Chapter One Hundred and Three

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Bai had brought a stir-fry of wild vegetables and duck meat. I was so focused on the delicious meal that it wasn't until we'd finished eating that we started talking.

Completely sated, I leaned back and placed a hand over my full belly, "That was delicious Qingqing. Thank you for bringing breakfast over. Is there a special occasion or are the other females in the village simply poor company?"

"I wanted to talk to you about our conversation yesterday. I-I think Muir might be hiding something from me. He never told me that it was possible to sense Parker and Curtis through the marks. And whenever I brought them up, he avoided the topic and would even seem irritated."

I nodded my head in understanding. "I believe you. What male would like it if they finally got to spend time alone with the female they desired but that female could only think about other males?"

She looked confused, "But Parker and Curtis are my mates. Muir isn't"

I snapped my fingers and pointed at her, "Exactly. All the more reason he feels the need to monopolize you."

She seemed taken aback, "So what are you saying? Are you saying I should make him my mate so he won't be so jealous?"

Of course, that is what she thought I meant. That tactic would have worked half a year ago but not now. "No. You said you think he's hiding something from you. You have suspicions about your mates' whereabouts, and you think Muir might know where they are but isn't telling you. Right?"

She nodded her head.

"And every time to try to bring it up, he avoids it. So what are you going to do if you find out all your suspicions are true? That he knows where Parker and Curtis are but he's been keeping you from them. What will you do then?" I asked, curious if she would feel the same killing intent as she had in the novel.

She clenched her hands into fists and her expression turned livid. "I wouldn't ever speak to Muir again. If that really is the case, then he deserves to be alone for the rest of his life."

She was speaking in anger but unlike the novel, she hadn't said she wished him dead. But that could change because she didn't know about Curtis and the fire yet.

I leaned forward, resting my arms on my knees, "Then you'll need to be more assertive. If you want him to tell you his secrets, you will need to stand up for yourself and stop using his caring actions as an excuse to let the truth slide."

Offended at the jab at her personality, she sat ramrod straight, "That's not what I've been doing! I've been very clear that I don't want any more mates and my only desire is to get back to Curtis and Parker! He just-!"

I interrupted her excuses, "Are you sure you haven't been passively waiting for everything to resolve itself instead of taking your future into your own hands?"

She looked betrayed by my words, "How can you say that? Would it have been better if I had just died instead of relied on Muir?"

I waved off the dramatic questions, "I didn't say you can't rely on males, but you also still haven't learned to effectively communicate with them so they don't take advantage of you. You can't expect males to be forthcoming if you haven't taken a genuine interest in them.

She crossed her arms defensively in front of her, "And you're an expert, are you? You don't think your males hide anything from you? You don't think they do things behind your back? You don't think they fight with each other over you?"

I leaned back, relaxing into the wall behind me, "Oh I'm sure they do. And I'll admit I allow a certain level of secrecy from them. But when I ask them a clear question, I expect an honest answer and I give them that same respect. As for time spent with me, they know it would be pointless to fight over that, because I made my own schedule that ensures everyone gets time. The benefit of having more than a couple mates is if one becomes too spoiled or too greedy, the others will work together to keep things equal. I take the time to listen to each of their concerns even if I can't resolve them. I also take the time to be intimate with them as frequently as the situation allows. Holding back intimacy is a common mistake females make with their mates. It leads to the males fighting each other to attract her attention. Some females enjoy that, but I find it detrimental to a harmonious family." I could go on and on about the various methods to make a polyandric relationship work.

"How can you stop them teaming up and bullying the weakest mate?"

I pursed my lips a little in irritation. I swear all she got from my monologue was, 'have more mates'. "Why would they bully someone when they know it will cause me to pay more attention to him? Plus, there is a difference between bullying and working out their disagreement with fists"

Bai was quiet for a moment. She was probably trying to decide if Curtis beating the crap out of Parker all the time was bullying or not.

I sighed a little, "Qingqing, I'll admit, I am no expert. I've made mistakes and my bossy personality has gotten me into trouble. There are times when I fail to really listen because I think I know better. I'm trying to work on that. I can't say that everyone in my family is one hundred percent satisfied, but I never stop striving for it without sacrificing my own needs in the process."

I stood up from my spot on the floor and walked towards the door. We could talk about relationships all day, but it wouldn't really fix the matter at hand. "In any case, I think we've gone off topic a bit. To be honest, I'm not sure how you can resolve things with Muir, but I do know that if you can't stand around waiting for him to be honest, get an escort to take you outside the village and use the marks to try and find your mates yourself. If you want, in a few days once the temporary shelters my mates are building have been finished we can go together." I offered.

She looked at me from her spot on the floor noticing the subtle dismissal, then spoke as she started to rise, "I would appreci-"

She didn't finish her sentence because she never fully got to her feet. She stumbled and collapsed forward. Reflexively I caught her in my arms.

"Damnit Qingqing! When were you going to tell me you were ill!?" Her forehead resting against my cheek was hot as an oven and she slumped as she lost all strength in her too skinny body.

"HARVEY!" I yelled for my healer mate as I laid the girl in my nest. The little idiot had neglected her health to a dangerous degree and hadn't shown me even a hint of it. Somehow I understood now how Muir might have thought everything was fine despite her being abused by Bella and Alva.

Annoyed, I flicked her on her burning forehead before heading for the door to request the supplies we would need to get her fever down. It was going to be a long day.

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