kissing in front of the girls (requested)

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"There's my girl!" Lily cheerfully spoke as she watched you come downstairs. "I was wondering if you were going to get up anytime soon."

You dragged your feet across the floor as you walked over to her.

You yawned and rubbed your eyes before reaching her and putting your head on her shoulder.

It's almost ten am and the girls have the day off.

You stayed over last night with Lily and figured you'd get to sleep in a little and cuddle with her this morning.

But, instead, you woke up to an empty bed because she was hungry and decided to make breakfast with the girls.

"It's not even ten am." You pouted at her. "I thought we'd cuddle but I woke up to cold sheets instead of your warm arms."

"I'm sorry, my love. I woke up hungry and the girls wanted to make breakfast so I figured it'd be fun. I was going to bring you some."

"It's okay." You said as your lips tugged into a smile. "Where's my morning kiss?"

She smiled and put everything in her hands down so she could cup your cheeks in her hands and steal a kiss from your lips.

She could taste the mint on your lips from your toothpaste since you brushed your teeth before coming down, just like she had a few minutes ago before she came downstairs.

You smiled against her lips and she pulled you a little closer as her hands fell to your hips.

"Hey," Jinsol said as she tossed a piece of her food at you and Lily.

"What'd you do that for?" Lily asked as she pulled away from the kiss.

"Because I'm trying to eat here. I'd rather not watch you suck your girlfriend's face off while I do so."

"Yeah, it's too early for you to be making out," Haewon mumbled.

Lily shook her head with a grin as she pulled you in for another kiss.

You put your arms around her and she hummed against your lips.

There's nothing better than kissing her and with just one brush of her lips on yours, you turn to putty in her hands.

"Excuse me? Do you two mind? I would like to keep my breakfast down, thank you very much." Kyujin said, making you and Lily laugh.

"I have a solution for all of you," Lily said as she looked at the girls. "Just don't look."

You laughed as she kissed you again.

"You're so affectionate." You spoke against her lips. "I love kissing you."

"I love kissing you too, baby girl." She whispered before raising her voice slightly. "I could do it all day long."

"If you plan to do that, get a room then!" Sullyoon laughed.

Lily hummed a few times as she continued to kiss you, purposely and playfully trying to annoy the girls.

You pulled away with a laugh before pulling away.

"Alright, what did you all make for breakfast? I'm starving." You said.

"You two can only join us for breakfast if you promise not to makeout at the table," Jiwoo warned, making the girls laugh.

"We won't make out at the table," Lily assured as she came up behind you, her hand falling against the small of your back. "But once we're done, no promises."

You shook your head with a smile as the girls all groaned, rolled their eyes, or laughed in response.

"I love you so much," Lily whispered against your shoulder as she kissed your skin softly.

"I love you too, baby." You happily said back to her, making the girls smile.

At the end of the day, the teasing they gave you and Lily is all in good fun.

It's obvious how truly in love you and Lily are and that's all that ever matters to the girls.

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