No signal

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I was surrounded by the girls who were looking at my phone shocked. It's not like I did something tragic. I just responded to his message. Well okay, I was a little harsh on him but I literally don't care anymore. I couldn't stand this messed up shit any longer. If he wanted to really talk to me, he would. I may be wrong though but I can't think straight. He really confuses me.

<<What are you gonna do now?>>, asked Miranda.

<<Nothing obviously. I don't give a fuck>>

They all looked at eachother and started laughing.

<<Please tell me you didn't mean that. God Charlotte, that made my day>>, Hannah said laughing.

<<No seriously, I mean it>>

<<Yeah okay, earlier you said that you think about him every single day. Now what? Did you change your mind so quickly?>>

<<Can't a person do that?>>

<<A person yes, you never>>

<<Whatever. I don't wanna talk about him anymore. Let's do something fun and forget about this, shall we?>>

<<Of course.Wait a minute... >>

<<PILLOW FIGHT!!>>, they all shouted together and fell over me.


Yesterday was fun. Really fun actually, I enjoyed it. Although someone tried to ruin my night, that didn't stop me from having a good time. Today my mum had arranged a dinner with the whole family. I was excited but also nervous to meet my dad and sister, when a few weeks ago, didn't know they actually existed. That's something very normal for most people dealing with this kind of situation. My anxiety had reached the top. Will they like me? Are they gonna love me ? Will my sister like me? All of these thoughts were in my head while I was getting ready. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I'll have a sister. And a dad of course. It's literally so strange. I can't describe how I feel properly. It may seem simple to you but for me trust me, it's not. I had dressed up and I was ready to go. I wore this pretty elegant outfit and I was feeling really beautiful.

After a while, I arrived at dinner feeling very anxious and curious of what the other members of the family would be like

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After a while, I arrived at dinner feeling very anxious and curious of what the other members of the family would be like. I was scanning the area to find my mum. Nothing. I waited a little longer when I finally saw her next to a handsome for his age man and a gorgeous girl. Here we go. I was falling apart as I was walking towards their table. Thank God my mum saw me first, so I didn't have to greet them myself.

<<Look who's heree. Charlotte darling, I'm so glad you came. Guys, it's her. We finally found her>>, my mum said with tears in her eyes. I was standing there frozen because I didn't know what to do. It turns out that I didn't have to try for much because both my dad and my sister stood up and hugged me all teared up too. I was shocked but relieved. I guess those were the people I didn't have to do much to appreciate and love me immediately. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I've never felt so loved before.

My sister was so beautiful and looked so angelic. She had the characteristics of a fairy. She was apparently fifteen and living her life normally. Back then, I would be jealous of her. I didn't get to live my life peacefully as you know. Me and fate were never best buddies. From the other side, my dad, seemed very ideal for a dad, if you get me. I liked him already. I was glad that dinner was going good while we were talking about different things and having a great time. My phone suddenly rang and notified me for the 13 missed calls and lots of messages I had received from Ryan. I couldn't care less. I returned to the nice conversation me and my dad were having about books. God, how I loved books . At this moment I only hoped that Ryan would be the one and only  who would interrupt us and ruin our night. As I said earlier, fate and I hate eachother. All of a sudden, a woman appeared at our table who seemed very familiar to me. I scanned her a little more and then I felt dizzy as hell. It can't be. I remained shocked as my mum stood up furious.

<<Katelyn fucking Ashford? What the actual fuck?>>

<<Hello to you too, old friend>>

<<How did you, when, what , how?>>

<<Be careful Carla, you might get a heart attack>>

<<I hope you swallow your own tongue, bitch>>

I was left with an open mouth the whole time and I was getting really angry and confused at the same time.

<<Watch your mouth, Carla, you don't wanna mess with me again>>

<<If you come near my family again, I'll fucking kill you with my own hands and I totally mean it>>

<<Easy woman, you almost made me believe you. Well, I always thought you were funny. Too bad we're not friends anymore>>

<<You kidnapped my daughter, you psycho. And after all, I thought you were fucking dead>>

<<You wish, darling>>

<<Were you fucking playing with us the whole time?>>

<<Of course, dear. Look, it was very simple. And of course your little stupid girl here believed me and thought she had actually got rid of me. The funeral was fake, the situation, everything. And don't ask me why I did it, I have no fucking idea>>

She started laughing and that's when I realised that she was a real psychopath. She was dangerous.

<<I guess I didn't have much to do so I decided, why not make up a fake death? You don't understand how much I enjoyed seeing that shit here alone and hopeless. I was fucking sick of her, tired>>

<<Why didn't you returned her back to me, then?>>

My blood was boiling.

<<Oh, I was too bored to. You should've seen that stupid face of hers after all these false things she believed. Enjoyable >>

<<That's enough!>>, I punched her on the face and fell to the ground. The whole restaurant was looking at us and they were about to call the police but I couldn't care less.

<<I don't fucking care how the fuck you got here. I've hated you all my life, you've offered me nothing. You're a horrible person and a fucking slut. You deserve nothing but to be prisoned for what you did. You can run all you want but I will find you wherever you go this time. Once I find evidence and manage to make the police believe me, you're done. You will rot in jail and no one will ever save you. Now if you excuse me... Security! This woman has been attacking us and doesn't respect our privacy. I used self defense as she tried to choke me and has kidnapped me in the past. I would like you to talk to the police please and if you don't believe me, I'll find the clues and I'll show you. I will. I'll show you what I can do, bitch!>>

I didn't know what I was saying but what I knew what that I was really enjoying seeing her being taken away from here. Everybody was starting at me like I'm the psycho. I didn't even bother to care. I did what it had to be done. My family told me we had to leave immediately and that's what we did. Me and my mum were driving home without saying a word to eachother. I think she was as shocked as I was from my speech. As for the others, they just left with a nod and nothing more. I was sure we were gonna discuss this another time. As we were driving home, I was trying to process everything that had been said during this talk. I actually had to find the clues and put her in jail forever. And something inside me was telling me that I will achieve that.

Ryan's pov:

Thirteen missed calls and a lot of messages, but still nothing. I tried everything but no response. No signal. However, I wouldn't let that stop me. I would do whatever I had to do to communicate with her. And that means, many new challenges Ryan Scarface wouldn't ever do for a girl even in his wildest dreams. But I had to start  the plan B now. It was the only way.

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