Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two

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With the business in the courthouse settled, we all moved to leave as well. My kings gave me some PDA with Winston giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Tristan brushing his tail across my waist. The cubs bounced in the basket at the sight of their papa. Harvey handed them over as Winston reached out to take them. Though Kit was everyone's cub, Baek and Tora were under Winston's authority. When he was around, he took them.

As a family unit, we moved to the doors that were still being held open by Carl and Patrick. Neither guard could help themselves from giving the mermaid admiring glances. Outside we could see males of all kinds jumping to get a better look at the female who stood at the top of the courthouse steps evaluating them. Alva, Muir, and Oliver were also present. The males looked like they wanted to surge forward but were held back by the intimidating aura Laura and the other four females were giving off. Laura and the girls stood facing Qin with their arms crossed and a similar expression of evaluation. Qin looked smug. The courthouse known by most villagers as "house of dating" and not court as in tribunal, was living up to its name.

"Let me show you around female!"

"No. Me! I know where all the prettiest places are and my house is close to the lake. You can stay with me."

"No. His house is small. Stay with me!"

"His cooking is terrible. I can make you anything you want. Stay with me!"

While Winston and Tristan allowed her to stay in the village, they hadn't brought up accommodations. We had a few empty shelters that were for refugees from the city but for the mate of the nearby mer clan, I doubted that would good enough. If we played our cards right, we may be able to negotiate rather favorable trade agreements with the mer clan but that meant treating her well until they showed up to take her home. Earning her ire by taking her home against her wishes could lead to her using the mers against us.

I moved up next to Qin, who gave me a look of contempt. The crowd quieted at my appearance I addressed everyone present. "The female guest and the eagles will stay in the courthouse spare rooms until her mates arrive." I emphasized the words 'guest' and 'mates' to ensure the males knew she wasn't staying and wasn't single despite the lack of marks.

The eagles that had come with here had defensive postures but after my words, relaxed a little. They wouldn't be leaving her side anytime soon and were relieved to know they wouldn't be kicked out of her shadow by the villagers. This situation made me regret not having built an inn. But the courthouse was large enough and comfortable enough that with some furs and minor furnishings, it could be sufficiently comfortable. And I was positive her admirers would provide her all the creature comforts she desired. It was better than her picking a random male here and moving in with him.

I couldn't prevent Qin from looking for mates amongst the villagers. While the idea that they might be left high and dry on the beach in a few days' time made me frown, the males had to make their own decisions. It wasn't as though Qin was any worse personality-wise than the majority of females in this world. She prioritized strength over looks and hadn't taken another mate the whole time she'd been with the Ape King. If I really thought about her story, she was more naïve and sheltered than even the most precious females on land. She was like an aggressive rescue animal whose personality wouldn't develop until moved into the right environment. Who she genuinely was, was yet to be seen in the same way Alva and Muir had yet to show me who they really were. Too many beasts change their personalities to fit the one they crave attention from.

The single males pouted at losing the chance to whisk her away and monopolize her but beasts are nothing if not adaptable. They immediately switched gears to offering tours, food, and gifts. The females at the front had expressions darkening with each passing moment. Males that had been catering to them were now switching objectives and even if feelings hadn't been mutual, no one likes it when you are suddenly put in second place. I myself caught myself frowning at the awestruck look on Alva's face. Muir's and Oliver's placid looks eased the tugging at my illogical feelings.

I internally kicked myself for even having sought them out for their reactions. Who Muir and Alva chose to court was none of my business. Olly on the other hand, I refused to let him turn in to a simp for some spoiled princess. I would find him someone better. Someone like Molly from the novel. She was sweet but also strong-willed without being arrogant.

Qin turning around to face the courthouse brought me out of my thoughts that had a habit of spiraling lately. She smirked at me before skipping past me and grabbing onto Carl's arm. She looked at him with a coy smile.

"You'll show me around, won't you?" More of a statement than a question.

Carl blushed a little but looked to Winston for permission. Both Winston and I frowned harder but we were on the same wavelength when it came to business tactics and nodded his approval. It wasn't unexpected. She had chosen one of the strongest males and he may have been someone she recognized. Carl was still unmated as he took his duties very seriously. A workaholic as it were, but that didn't mean he was undesired. A few of the females present had displeased expressions and were walking off in a huff.

"I would also like to spend some time introducing our village and its rules to our guests. May I?" This coming form Laura who was the epitome of elegance. She wasn't asking Qin, she was asking me.

I had no idea what she had up her sleeves but nodded all the same. With a pleased smile she had her mates take her up the stairs to stand beside Qin and Carl. The cubs followed.

It was Tristan who brought the welcome wagon to a stop, "All of you get back to work. If you want to speak with the guests, wait until she has had a chance to get comfortable. Disperse." Tristan was known for being soft on the females but strict with the males. I had a feeling his time in Flame City had made him a bit prejudice in ways. The males didn't argue. They knew nothing good would come of it. With disappointed faces and a bit of whining, they did as they were told and soon only a couple females, the mated, Patrick and Carl, and the eagles were left.

As if on cue, my kittens started to make a fuss. They had been sitting still too long for their level of patience and began mewling at their papa. I gave Winston a 'translate please' look.

"They want to go see Kit and Lance." He said plainly.

I smiled obligingly. "I guess we're going to the lake. I was going to show them sometime today anyway."

"That sounds like the perfect first stop. We shall join you." Said Laura with a twinkle in her eye.

Still unsure what she was planning, I easily agreed and though Qin was pouting a bit at being told what to do and where to go, she couldn't hide the childlike excitement she was feeling at getting to see new places. Still clinging to Carl's arm and shadowed by the eagles, the still too large group headed down to the shore in search of my favorite cubsitter.

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