~🌻~Second picnic?~🌻~

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Just so you guys know, I'm not completely quitting on this fic anymore! Also I feel like my writing skills improved a bit so yeah :)

Alright, be flower boy>>

Later on, Sunny and Aubrey went home. I felt alone in the house, and all I could think about was him.

Sunny, possibly the one person I could ever actually love. I would die if something happened to him.

I flopped down on my bed, sighing. This is probably the best I've ever felt. In my entire life. Surely I won't go completely crazy again and try to kill something that's not there!

Yeah, trying not to think about that isn't easy. Not anymore, at least. Every time I look into Sunny's working eye, that thought pops up in my useless head.

You could have KILLED him, Basil. You're a horrible person. You were, and you still are.

Why is this voice in my head still talking to me? Don't ask me, I have no idea.



Now be the one who was almost murdered by flower boy :)

"So, how's Basil doing?" Kel asked, his attention still on the T.V.

"He's doing alright now." I responded simply. He nodded and paused the show/movie/whatever he was watching.

"Now? Was he not ok before?" He had a sort of concerned look on his face as he turned around, resting his arms on the back of the couch as he looked at me.

"Well, not really? When I first got there he was in his room."

"Oh, alright. So he did come out?"

I just nodded in response. I didn't really know what else to say, so I went and sat on the couch next to Kel.
Ok, who have we not been yet?

How about Hero?

Yeah let's see how he's doing. >>

Ever since Sunny came back to visit, I've felt weird. Not in a good way. Like, nauseous as in 'this kid reminds me of my dead girlfriend'.

I don't know why all of this is happening again, but I don't want to fall into complete depression again, we all know what happened the last time I did that.

You know the saying 'history will repeat itself'? In this situation, I hope it doesn't. I really, really hope it doesn't.

That was long ago. All of us are past that. All of us. Even me. Especially Kel, who acts like it never happened and has acted like it never happened from the beginning. I don't understand it, but I guess I kind of respect it? I don't know anymore. Maybe set up another picnic, that might work.

That might just work!

Picnics help the friend group come back together, and that's what I want to accomplish. But not right now, tomorrow! Because dinner's almost ready and I'm hungry.

Kel and Sunny were in the living room on the couch, either talking about something or watching something. Or both. I couldn't tell. When I walked into the kitchen I was met with the smell of steak. Hey, that's Sunny's favorite.

"Anything I can help with?" I asked, but my mom just shook her head.

"It's almost ready, so if you want to make plates for the others, you can," she replied, putting the steak she was cooking on a cutting board and turning off the stove. I nodded, grabbing plates from the cabinet.

Timeskip cuz I'm lazy

Also be Sunny

So here's some much needed context. Hero decided we'd have a picnic, another one, even though Basil basically freaked out last time. We were all going and I was walking with Kel down the sidewalk towards the park.

He was just rambling on and on about how his team should have won the last basketball game they had. I just half-listened and nodded, having just enough context to repeat what he said if I had to.

When we reached the park, I realized that Hero went ahead of us and had already set up the picnic blanket. It took me all the energy I had not to remind myself of her, just because I didn't want to randomly burst into tears.

"Sunny? You alright?"

Kel's voice broke my thought barrier and I realized I had spaced out. "Oh, uh, yeah."

"Are you sure?" Kel tilted his head slightly,

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." I nodded, sitting on the picnic blanket next to him.

Just then, I noticed Basil stand up from where he was by a nearby tree and start walking over to us.

"Hey, Sunny!!" He had a big smile on his face. He was definitely happier than I had seen him in a while. "Hey Kel, hey Hero!"

"Hi, Basil!" Kel waved.

"Hey, Basil! I see you got here earlier than last time!" Hero implied, and Basil laughed nervously.

"Heh, yeah, I just actually wanted to come out this time," Basil replied, sitting down next to me. I just smiled and waved, still feeling a bit weird about what happened yesterday. I can't describe the feeling, it's just... weird.

"I made cookies this time, I hope you guys will like them," Hero said with a smile.

"He makes the best cookies." Kel whispered to me and Basil.

It was then that I saw two familiar people in the distance. Aubrey was walking towards us, talking to someone with short brown hair. I can't remember her name, but I swear I know her...

"Hey, guys!" Aubrey called as she approached. "I brought Kim this time, if ya don't mind."

Oh, I remember her now.

"Oh, hi Aubrey! Hi Kim!" Basil waved, and Kim gave a little smile and waved back. "Hey, Basil. You know, it's actually good to see you again too, Sunny."

I smiled at that and waved.

The two sat down next to each other, Kel sticking his tongue out at Aubrey and her flipping him off while Hero got the sandwiches out of the picnic basket, giving one to each of us.

This is nice. It feels just like old days.



A/N: Yayyyyy I finally had the motivation to write another chapter!! Also if anyone has requests or ideas for what I should do next, tell me and I will most likely do at least half of the requests that I get!

Maybe expect a new chapter every month at the most, I'll also start writing other fanfics and stuff so yeah!

Anyway, here's a summary (just of the author note). I'm proud of myself for writing and expect more chapters at some point cuz yeah!

Anyway sorry for the long note, I talk a lot.


1100 words

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