The person I think about every day

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Today was relaxing at school. We didn't do much and I quite enjoyed that. I was so exhausted from this weekend so I deserved a break. I tried to avoid Ryan as much as I could but that didn't last for long. I would always meet him in the hallway but I tried not to talk to him at all for the day. That didn't work very well. As I was walking during lunch break, suddenly he pulled me back to the storage. He closed the door but didn't lock • I guess he respects me a little after all.

<<What the fuck are you doing? You scared me>>

<<Didn't mean to>>

<<Aren't you gonna say sorry for scaring me?>>

<<Why would I? Did you apologize for  avoiding my presence at the restaurant, yesterday? I don't think so>>

<<And why would I apologize for that?>>

<<That's my exact question for your issue>>


<<After all the help I provided to you, I get to be called an asshole? Well, thank you so much>>

<<You're welcome and as I said yesterday, you weren't forced to provide me any help if you didn't want to, so why did you do it, huh?>>

<<Because I wan-... Your friend begged me>>

<<I dare you to finish that sentence of yours and not lie to me>>

<<It's not a lie, I told you your friend asked for my help>>

<<Yesterday you said that you wouldn't do such thing if you didn't want to! Give me an explanation to that, will you!>>, I started yelling.

<<Well okay you wanna know the truth? Here you go • you're right, I said that yesterday because I actually meant it and really wanted to offer you help because you were a completely mess>>

<<You're not giving me an honest answer. Just fucking answer to my question and tell me why you wanted to help me!>>, I was screaming.

~And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?~

<<Because I care about you okay? I fucking do and I want you only mine and nobody else's! That's the fucking truth, deal with it!>>, he screamed too and opened the door violently with a kick of his and walked away.

I was in shock. I couldn't even move my legs to get out. What the fuck? No seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? Did Ryan fucking Scarface just confessed his feelings for me? No I must be dreaming. I managed to walk out of the storage and go have lunch  pretending that nothing happened while I was burning inside.

Ryan's pov:
I was fucking speechless and mad at the same time. I couldn't believe she managed to make me confess my fucking feeling to her. I felt like a fool. I am Ryan fucking Scarface, I don't confess my feelings to girls and usually that's not something needed. Not a single one of them has ever made me feel something. Why that one? Does she have a special place in my heart? No fucking way. Pull yourself together Ryan. You don't feel anything about her, do you Scarface? Do I?

Back to Charlotte's pov:
I went on with my day like nothing had happened. My mum was about to unpack in my house and move in with me. That would be so exciting, I couldn't wait. As for Ryan, I tried to take him out of my mind for good now but I don't think I managed to do that. I mean, can you blame me? After everything that happened you expect me to act all natural? Well that's not happening, I'm sorry. I didn't want to ruin the happy mood so I left all that behind and welcomed my mum to her new home.

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