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I woke up to the unexpected sound of "King of my heart" playing as a ringtone of mine. Who was calling me this early? I picked up the phone and I realized I didn't recognize the number. I answered it anyways.


<<Hello to you too, love>>

<<Who's this?>>, I found this voice recognisable, I wasn't sure who it was though. After a few seconds, I found out whose voice it was. He didn't even bother to answer my question.

<< How did you get my number?>>

<<I'm used to getting whatever and whoever I want, sweetheart>>

<<How many times do I have to tell you to get over yourself?>>

<<As many as it needs for me to understand that, which apparently it's never gonna happen>>

<< Whatever, what do you want?>>

<< I don't remember you talking to me like that yesterday when my tongue was exploring your throat>>


<<Of course it did>>, he said with the calmest but cold voice ever.

<<Ohmygodohmygodohmygod I'm going insane and I'm starting to forget things, I have amnesia>>

<<Relax, I'm just messing with you>>

<< What the fuck, asshole?>>

<<I enjoy teasing you>>

<<That's enough, just tell me what you want already, I don't have all day?>>

<<And what exactly have you planned for the day?>>

<<Well... Nothing but I can find something to do I guess>>

<<Great, you're coming to Nate's party then>>

<<First of all, who's Nate and why would I want to go to his party?>>

<<Nate's my best friend and you're coming because I said so>>

<<I don't remember the time I gave you permission to decide my life choices>>

<<You don't have to, darling. I'm Ryan fucking Scarface, I can do whatever I want>>

<<Alright mister, hold your horses. So you're telling me, that I've wasted ten minutes of my life to hear your horny ass talking and in conclusion asking me to go to a party? You have to be kidding me>>

<< You don't have anything better to do anyways>>

<<And how do you know?>>

<<You said it earlier. In fact, I'm starting to think that you have amnesia>>

<<Shut up>>

<<Oh before I forget, you can bring your blonde friend with you if you want>>

<<Thank god you told me, I hadn't thought about it at all>>

<<Don't play with me Charlotte. I'm telling you, if you don't take your pretty ass off the couch and come to the party, I swear, I'm gonna come there and get you myself>>

I swallowed painfully and my throat started hurting.

<<8 p.m on Nate's place>>

<<Where the fuck is->>, he ended the call. What a jerk.

Love is gonna get you killedWhere stories live. Discover now