~🌻~You're not going anywhere yet~🌻~

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(Basil's pov)

I woke up only to notice that my head was still on Sunny's shoulder. I slowly lifted myself off of him, trying not to wake him up. He ended up blinking his eyes open slowly. I felt my face heat up as he looked at me.

"Did you sleep well?" Sunny asked. I just nodded. Sunny was also blushing a bit. I've never seen him blush before... It was cute. I would only ever admit that to myself, though.

Sunny rubbed his eyes and stretched, and I just moved to the other side of the couch and curled up again. He seemed like he didn't mind me laying on him...

My face went slightly red just thinking about him...

Ugh! Stop it, Basil! You're not in love, you can't be! He's a boy... you're a boy... That's just weird...

Sunny got up, and I noticed that Hero was also awake. He wasn't on the couch, and Kel was on the floor now with his blanket wrapped around him like a burrito. He was still snoring.

I followed Sunny into the kitchen, where Hero was making pancakes.

"Oh, good morning Basil! Good morning Sunny! Do you two want some pancakes?" Hero said, while flipping a pancake. "Yeah, you make the best pancakes! I'm glad you started cooking again." I smiled, and remembered how amazing Hero's homemade pancakes were. Sunny nodded as his answer, and I looked down, thinking about what I thought about earlier.

This isn't right... how could I like him that way? He's my best friend... It's not like he'd ever like me back. He'd just think I'm weird for liking him...

I tried to force the thoughts away, but the voice in my head kept telling me things...

Snap out of it, Basil! You can't like another boy. That's weird and disgusting. Why are you like this?

I couldn't push away the voices, so I tried my best to ignore them. Before I knew it, there was a plate with two pancakes and syrup on it right in front of me. "Oh, thank you, Hero." My voice was quieter than usual, and Hero definitely noticed, but didn't bring it up.

When Sunny got his plate, he also muttered a simple 'thank you' and started eating. I took a bite as well, admiring the taste. "Wow, Hero.. these are better than I remember them!"

"Haha... Thanks, I have a new recipe for them." Hero then made himself and Kel some plates, bringing Kel's into the living room. Leaving me and Sunny alone.

There was an awkward silence between us as we ate our pancakes, but the silence broke as soon as Sunny finished. "Those were good, weren't they?"

Sunny was trying to start another conversation. I was still a bit awkward and nervous from the night before, but I answered anyway. "Yeah, they were... anyway, do you want to go see if Kel's awake yet?" Sunny nodded, and we walked to the living room.

"Five... more... hours..." Kel grumbled sleepily. His voice was a bit deep in the mornings. I shouldn't say a bit... it was really deep. But it faded by about 30 minutes of him being awake. "Come on, Kel! I made pancakes!" Hero shook Kel again, and he sat up faster than anything I've ever seen. "PANCAKES!?" Kel looked around for a second, found his and chomped it down while Sunny and I just stared awkwardly at each other and then back at Kel.

"Hey, Basil. Can we talk for a minute?" Hero touched my shoulder and I jumped a bit. But I just nodded and followed him.

He led me to the room past the kitchen, it was almost empty, except for a small table and a small chair to match it.

"You've been acting kind of awkward around Sunny lately, is everything okay?"

I felt my face turn red. What was I supposed to say?

"O-Oh, yeah! Everything's great... everything's fine."

"Doesn't sound like it. Basil, you know I won't judge you, right? You can tell me anything."


I stayed silent for a moment. He caught on... he definitely noticed...

"I-I... actually..."

My voice trailed off and my face felt warm.

Hero looked at me, obviously a bit curious to what I was going to say.

"I-I think.... I might.... l-like Sunny..."

The words just poured out. I didn't know what else to say, I was too embarrassed... Now Hero knew my secret. But I trusted he wouldn't tell anyone.

"So... You think it's weird because you're both boys?"

"Yeah... It's nothing... just... I-I feel awkward telling anyone because that's not... you know... normal...?" My voice was very soft as I said this, I was making sure nobody else could hear.

"Of course it's normal to love who you love. You and Sunny being together would be just as normal as a boy/girl couple." Hero put his hand on my shoulder to reassure me. "I'm not saying you have to tell him right now, tell him when you're ready. But just remember that all of your feelings are normal."

I smiled and hugged him, knowing his words were true. He gave me a hug back, and then we both went back to doing what we were doing.

My heart felt lighter, and I felt a bit more normal around Sunny now.

"Hey, Basil! What'd you and Hero talk about?" Kel obviously wanted to know right away.

"Uh, it was nothing, don't worry about it." I sounded a bit nervous and reluctant, but Kel just said "Okay!" and went back to whatever he was doing. I went to the guest room to change, and then after, I realized that I haven't seen Sunny yet since after my talk with Hero.

I went outside to see him sitting on the porch reading. "Hi, Sunny. What are you doing out here?"

"Nothing really. I was just bored so I came out here to read. It's a nice day."

I nodded in agreement and sat in the chair next to him. "So, um... do you want to go to the park today? Maybe a bit later, but since you haven't been there in a long time..."

"Sure." Sunny was still looking at his book, but even through his emotionless expression I could see happiness in his eyes.

"Well... I might head home now... I'll see you at the park at noon." I started to get up, but then a hand touched mine.

"You're not going anywhere yet, are you? I haven't really seen you in forever. If you could stay for a while, that would be great."

My face felt hot... oh no... I was blushing again...

I just sat down and smiled nervously. "Okay, I'll stay.."

Me and Sunny sat on the porch for a while, listening to the wind blowing through the trees... our hands were touching the whole time. I secretly liked that a lot... but I probably wouldn't ever tell Sunny how I felt... not before he left, anyway.

long chapter!!
1173 words

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