Author's note

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Hi my dearest readers! Regret's author is here! I want to thank all of you to showered me with your support. I just wondered if it was not yall, I think I am nothing in this wattpad world.

So, how is the ending? Satisfied or dissatisfied? (psst, I need a review from yall hehe)

I want to apologize for those who was hoping for Zhang Hao-Soonhee end game. Maybe in another wattpad world, they will end up together.

Thank you again for reading my story. I hope you guys enjoy the read and I am sorry if it doesn't fill your expectations. Please look forward for my future work, my love(s).

[Unfortunately, this book going to be the last book for 2023]

Last, but not least, I am more than grateful for you guys. Dont forget to leave a comment/s and vote! I will appreciate it a lot!

Officially signing out, Jihoon X Soonhee.

Sending love, author @unkwonsoon

Regret ✿⁠ Park Jihoon ✓Where stories live. Discover now