~🌻~Go back to sleep~🌻~

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(Sunny's pov)

I sat in the guest room, where I would stay for the summer months. There were two beds, both twin sized with plain white sheets and some light gray and white pillows. There was also a circular white rug that was very soft.

I haven't actually talked to anyone but Basil yet, and I started to feel bad about that, so I went out into the living room where Kel was sitting and sat on the couch next to him.

"Hey, Kel." My voice was quiet, but so was the rest of the house. Kel smiled when he heard me speak. "I know we talked on the phone a lot, but I still missed your voice! How have you been?"

"I've been alright. Nothing bad has happened yet since I moved, but I don't have very many friends at the school I go to now." I looked down at my hands. They looked very pale in the lighting.

"Oh. That's sad. At least you have us now!" Kel hugged me again. I hugged him back, but I was a bit reluctant. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!!" Kel jumped up and ran towards the door, startling me a little bit. Basil was there with a backpack. "I'm back!" Basil announced and went to the guest room to put his bag down.

"Sunny, I almost forgot, we have a surprise for you!" Kel ran into the kitchen. "Hero!! We're all here now except Aubrey! She's probably not showing up.. But get the cake!" I heard every word he said. He was pretty loud...

Basil came back out and sat right next to me on the couch. He smiled at me. "I hope you'll enjoy the cake we made for you! I helped decorate it." Hero brought the cake in. It was a pretty small cake with vanilla icing covering it, with little spots and swirls of whipped cream. It was cold when I touched the container. It had the words 'Welcome back Sunny!' written on it in dark blue.

I opened the container, and Hero took out the cake and put it on a big paper plate. He then cut it into sixths, leaving some for his parents since there were four of us. I got the biggest piece, of course, and Hero gave himself the smallest piece. "I hope it's good, me and Basil made and decorated it for you!" Hero smiled and gave everyone a fork. I picked up a small bite and ate it.

"Wow, Hero... It's really good... thanks." I was amazed. Hero had stopped baking for a while, but he was still great at it.

"You're welcome, Sunny. I'm glad you like it." For the rest of the time, the rest of us sat in awkward silence and ate our cake. I liked the ice cream on the inside, it was good.

After that, it was already pretty late, so the four of us decided to watch a movie.


(Basil's pov)

As we watched the movie, I felt myself get a bit tired. I tried not to fall asleep, because I didn't want to accidentally fall or something.

The four of us were all on the couch together, Hero on one of the sides, Kel next to him, Sunny next to Kel, and then I sat next to Sunny. It was kind of squished, but that was okay.

My eyes struggled to stay open, and I ended up falling asleep.


(Sunny's pov)

I noticed that Basil was falling asleep next to me. When he finally fell asleep, his head fell onto my shoulder, making me jump a bit. That was unexpected...

I tried not to move that much so he wouldn't wake up, but it just felt awkward to have him laying on me like that. I shifted around a bit, and he woke up when I moved. His face immediately turned red and he pushed himself up off of me.

"Um... S-Sunny...? I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to do that..." Basil turned away, I could tell he was embarrassed. But Kel and Hero were sleeping, so they didn't hear us. "It's alright, it was just unexpected..." I meant it, even though it felt weird to have him on my shoulder like that.

"Yeah... I just fell asleep... I think I'll go to bed now."

"Wait." I blurted out. I didn't mean to, I just... well... said it. "It's fine, just... go back to sleep."

"Y-You mean... you really don't mind?"

"Yeah... I mean it."

Basil was a bit reluctant but layed his head back on my shoulder, his eyes closing again. I closed my eyes too this time, and drifted off to sleep.


Author note: hiiiii it's artemis!! sorry i switched povs a couple times i just had no idea what else to do there. anyway thank u for reading if you made it this far!!

821 words

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