Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I'd been betrayed

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The next day, I immediately told Hannah about the video. I wanted her opinion about it first and then I guess I would d to say it to the other girls too. She told me that it was probably taken by a mean girl from our school who would definately have a crush on Ryan. I mean who wouldn't? Anyways, let's pretend I didn't say that and continue with the case. After Hannah saw the video she also told me that it must be edited. I didn't quite believe her because it seemed so realistic, and I didn't think that a mean girl from our school would know how to edit. Unless she had hired someone to do that job for her. I still believed the video is real,though.

While me and Hannah were facetiming, I thought of something crazy. I know I wasn't thinking straight but I started to believe it was going to work.

<<Hannah I gotta go now>>

<<Where are you going?>>

<<I... I can't tell you>>


<<It's a secret>>

<<Whatever you're thinking about doing, it's not gonna work, Charlotte>>

<<I don't even care, I just want to do it because it'll make me feel better>>

<<Well, that's something I wouldn't even say. Please don't do something stupid, you'll regret it>>

<<You know what, everyone makes mistakes, don't they?>>

<<Charlotte, I'd advise you not to do anything your mind is telling you to>>

<<Hannah honey, you're my best friend and I love you but I choose not to listen to you this time and do what my mind says me to. Talk to you later, love ya!>>

<<Charlotte wait->>

I ended the call and did something I knew I'd regret later. I set off for Ryan's house. I literally didn't know anything about his location or street or literally anything, I just decided to do this. I also didn't know anything about his family status and stuff like that because he never told me anything about them, neither did I. Of course I wasn't thinking, of course I didn't know where to go or what to say or how to act. I was just going to act normal and say whatever comes to mind. That's the plan. And no, I don't have a plan B.

I tried to locate his house by going to his friend's house where the party was a couple of weeks ago. I bet he lived near him, didn't he? I was standing over half an hour outside Nate's house when I heard the door open.

<<Do you need something, miss?>>

<<Oh hey, sorry if I was being a creepy stalker but I was just looking for someone actually>>

<<And who were you looking for miss...?>>

<<Charlotte, you can call me Charlotte. I was looking for your friend Ryan actually. I'm not quite sure where he lives>>

<<And may I ask why you were looking for him?>>

No you may not.

<<Just some stuff we have to deal with>>

<<Are you his girlfriend?>>

<<Oh dear god, NO. Since when guys like Ryan have a girlfriend?>>

<<I don't even know honestly. Wait, are you that Charlotte, Ryan was talking about?>>

<<What do you mean was talking about?>>

<<Oh, I don't think I'm supposed to say that>>

<<Talk, Nate>>

<<Woah easy lady, who are you to tell me what to do?>>

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