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Second day of school and I really couldn't wait for the last class to be dismissed yet. I really didn't want to go today. I had to phase two people I really didn't want to. First one was Hannah, who probably wouldn't forgive me and second one was the big bad wolf. I didn't want to see any of them.

After a while, I finally decided to dress up and go. I didn't have a choice and honestly, I couldn't avoid them forever. As soon as I arrived I noticed that barely no one was outside of the school. I was late. The class had already started and I had to hurry. I got in there quick. Mrs Clark, the history teacher, looked at me and said << You're late Miss Turner>>.

<< I know and I'm sorry but I forgot to set an alarm>>

Lie. I always avoided lying because I wanted to be an honest person. Well that didn't go well.

<< Please take your seat and make sure this won't happen again>>

<< Yes Mrs Clark>>

I looked around searching for seats but there were all taken. Except from one. Guess which one. Of course he would have been there to ruin my day again. Mrs Clark was getting even angrier and I couldn't stand still any longer. So I had no other choice than sit next to him. I played it cool and casual like nothing ever happened. The truth is I was seething from anxiety. Mrs Clark continued her lesson and I was willing to take notes.

<< Hey there Lottie>>

There was no way that happened. And I thought my life couldn't get any worse.

<< Why did you call me that?>>

<< That's your name, isn't it?>>

<< Only friends get to call me>>

<< And am I not you friend?>>

<< In your dreams maybe, in real life though, not a chance>>

I was trying to avoid him because sooner or later I would have definitely gotten a detention.

<< Class dismissed>>, Mrs Clark said.

<< Finally>>, I said a little too loud.

<< Why, you don't like my company?>>

<< I don't think so>>

On lunch break, I decided to look out for Hannah because I hadn't seen her at all today. Maybe she wasn't planning on coming to school after what I did to her. She probably wouldn't want to see me. And I totally understand. I just hoped that someday she would forgive me.

Hannah was nowhere found. I spent the rest of the lunch time, sitting alone in our table. She always loved that table and she never lets anybody else sit in there. It is only ours, that's what she says.

We were finally on our last class. I couldn't wait to get out of here. I personally found this last class really boring. I wasn't paying attention at all.

<< Let's see, who is gonna come up here and find the solution to this math problem? Charlotte. Charlotte Turner please come up here>>

Shit! I didn't know the answer. I went up there and tried to solve this thing as better as I could.
<<Well done Charlotte, great job>>, the teacher said.

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