fighting in front of the girls (requested)

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You were practically jumping up and down with excitement as you watched Lily pull into the driveway.

You hurried over to the front door and as soon as it opened just a moment later, you threw your arms around your girlfriend to give her the biggest hug that you possibly could.

"Aw," Sullyoon smiled as she walked past you and Lily, finding you two absolutely adorable.

"Alright, gosh," Lily said as she pulled away from you. "I was only gone for the day. You act as though I haven't been home for a year."

Her words caused a pang of hurt to appear in your chest but you brushed it off quickly, telling yourself that it was no big deal.

Sure, you might seem a little clingy at times but you can't help it.

You love Lily so much and even though she was only gone for the day at practice, you missed her.

"How was your day?" You asked as Haewon closed the door behind her as she and the other girls stepped into your' and Lily's house.

"Fine," Lily said before plopping on the sofa with a sigh.

"I didn't expect the girls to come back with you today." You quietly said. "But it's cool. Because I'm making dinner and there will be more than enough to go around."

"That's very nice, Y/N. Thank you." Kyujin said.

"I'm not hungry," Lily said. "The girls and I are planning to hang out so whatever you're making you should count on eating by yourself."

She stood up as Jiwoo pouted slightly.

"I think we can all decide that for ourselves, Lily. Gosh, just because you're cranky doesn't mean we are and I, for one, would love some of Y/N's delicious cooking."

You just smiled at Jiwoo, her kind words making you feel good.

"Are you sure? Have you had her cooking before?" Lily asked, making Bae gasp.

"Lily! That's not nice."

"Why are you in such a bad mood today?" You asked your girlfriend.

She folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at you.

"Seriously, what did I do? I haven't said much to you since you walked through the door. Your attitude is bad and it needs to stop." You said.

"I'll stop with the attitude when you stop being a pain in the neck." She argued. "I come home after a long day and the first thing you do is throw yourself on me. I need space and time to relax, not to be clung to like a little koala. You're clingy and it gets very annoying sometimes."

Her words hurt.

Because you can be pretty clingy sometimes.

But, again, it's just because you love her a lot.

"I told you that I always get insecure about being clingy with you and until today, you have always calmed my worries and told me that you liked it." You said.

"Well, not today. Today you're just a pain and I wish you'd leave me alone!"

"Lily!" Haewon loudly spoke. "Stop it. You're being very mean and for no reason at all."

"Maybe you should go to bed." You spoke as you shook your head.

"Maybe you should stop being a nuisance and go away." She argued. "I should've just gone back to Sullyoon's."

"With this attitude? You wouldn't be welcomed." Sullyoon said.

"She's right. Lily, if you had a bad day or you're stressed that's one thing. But you should never take it out on your girlfriend." Bae spoke.

"Whatever," Lily grumbled. "Stop lecturing me. Tell her to stop getting on my last nerve. I won't be in such a bad mood then."

"I didn't do anything!" You defended.

"You don't have to. You're just annoying." Lily replied as you scoffed at her.

"I don't need you clinging to me or cooking me and my friends' dinner. I want you to give me a break. Get out of my hair and just go away. Sometimes I don't even want you here." She mumbled.

That was it for you.

The tears wouldn't stop falling.

You couldn't hold them back because her words hurt and you can't deny that, even if you tried.

"This is just as much my house as it is yours." You said as you looked at her. "I can't call it a home right now because until now it felt like home just because I had you with me. You've been my home. But then you call me names and point out my insecurities and you say such hurtful things to me for no reason!"

By now, Lily was calming down.

Seeing you crying was enough to make her snap out of the bad mood she'd been in and she felt her heart breaking along with yours as you cried.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said those things but-"

"Don't!" You yelled as she tried to grab your hands. "Have fun sleeping on the couch or one of the guest rooms tonight. Better yet, go to Sullyoon's just as you so badly wanted to. Go anywhere as long as it's away from me."

You hurried up the stairs as she yelled for you to come back, repeatedly saying that she was so very sorry.

But it wasn't enough.

You didn't turn around.

You just ran to the bedroom and slammed the door before turning the lock.

The air was thick as Lily sat on the bottom step and the girls stared her down.

"You don't have to say it. I screwed up, I know it."

"Yeah but you deserve to be told it after what you did and said to her." haewon said.

"You screwed up, Lily. You screwed up bad." Jiwoo said.

"I don't know how you're going to get her to forgive you. You better figure it out because she is amazing and she deserves to be appreciated." Sullyoon spoke. "And you're still not welcome to stay at my place. You're staying here. You're going to make this right. Because she loves you so much and you better make sure she knows you love her just as much. I'm warning you!"

Sullyoon wasn't even joking.

She was truly warning her, Lily could see it in her eyes.

But it came from a place of love because Sullyoon loves you like the close friend you are and always has been to her since you and Lily got together.

And she loves Lily too, though she won't say it right now because she's angry.

"You have so much making up to do. If she asks for it, you better beg on your knees for forgiveness. Because Y/N adores you, you're her entire world. And she deserves so much better than what you just did to her." Haewon said.

"Come on, let's go." Jiwoo sighed as she and the girls got up and left, leaving Lily alone with her thoughts and regrets.

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