𝖾𝗉𝗂𝗌𝗈𝖽𝖾 seven || 𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘁𝗼𝗰𝗸 ||

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The day was going by with minutes that felt like hours and there was nothing they could do about it, they all felt terrible about not being able to save Lydia and what made it worse was that she was right in front of them.

Pythor had thought ahead of them and planted a trap at the entrance, he had correctly guessed that the Ninja would find them after Lydia had been gone for so long. The snake was also able to catch Nya off guard as well.

No one was saying a word, too ashamed to speak a word after failing miserably at their job. Not even the cheerful Jay was in a good mood, he was too ashamed for not being able to save the young girl.

You could only imagine what their conversation was with Sensei when they had told him that Lydia was in the hands of the Serpentine and that they weren't able to retrieve her. Yeah, it was a gruesome talk.

However, instead of losing his mind like the Ninja had thought their Sensei would do, he only flipped out for a few minutes which was better than expected.

Wu would yell at them for not completing the simple task of watching and keeping track of Lydia at all times but he had to calm himself down before things got out of hand because they would achieve nothing if he wasn't in the right state of mind.

So, Wu apologized for his outburst and told the Ninja to leave so that he could think without anyone there to bother him. The Ninja seemed to understand quickly and left without hesitation.

Everyone was now hiding out somewhere on the bounty, scattered around because they didn't know what else to do.

Jay was working on his robots to try and get his mind off of everything but it wasn't working very well.

Cole had been in the equipment room deadlifting because he found it easier to concentrate on something else when he was working out.

Zane didn't want to do anything but he knew he needed to do something, so he picked up a random book he found and started 'reading' it.

Kai was by the railing with a cigarette in his mouth that he had managed to get without anyone gaining suspicions.

Nya hid in the control room, looking for snake sightings because she knew that the snakes weren't dumb enough to stay in the Lost City.

Needless to say, everyone was bummed out and wasn't in the right state of mind to say anything. They were all just waiting to hear an alarm go off and hoped that it was news about Lydia

.Just then, an alarm went off but it wasn't the alarm they were hoping for. It was an alarm that signalled a meeting was being held and everyone needed to attend it, now that was the thing they needed to get out of their free time of self-torture.

They presumed it was Wu who called the meeting because Nya had no reason to, and if she had found any links to the snakes, she would have talked over the intercom but sadly she hadn't.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and headed up to Sensei Wu's room, they were told that's where he would be if any gathering was being made.

Once everyone made it to Sensei's door, they knocked out of respect and earned the 'Come in' they were expecting. Zane was the last one in so he closed the door before he was able to sit down on the many Zabutons that Wu had in his room.

"Hello, thank you for allowing me to collect my thoughts long enough to be able to talk to you all," Wu said with a welcoming tone in his voice, much different compared to his yelling only moments prior.

The Ninja and Nya nodded, still not really in the mood to start speaking yet due to certain events, which was understandable. "Before we start making any big plans about saving my niece, you all must have questions about your True Potential, yes ?"

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