you're sick

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"Here, baby. I got you some cold water. Hopefully, it'll help with your throat a little." Lily said as she sat down beside you on the bed.

You sat up slowly and she held the glass for you as you took a few sips since you were a little weak.

She pulled the glass back a few seconds later after you took some sips, basking in the temporary relief the cold drink brought you.

You closed your heavy eyes, looking and feeling so incredibly miserable and it broke Lily's heart.

She gently placed her hand on your forehead and felt that you were running a fever again since the medication had worn off.

Thankfully, you could take it again now though since it's been long enough.

"Lay back down, baby." She whispered and gently pushed at your shoulders, making you lay back on the mattress again.

"I'm cold." You said as you began to shiver.

Lily got up and grabbed one of her long-sleeved shirts for you to wear.

"Here, sweet girl. Let's put this on you." She said and you arched your back as she pulled it over your shirt.

This way, you still had one of her cozy t-shirts on and you could easily take the long-sleeved shirt off if you got too warm.

She grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to your chin before kissing your forehead.

She left the room to go into the bathroom and she frowned when she heard you cough for a few seconds before letting out a groan after.

She grabbed the medicine for you and then went into the bedroom with you again.

"Here, my love. It's time for your medicine again." She spoke before handing you the medicine.

She grabbed the water and you lifted your head from the pillow to take a few more sips, quickly swallowing the medicine down with the help of the cold water.

You put your head back against the pillow with a heavy breath.

She tried to comfort you by kissing your forehead and brushing her fingers through your hair.

"Are you okay, baby?" She frowned.

You shook your head.

"I feel so sick, Lily." You mumbled sadly. "I just want to feel better already. My throat hurts so bad and I'm so cold and uncomfortable."

"I know, I'm sorry." She spoke sadly. "What can I do to make you feel better? Do you want some soup?"

You shook your head.

"No? Are you sure? The broth might help your throat."

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay." She said before crawling into bed beside you, laying under the covers with you as she pulled you into her arms.

"Lily, what if you get sick?" You weakly mumbled.

"Shh. Let me hold you, baby." She said as she kissed your neck softly and lovingly.

You curled up to her and put your head on her shoulder, feeling your warm skin against hers.

"I know you don't feel good but I'm here with you, okay? You'll feel better in no time, I promise because I'm going to take good care of you until you feel better."

"I love you."

"I love you even more." She smiled as she ran her fingers through your hair in comfort.

You drifted off to sleep again in her arms, hoping that she was right and that soon, you'd feel much better.

Lily Morrow Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now