~🌻~Google Slide presentation~🌻~

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(Sunny's pov)

I woke up this morning, still wondering why Basil had just left. He wasn't usually like that... maybe something was wrong.

I just sat up, rubbing my eyes... still tired. What was up with Basil? I guess I'll go over and check today.

I got up and went out of the guest room, immediately seeing Kel. He was just sitting on the couch, watching something on the TV.

"Hey, Sunny!" Kel waved at me with a smile. I waved back. Then I went to the bathroom to get ready.

(Basil's pov)

"What is wrong with me...?"

I just layed there in bed, looking at the ceiling...

Polly had knocked on the door a couple times the day before, seeing if I was alright and if I wanted to eat... I just said I just wasn't hungry and that I was okay, like always.

Then, I heard a voice come from the living room.

"Oh, hello, Sunny! Are you here to see Basil? He hasn't come out of his room yet today, but I'll go see if he wants to come out now."

...Sunny? He was here?? Why?

"Okay.. um... I'll just wait in here, if that's okay." That was Sunny's voice.

"Yes, of course."

Then, footsteps approached my bedroom door.

"Basil, Sunny's here... he wants to see you." Polly said through the door in a soft voice. "You know you can't just stay in there forever."

"O-Okay! I'll be out in a minute..."

I couldn't stop myself from stuttering for some reason. It just happened.

I immediately jumped up and got dressed, making sure I wore something that covered my arms.

I ended up wearing a green sweater with a sunflower on it and some shorts. Just a normal outfit, I guess..

I then brushed my hair, making sure it looked nice and not messy, and I put a sunflower clip in it because why not?

I then realized... why am I trying to look all cute just for Sunny???

I felt my face warm up at that thought.


I went out of my room, and peeked around the corner to the living room. There he was...

Sunny turned his head to look at me. "Oh, hey Basil... are you alright? You just kind of left yesterday."

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay..." I wasn't even sure I believed myself. Well, obviously I didn't. And I think it was also clear to Sunny that I was lying.

"Okay, if you say so..."

I sat on the couch next to him, looking down instead of at him. Just then, a knock sounded at the door.

"I'll get it!" I jumped up and walked over to the door, reaching for the knob and opening the door. It was Aubrey.

"O-Oh, hey Aubrey, I wasn't expecting you..."

Aubrey sort of laughed a little. "It's almost like you don't wanna see me right now!"

Then she just walked in.

"I see that Sunny's also here," Aubrey continued. "How long have you been here?" Her blue gaze landed on Sunny, who was still sitting there on the couch.

"Only about 10 minutes." He still wore an emotionless expression.

"So, um... what did you come over for...?" I tried my best not to sound rude, but I'm not sure if it worked.

"Just wanted to talk to you about one tiny little thing! Let's go outside." Aubrey gave a smile that said she knew something that she probably shouldn't..

I gave Sunny a quick awkward smile, walking out the door with Aubrey.

"So, Basil, do you really think I don't notice?"


Notice... what?

"Um... what are you talking about?"

Aubrey responded with a light giggle. "The way you blush around Sunny? It's really obvious."

Well, that didn't go as expected.

"I... It's not like that..!"

"Are you suuuure?" Aubrey was basically teasing me at this point.

"...Promise you don't think I'm weird for that...?"

Aubrey just looked at me with some sort of weird expression.

"Why would I? I mean, if it wasn't for the fact that you half-blinded him it would be a normal relationship!"

You need to stop reminding me of that.

"Oh, alright..."

"So do you want me to tell him? Or do you wanna stop being a little wimpy bitch and tell him yourself?"


"Well, what if-"

"Nope. Stop it."

More silence.

"Alright, I'll just tell him, then." Aubrey turned towards the door again.


Aubrey looked at me with a confused expression.

"Are you really that scared? What's the worst that could happen, he says no?"

"Or he could think I'm weird and not even want to be friends with me anymore!"

"...You need to stop thinking so negatively. And that's not me asking, that's an order. Anyway, let's go. Lock yourself in your room and make yourself look crazy or don't, I don't care."
where doing it man

where making this hapen
(3rd person Basil pov)

Aubrey turned back to the door and opened it, walking back inside with an anxious Basil behind her.

"Hey, Sunny! I need you to see something."

Just then, Aubrey grabbed a computer and put it on a small table, connecting it to the TV. Sunny nodded at Aubrey to show he was paying attention.

She pulled up a whole presentation that was titled: "10 reasons why basil is gay"

....I was not expecting that.

Basil just walked off into the hallway. He didn't want to see how Sunny reacted to any of this.

Wait, why did Aubrey already have a whole presentation planned...? And how??

She knows way too much, if you ask me.

Basil couldn't hear exactly what Aubrey said, but she sounded enthusiastic, so he just sat there in the middle of the hallway for some reason.


Author note: hehe sorry for the late (and short) chapter ive just lacked motivation and stuff

also this fanfic is going to go on basically forever so u won't have to worry about it ending

997 words

Blooming Secrets [sunflower] (paused :])Where stories live. Discover now