Birthday sorry

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It was Hannah's birthday. She was hosting a huge party at her huge ass house. Her dad was a very successful business man and her mum was a nurse so the money was flowing. Unlike me, Hannah was living her princess life. Her house wasn't a castle but it could definitely fit five hundred people in there. We had a lot of things to organise so I had to get there by the morning. When I got there around 10 a.m, she was still sleeping.

<< I swear to god if this girl is still sleeping>>

<< I'm not sleeping I'm just resting my eyes that's all>>, she yelled from her room.

<<You better be up before I come up there! Come on Hannah we have a huge party to organise>>

<< Alright I'm coming>>, she said.

<< Well, good morning sleeping beauty>>


<<Who did you invite by the way?>>

<<Is that even a question? Everyone from our school of course, except from a bunch of nerdies I really couldn't stand. Oh and before I forget, wear something fabulous tonight because I have a surprise for you!>>

<< Should I be worried about this?>>

<<Not at all, you'll like it, trust me>>

<< I should start worrying then>>

<< Come on it will be fun! Hey when was the last time I promised you something and didn't keep my promise?>>

<< Do you really want to have this conversation? Well, let's see, last week you were cooking pasta and you promised you wouldn't burn my brand new pot and here we are baby. Now I'm left with one old crusty pot which I'm so disgusted to try>>

<< Yep that's me>>

<< Could you please at least tell me what are you planning to do so I know how to prepare about this?>>

<< But if I tell you it won't be a surprise, will it?>>

<< Just tell me Hannah and we can pretend I don't know anything>>

<<Fine but don't get mad okay?>>

<< What have you done Hannah?>>

<< Well by the whole school I mean everybody, so I maybe or maybe not have invited the guy you were staring at, yesterday. Please don't kill me>>

<< HANNAH!>>,the whole house heard me and my echoes were all over the place.<< I can't believe what you just did. What did he say, is he coming?>>

<<Of course he is. The new wannabe bad boy of the school wouldn't miss a party like this>>

<<Oh god Hannah, what have you done>>

<<A "thank you" wouldn't hurt you know>>

<<Seriously you want me to thank you after inviting the new devil of our school to your party>>

<< I thought you would be happy>>

<< Why would I ever be happy with something like that? We almost got into a fight yesterday>>

The truth is that I really wanted him to be there. I wanted to talk to him again and hear his deep soft voice that permeated my whole body. I wanted to get to know him better. Was I going to do that? Well I don't know because I don't usually do such things. I mean Hannah would definitely try to hook us up so I don't really have a choice.

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