He muttered, his expression loosening "At least you didn't get COVID-19" He smiled sheepishly.

For the second time, Soonhee was confused to see his reaction. But then, Jihoon grabbed her shoulder "But, honey. Why does Arin noona's pregnancy test kit is with you? Didn't she at least show it to Soonyoung hyung?"

Soonhee scoffed in disbelief. She threw her left hand across her waist and placed the right elbow on it, hands massaging her temple in frustration,

With an innocent look, Jihoon gave her a puppy look. Soonhee bit her one inner cheek and cupped her husband's face "Park Jihoon,that pregnancy test is mine" Soonhee said through her gritting teeth.

Jihoon made an 'O' shape with his mouth and nodded "No wonder it was with you" he nonchalantly said, landing his butt back on the seat and continue doing his work.

Soonhee scrunched her face "Seriously?"

Jihoon averted his gaze at her "What?"

"I'm pregnant, Jihoon, It is your child"

"Yes, I know it's mine" Jihoon nodded.

And he stopped himself. He straightened his back as his face looked at her as if he heard something wrong "It's.... It's mine?" He questioned back,

Soonhee couldn't help but chuckle at Jihoon's response. She shook her head in amusement, finding his reaction quite endearing.

"Yes, Jihoon, it's yours," Soonhee confirmed, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Jihoon's eyes widened, and he looked at her with a mix of disbelief and wonder. He blinked a few times, as if to make sure he had heard her correctly.

"Ours? You and me?" Jihoon asked again, just to be absolutely certain.

Soonhee giggled at her husband's adorable reaction and nodded. "Yes, sweetheart, ours. You and me, we're going to be parents."

Jihoon's face lit up with joy as he finally realized the truth. A wide, radiant smile spread across his face, and he stood up, pulling Soonhee into a tight hug. His laughter filled the room as he bowed down to reach Soonhee's tummy "Welcome, mini me" He whispered.

Soonhee's eyes turned into a crescent shape as she found him sweet. Jihoon stood up straight an stared deep in her eyes "Thank you" Jihoon said, almost whispering.

Soonhee chuckled at his word "Out of the sudden?"

Jihoon's eyes welled up with tears as he forced himself ro smile in the mixed of his emotions. Jihoon pulled back in his embrace "Thank you for giving me another chance to feel the happiness.

Thank you for forgiving me.

Thank you for giving me another chance of life

Thank you for willing to carry the mini us in your tummy."

Jihoon pulled back from their embraces as he perked on her lips. "Thank you for everything, my love. I promise you that you will not regret for giving me the second chance"

Soonhee couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time as they celebrated this beautiful moment together. Their family was about to grow, and they were both over the moon with happiness.

Now it is the moment for them to make a fresh start.

Leaving behind all of the regret from the past.

The End

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