Ready for it

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Going to school the next day made me feel surprisingly excited and all the things that happened the previous day are responsible for my feelings. Last night I sat down and finally cleared my head and decided to talk to my mum. It's now or never they say. Well I couldn't wait anymore, I had to talk to someone and that someone had to be her. I was going to arrange a dinner after school at a really nice restaurant to talk to her and clear things out. I think I was ready for it.

Before attending my first class, I had to find Hannah. We met in the hallway.

<<Hannah!>>, I shouted.

<<Oh hey, where have you been?>>

<<The right question is "where have you been">>

<<Well, you know, I was too lazy to come the other day>>

<<We need to talk>>

<<What happened? Also, how're you feeling?>>

<<Nothing bad happened and I'm okay I think but so many things happened yesterday which might seem very interesting to you>>

<<Is it Ryan? Please tell me it's him>>

<<You guessed it right>>


<<Shh, stop yelling>>

<<You have to tell me everything>>

<<Alright then, meet me at the cafeteria for lunch>>

<< See you there>>

Hannah left and went to her class. That was my plan too before I heard the usual voice.

<<Hey, beautiful>>

We're starting off strong, just great.

<<Hey you>>

<<How are you today?>>

<<Woah, you've never asked me that before>>

<<I was just trying to be nice but if you don't appre->>

<<I'm just kidding, come on, it seems that someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I'm fine, thanks for asking. How're you?>>

<<How do I look?>>

<< Not really good to be honest>>

<<Well done, you figured it out>>

<<Do you wanna talk?>>

<<First of all, not now, I don't like it here and secondly, why would I talk to you?>>

<< Because I ca-, I mean, I just want to help that's all, if you don't want to, that's okay>>

<< When should we meet for my essay?>>

There he is , he changed the subject. He seemed bothered, I wonder why.

<<Well Friday is good>>

<<Friday it is. At out spot?>>

<<Do we have our own spot?>>

<<I thought the library was>>

<<We've only been there once together>>

<<Don't worry, we will increase that number very soon>>

Woah, that was unexpected.

<<Okay let's meet there>>, I played along casually.

Two hours later, it was time for me to meet Hannah at the cafeteria for lunch. I couldn't wait to tell her all the tea. She had already found a table. I went there and joined her.


<<Hi Lottie>>

<<You won't believe what just happened>>

<<Trust me, I may know but tell me everything>>

<<Well let's start with yesterday's situation. I went at the library to study and guess what, of course I bumped into him, I'm not complaining thought. Anyways, we talked a bit, he flirted with me of course a->>

<<You mean you both flirted>>

<<Don't get stuck on details. Then, he suddenly started opening up to me about his unfair reputation and stuff. Honestly I didn't expect that to happen>>

<<Interesting, keep going>>

<< He also asked me to help him with an essay that Mrs. Clark had assigned him. He confirmed to me that he isn't "using" me only for my intelligence and good grades and that he just wants to improve his grades and reputation>>


<<So basically I agreed to help, provided I get something in return>>

<<And that would be?>>

<<I don't know yet, I'll think about it. Also, today I was going to class and I bumped into him again. He asked me how I was and stuff and then we set a "date" for his essay. He suggested we should meet at "our spot" which apparently is the library. I'm done now>>

<<Nice. You know, after all the things you said today, I think that he's into you and wants to see you more often>>


<<Nope. I know very well what I'm saying honey, it all started the day he saw you. It was love at first sight>>

<<Yeah sure Hannah. Not everything is a fairytale like in your fantasy. I'm not he's type>>

<<No offense but only you are his type. He's not like the usual players in our school, he's different>>

<<I hope so>>

<< What did you say?>>

<<Oh nothing>>

<<Ok I gotta go now, talk to you later, love you>>

<<Ok bye, love you too>>

She got up and left the cafeteria as I heard her screaming from the hallway.

<<I heard what you said earlier, I'm not deaf you know!>>

<<Oh fuck>>, I laughed.

I was ready to leave too but first I had to take care of something. I opened my phone and called my mum • it was finally time.

<<Hello? Charlotte?>>

<<Hi mum>>, I was shaking.

<< My god Charlotte, I was so worried for you, I thought you'd never call>>

<<It's okay I'm fine but before you say anything, I don't want to discuss this through the phone. That's why I want to invite you for dinner tonight so we can catch up>>

<<Yes of course I'd love to, just send me the address and I'll be there>>

<<Ok let's say around eight?>>

<<Yes perfect, can't wait to see you honey>>


She was thrilled that I called and I didn't want to ruin that for her. She deserves some happiness too, after all she isn't the one to blame. I understand that she couldn't control her excitement and I felt a little relieved too. There's no reason to give her the cold shoulder, instead of that I should welcome her to my new life for good. I couldn't wait to have her as my mother by my side.

Love is gonna get you killedWhere stories live. Discover now