Chapter Fifty-seven

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The cool, calculating voice of the Ape King filled the small space as he let himself in the single, narrow door, "You wished to meet with me?"

I did not get up to greet him. Instead I crossed my legs and gestured to the other sofa as though the room I was in wasn't his castle, by mine. He sneered at my arrogance but sat all the same.

My clear voice cut the air, "Ape King, it is my understanding that there are those who intend to make today my last. A certain princess was foolishly planning on taking my head with you and yours as witness. But I have a better idea. Such a plan would never work anyway, so I've come here to make you a deal. I know your greatest fear and your greatest desire. And I want you to join my side. In return, I will get you what you need and will keep your secret for as long as our relationship remains mutually beneficial." I was sure he could hear the nervous battering of my heart. I clenched my hands into fists, unwilling to show any more weakness than what I could not physiologically control.

His own hands were also clenched on his thighs as his calculative gaze went from me to the motionless Winston and back again, "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

I leaned back further into the sofa and ran my fingers lightly up and down Winston's thickly muscled forearm, needing to touch him. Then I looked at the ape from the corners of my eyes, "Let me speak plainly. You want an emerald. I have one. You also want my silence about your mate's origins, which you could achieve with my death if I hadn't already told my other mates where to find her tribe if I didn't return. I can give you what you want, including our silence, but in return, I want you to help me convince the other kings to exile the Tiger King and his female cub."

He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs and his chin on his fists as he pondered my intentions. His knuckles were turning white with how strongly he held onto himself, "That isn't-"

With a sneer, I cut him off, "Don't tell me it isn't possible. I'm not stupid enough to think you haven't been informed of what happened a few days ago between Rosa, Bai Qingqing and myself. And with today's little scheme, however you twist your words, I am confident you can find a way to convince them that the city's laws were broken by the tiger clan."

His eyes widened and he sat ramrod straight. "It's true then? Your feral male is stronger than the tetra-marked snake." I could feel the fear in his voice and it made my own nervousness slowly ebb away. For the millionth time I thanked the gods for putting me in Lance's path.

I didn't bother answering his question. I turned to face him fully, "Once the kings are convinced, I want them publicly exiled. Then I want you to declare Winston as Tiger King."

A crease appeared between his brows, "That would require a trial. The Tiger King could demand judgment by combat."

He wasn't wrong. No matter what crimes the strong commit, if they are strong, all can be forgiven. The beastworld's only cardinal rule is that the powerful are never wrong, "Yes. Might makes right. If it comes to that, my mates will handle it." In the corner of my heart, I hoped it wouldn't come to that.

"If you lose?" He ventured.

I knew the only way Winston would lose a fight against his brother was if it wasn't fair. We would need to prepare for any underhanded tactics. "Then I promise you lose nothing. But if we win, you have everything to gain." Internally I finished; that is why you should chose my side Ape King. Betrayal will only leave you bloody.

He was silent for a time before pointing out one hole in the plan, "The other kings wont easily agree. There isn't anything in it for them."

I was prepared for it, "The Leopard King will agree as the Leopard Queen's favored cub's female was the one attacked. That only leaves the Wolf King. Don't think anyone hasn't noticed that he follows your words as though they were law. ...But if you must have something to convince him, since his prodigal son Bart will be leaving with Rosa, I will agree to take Shuu as a mate."

There it was. The first formal proposal for an arranged marriage among beast kings. I could feel Winston tense behind me.

The Ape King searched my eyes for deception, "...You would tie the clans, allying the tigers with the wolves. I see." He nodded, "That should work. but why bother with exile. If your mates are so powerful you could just have them killed."

Also true but as a soul from the modern era, killing would only be my last resort. "I like peace. Peace achieved by violence never lasts long." I reasoned.

He stroked his non-existent facial hair, "Hmmm. What about selling the Tiger King's mate and Rosa for resources?"

I grimaced. Bloody monkey thinks the same as ever. Being sold could often be only one step below becoming a play thing of Flame City. Death was often a better fate, "Exile, Ape King. I want them exiled."

He conceded, "Very well. Should I even ask how you came to know so many secrets?"

Anxious to leave now that he'd agreed, I stood to leave, "Why don't you ask the gods yourself. Perhaps I am favored by the beast diety." I said flippantly.

I moved around the sofa and Winston placed me back in his safe arms.

Noticing my intention to end the conversation, the ape couldn't help but ask a question he'd had since he'd heard about the altercation days ago. "Is that why you have beast pressure?"

Trying to be nonchalant, I shrugged noncommittally. Tension caused the back of my neck to throb. I had hoped he hadn't heard about that part.

Winston, sensing my sour mood turned towards the door, but the ape had one final question.

"And how do I know you won't back out of our deal."

I grinned at him, "You don't. You'll just have to trust me. It isn't like your other options are any better."

He looked dumbfounded. Winston opened the door, stepped out and shut it behind us. It wasn't until we were back in the auditorium that I remembered to breathe. He looked down at me with worry but I just leaned into him, seeking the comfort of his presence as I counted out my inhales and exhales. 

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