~🌻~What is this feeling?~🌻~

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(cover art by me)

(Basil's pov)

I woke up this morning, like I usually do. But today was different. Kel told me yesterday that Sunny was coming to visit for the summer! Ever since he moved, I just felt sort of empty. At least I've had Kel and Aubrey, they've been very good friends.

I haven't really been outside that much this summer yet, other than to water my flowers, so I feel like I'll want to be outside more finally. I got ready and walked outside. It was bright, and it took a couple seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light. I rubbed my eyes a bit and started heading for Kel's house. That's where Sunny was going to stay.

I went up to his door and knocked lightly. It was almost noon, so they had to be awake by now. Kel's mom's car was gone, I guess she's picking Sunny up.

"Who is it?" Kel said as he opened the door. "Oh, hey Basil! Did you come over here to wait for Sunny?" I smiled and nodded. "Oh, yeah, I did. Do you mind if I come in?"

"Yeah, of course you can come in! You're always welcome here." Kel smiled brightly and I couldn't help but smile back. "You're always so nice to everyone! Except for Aubrey sometimes... but anyway, thanks." I went inside of Kel's house. It looked just like it did when I last came over, except for the fact that Sally's toys were all in a box now. It looked nice, I guess they cleaned a lot for when Sunny got there.

"You can sit anywhere, just make yourself at home." Kel said, still smiling. Then he remembered something. "Oh! Hero was making a cake for Sunny, did you want to help?"

"Of course I'll help! That sounds like fun." I went into the kitchen to see Hero spreading the cake batter in a pan. He seemed very focused until he noticed me. "Oh, hey Basil! You haven't come over in a while, how have you been?" Hero stopped what he was doing and smiled. "I've been doing okay, I'm happier now that Sunny is coming back!" I smiled brightly and walked over to where Hero was making the cake. "What kind are you making?"

"Oh, you know how Sunny likes simple things, so I'm making him a vanilla cake. I have ice cream in the freezer that I'm going to put in the middle after it's done. Did you come in here to help?" Hero turned back to the cake and flattened out the batter some more. "Yeah, I did. I thought it would be fun." I smiled again, looking at the cake. "I have to put it in the oven now, but you can help decorate it in a little bit!" Hero has always been good at baking and cooking. "Okay, I'll come back when it's done."


After decorating the cake, Kel's mom's car pulled into the driveway. For some reason, when I noticed that, my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. I haven't seen Sunny in so long, I just wanted to run out and hug him. So that's what I did. I ran out the door to Sunny, who was getting out of the car, and wrapped my arms around him. He stumbled and almost fell over, but then hugged me back. I think I felt my heart skip a beat just then.

"I missed you so much! I thought you'd never come back!" It was then that I noticed that he was a bit taller than me now. I mean it has been almost a year... "I missed you too, Basil..." I let go of him and almost cried. I was so happy...

"Do you need help carrying anything? I could help if you want me to." I asked and Sunny nodded, so I grabbed one of his bags out of the car and brought it inside. Kel saw Sunny walk into the house and immediately yelled. "HERO!!! SUNNY'S HERE!!!" He then jumped up and also hugged Sunny.

Sunny hugged Kel back, his head was almost right under Kel's chin. Kel was really tall, but so was Hero. They were about the same height, I guess.

Then Kel let go of Sunny, and also went outside to help Sunny carry his bags in. Kel's mom came in with a bag, too. "Oh! Hello Basil, I'm guessing you came over to see Sunny?" She asked and I nodded, I don't think I could smile any bigger. My favorite person in the entire world was back. But when I was around him this time, it felt... different for some reason...

I don't think it was my fault that I felt this way. It was just my brain acting up again...

"Hey, uh... you don't mind if I stay the night, do you?" I asked Kel's mom. "Of course I don't mind! You can sleep in the guest room, where Sunny is going to stay." She smiled, going to put the last of Sunny's bags in the guest room. I felt my face warm up a bit at the thought of sleeping in the same room as Sunny. Even if it was just for a night...

"O-Okay, I'll go back to my house to get my stuff. I'll be right back!" I waved and went out the door, closing it behind me. What is this feeling? I've never felt this before... for anyone...

I pushed away the thought and headed over to my house to pack for the sleepover.

936 words

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