Chapter Fifty-five

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Winston was chosen to be my ride as he was the most familiar with the city and its residents. Lance stayed home because he couldn't keep me very warm on the way. Since I had just recovered from a cold, that was not allowed. Harvey also stayed home for being only a single-stiped beast. After the incident with Rosa and Bai, we couldn't guarantee the Ape King's castle would be safe. Of course that meant Kit stayed back with papa Lance.

I was still in my spaghetti strapped green and white Mrs. Santa dress, but knee high sherpa boots and a thigh length black mink fur coat was added. It was too hot, but my mates wouldn't let me leave the house without them.

I leaned into Winston's broad and fluffy back, enjoying the closeness. He had a slightly musky odor, but more noticeable than that was the smell of campfire. Heating my bath that morning had let the smoke cling to him. It smelled like comfort.

The Ape King's castle takes about thirty minutes to get to, navigating through the winding roads of the city. Winston knew the city like the back of his hand, and I suspect that he was taking us down side streets to limit the number of single male beasts who saw me.

About fifteen minutes into the ride, Winston stopped. His body was rigid with caution.

"What is it?" I asked, barely letting my voice whisper.

Morphing his tongue in order to reply, he said, "Smells like wolf."*

Though I knew I wouldn't be able to see anything if they didn't want to be seen, I still scanned our surroundings. As I looked, a shadow took on mass and a familiar black wolf stepped out into the sunlight.*

"Shuu?" I couldn't help but ask, surprised by the soldier's appearance.

Winston visibly relaxed but stayed where he was.

The wolf trotted closer and stood squarely in front of us. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

The wolf looked nervous, glancing this way and that with his ears twitching in all directions to catch the faintest of sounds. When he felt that we were the only beasts around, he shifted into his beastman form and looped the pelt he had brought with him around his waist.

"Bailey, don't go to the Ape King's castle. It isn't safe." He pleaded.

Winston growled at the mention of danger.

"What do you mean Shuu?" If he had taken the time to find and warn me, it was serious.

"Rosa is planning on ambushing you there and the Tiger King and Ape King plan on turning a blind eye. Even my father..." He looked down in shame and couldn't finish his sentence.

Damn Rosa and her inability to evolve. At least it sounded like her plan was the same as the novel. In truth, though I hadn't forgotten this had happened, I HAD forgotten that it was today.

I stood up straight. Thankfully, something had already changed. Shuu knew about the plan ahead of time. I looked around us again.

"Are you both sure we're alone?" I asked nervously. If today was the wolf's death day, a little paranoia didn't hurt.

They both nodded.

"Shuu, how did you come by this information?" I asked suspiciously. Even his attempt to help us could be a trap.

"... My brother, Bart. Though Rosa may break their bond over this, he told me in hopes that I would pass on the information to you and that you would be merciful. He knows how strong your mates are and didn't doubt that this plan would fail one way or another." His ears went back in worry for his brother.

Now that's new. Her favored mate betrayed her in hopes of saving her. How bizarre. And yet, he may have just achieved his goal.

I thought about this information and what I could do with it. I sure as hell wasn't running back home with my tail between my legs. I was done playing nice and I'd had enough of trying to save fools. I was also running out of patience with the Ape King and his machinations. It's not like either of them were going to stop if I just laid low. Lance had already shown himself and though it would seem as though the witnesses hadn't quite grasped how powerful he really was, they at least knew he was no no-stripe. They had also witnessed a female give off beast pressure and knowing the Ape King, if he found out, he would try to use that information against me. In spite of that, or maybe because of it, my fear of those in power had waned.

Besides, it wasn't as though my family was weak. Over the past couple months, Winston had often sparred with the snake and was now stronger than ever. Even Harvey had gotten better at using the power his single mark gave him. We'd also gained a very good reputation in the Wolf King's quarter thanks to Harvey's skill and his use of modern techniques. He even told me some of his patients spreading rumors about how admirable I was for identifying a deadly plant and removing the threat.

Both males were looking at me, waiting for my decision. Shuu looked confused as to why I hadn't turned around. A plan was forming in my head but it would require some sacrifices from all of my mates. If it worked

I looked down at my beautiful tiger and as he was the only one next to me, asked for his thoughts. "Winston. If you had to fight against your brother, would you win?"

He turned his big head to look at me, wondering what I was getting at. Then he nodded.

"What if you weren't allowed to kill him?" I probed.

His ears went back and he bared his teeth in distaste. It was easier to kill someone in battle than to purposely leave them alive, especially if your strengths were similar levels. But he again nodded.

I gave his scruff a squeeze. "I have a plan. I hope it doesn't come to a fight between you two, but I wanted to be sure before we move forward."

Shuu, realizing I wasn't backing down from this confrontation asked, "How can I help?"

I looked up at the wolf whose fate I was trying to change, "Later, I will need you to get a message to your brother for me. But for now, I need you to convey my plan to my family waiting for me at home."

I then quietly told both the wolf and my tiger how I hoped things would proceed from here. When everyone had the information they needed, Winston and I continued our short trek to the Ape King's castle and Shuu headed for the clinic.

*novel is inconsistent about when/if they speak in beast form. I am writing as though they can, but they don't bother to do it often, instead, opting to change form completely.

*Previously wrote Shuu has having grey fur but he's actually a black wolf. Will be changing previous chapters to match.

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