Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

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As though my kittens were sympathizing with Muir's injuries, a strong cramp hit my stomach just as Muir hit the ground, but I was too overwhelmed by the events unfolding in front of me to do more than wince.

The villagers and my mates reacted quickly, encircling Curtis. Only Shuu stayed by my side and I didn't have the luxury to look behind me at my own snake. The crimson snake was relaxed and entirely unperturbed at the possibility of facing so many beasts at once. He readied himself for the fight and was confident in his ability to win.

A blur of orange whizzed past me and through the legs of the tense beasts. "Nooo!" I screamed. Kit was running to Muir! Curtis, noticing the first creature to get within range, struck his tail out at the cub to crush him. What looked to be a shadow enveloped my cub just before the scales struck down. A cloud of dust exploded into the air from the strong impact. At the same time the shadow with my cub escaped from the cloud and rolled until hitting a tree stopped their momentum. The shadow was Tristan. He had taken the blow and protected my Kit. Shuu and I ran to their side. Kit rolled out of Tristan's arms shaken but unhurt. Tristan, however, had been knocked out cold. His back was a bloody and bruised mess that looked like he'd been hit by a car.

I fell to my knees and pulled Kit protectively into my arms. Harvey hurried over and began to look over Tristan for life threatening injuries.

"Stop!" cried a female voice. Bai, riding atop Parker had likely come with Curtis but only now decided to speak up. "Curtis! Don't hurt anyone else. Please!"

Curtis frowned at the restriction his mate was placing upon him when all he wanted to do was wipe out every male that had taken the side of the eagle who had tried to burn him alive. He shifted into his half form and hissed at the crowd, "The eagle tried to kill me. I'm just returning the favor. If you don't want to die with him, I suggest you back off."

His thought process in this world wasn't wrong and many of the beasts might've agreed with his logic as they didn't back away but they didn't attack either. They were waiting for direction from their kings but one was now out of commission. Winston shifted to his beastman form.

The Tiger King, exuding anger, power and dominance spoke first, "Muir was brought to our village under our protection. With complete disregard for our rules, you entered our territory and sought vengeance. You also attacked my cub." His facial features distorted in rage. "I should kill you for that. Even if you are a feral, such actions will not be tolerated. Provide the antidote for your venom and leave our village at once."

"No." He replied simply. Curtis, as a feral would only ever listen to one person's orders. His mate's. And even then, only if he agreed with her. He attacked instead. A brawl broke out, twenty vs one. But only Winston was strong enough to hold his ground. I watched in horror as villagers were sent flying with broken limbs and bleeding heads.

Over the sound of fighting a silky voice caressed my ear, "Kill, maim, or capture. Tell me what you want love." Lance crouched at my side, his finger tracing my earlobe as though he had all the time in the world. Lance was exceptionally good at hiding his presence and smothering his beast pressure. No one but Shuu and me had noticed him yet. When Tristan's body had hit the tree he had been relaxing in, he had decided it was time to step in.

I wanted Curtis dead. I really did. No matter how much I enjoyed reading about his character, reality clearly showed him to be the selfish monster he was. But the reason I hadn't asked for his death thus far popped up in my mind. To survive this world long enough to get back to her own, Bai needed him. This would be my last favor to her.

"Capture." I whispered.

Lance tsked and then left my side at the speed of light. Blood lust washed over the still entangled fighters and everyone without a death wish lunged away looking for somewhere to hide. It was all they could do to not run screaming. Again, it was only Winston who held his ground. Curtis, though now unhindered, tensed where he was in apprehension. It felt like death himself had come to collect his soul and when he saw the green snake leisurely walking towards him, he wasn't sure that it was all that different.

Knowing he would not be able to win this fight, Curtis attempted to flee. He launched himself towards Bai and Parker, at the same time ordering them to run. But Lance was faster. In his bipedal form, he swiftly moved in front of Curtis and with one hand slammed the snake's head into the ground creating a cloud of dust twice the size of the one Curtis had made earlier. I had said capture but it appeared my mate was intent on a bit of maiming.

With his head pinned under the immense strength of the green snake, his tail thrashed wildly and anyone still close by had to dive for safety.

"No!" Bai was being held in Parker's arms as she pushed at him and tried to reach her feral mate. Everyone viewed Curtis's thrashings as death throes, but when the snake finally tired and the dust settled, they could see the wide terror-ridden eyes of the snake moving about frantically in his still unbroken head.

"Shift." Ordered Lance and the words held a power that Curtis was unable to resist. Like being forced through a sieve, his snake form retracted and his half beastman form was pushed through. His head was covered in blood and his jaw looked dislocated. Lance held the snake by his neck and lifted him upright. "The antidote."

Curtis's eyes moved to the scale on his tail and forced the painful words through his mouth. "Tip. scale."

Lance dropped Curtis's upper body and then grabbed his tail without giving him a chance to move. With zero delicacy, Lance found the scale and ripped it from the snake's skin. Curtis hissed in pain. Lance ignored him. My mate dropped the tail and leisurely walked to where Oliver was crouching over Muir, preventing the seizing eagle from damaging his head. Lance handed the scale to Oliver who immediately released Muir's head and crushed the scale on a boulder with a rock. Once ground into a fine power, he took a nearby cup of juice and mixed it in the liquid. He carefully poured it into Muir's mouth and forced him to swallow. Oliver's hands were strong enough to keep Muir still long enough for the antidote to be administered and as soon as it was, the muscles on the eagle's body relaxed. He lay limply on the ground. I couldn't tell if the antidote was working or if Muir had succumbed to the venom and died.

I wrenched my eyes away from the sight and back to where Bai had reached Curtis's side and was looking over his wounds. She tried to wipe away the blood pouring over his face with a fur she'd had in her luggage, but the blood just soaked through it. She had to pull out another one in order to wipe his face enough to find where the wounds were. There were many. His head was badly damaged, but he wouldn't die. He may suffer from headaches for the rest of his life and it was the only thought that eased the anger in my heart.

His job done, Lance leaned against a tree and looked at me. It was my turn. I handed my scared Kit to Shuu and rose to my feet. Winston was at my side before I'd fully risen and had an arm wrapped around my shoulder. Heads held high, we walked to where Curtis lay stunned, Bai fussing over him and Parker standing protectively in front of them.

Bai saw me approach and looked at me with pleading eyes. What was she asking for? A healer? A friend? It didn't matter. I was done being either.

The eyes of my injured villagers were on me as they waited in anticipation for their Queen's justice.

My normally warm amber eyes were colder than stone as I looked at Bai and she cowered.

With anger, resentment and disappointment, I gave the three one short command. "Leave and never come back."

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