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Mr. Collins showed me to a tent. "Whens the last time you slept?" he asks me as he lights a lantern.
I don't look at him. "the day before I found out I was going to be president one day." I mumble. He gives a slight nod. "sleep. It'll do you good." he puts a hand on my shoulder, gives it a light squeeze, then walks away. It only talks a few seconds before Casey walks in. "do you need anything?" he asks me. I turn around to face him. "family." I mumble to him, tears spilling down my face.
"you still have me." I shake my head. "no. I can't."
His eyes go wide. "what? I thought you didn't want to be lonely anymore? I know I don't want to be." I stare in his eyes. Dark brown. Almost black. But out here, I see a light through them. A light I never saw before. "the good part about being alone is that no one you care about can get hurt. I can't loose anymore family, Casey. I'm not going to. Goodnight." I walk into the tent and zip it up. "Braydon. Come out." says Casey. I blow out my lantern to show him that I'm done, it's over. I lay down on the blanket That I would use as my mattress. I stare at the ceiling. Not thinking. Not feeling. Not seeing. Everything around me goes numb. It doesn't even feel like I'm alive. That reality doesn't exist. I like it. Bot having to worry about anything. Leaving everything behind. Maybe one day, I can live like this permanently....

I unzip the tent, and step out. Almost stepping on Casey. "what are you doing out here?" I ask him. He sits up and looks at me. "I thought you wanted some company."
"I'm still not used to this whole 'nice' thing." I say as I step over him. "Its been a while. I'm not used to it either. But I like it." I sigh. He stands up and faces me. "I like it to. But I still think that you should stay away from me." I walk pat him but he grabs my arm and turns me to face him. "why? Because you think I will get hurt?"
I pull my arm from his grip. "someone out there want to make me hurt anyway possible. Don't worry. It's not going to last that much longer." I turn my back to him. "what do you mean?" he asks. I just look head on at Mr. Collins tent. "I'm going to ruin who ever did this to me." I walk on and walk straight into the war meeting Mr. Collins was having. "I have a plan." I announce. There are three other men besides for mr. Collins in the room. They all stare at me. "Braydon, this isn't a good time." says Mr. Collins.
"we are losing. It's a perfect time. You need my help." I keep my head held high. "I know how we can win with one simple step." they give me a skeptical look. "Braydon, please. Leave."
I ignore Mr. Collins. "I have access to a bomb. A big bomb." I say. Bow every head is turned to me and every high ranked general is fully focused on a 15 year-old-girls words.
"what kind of bomb?" asks a man with a short white beard.
"it's call a nuke. It's old... But deadly. Could wipe out all of Ohio if not used correctly. "
"how would we use it with out destroying everything?" asks another man. I recognize him as the Scottish man that integrated me the first time I came to the Ditch. His english has gotten a little better.
"I have a control panel. It controls everything. The explosion time, the range, the power. It's hell on earth." I say with a slight smug smile.
"ok. Where is it?" asks Casey. I turn around. I didn't even know he followed me in here. "where else? My house."
Sighs of frustration fill the tent.
"we need that bomb." says one of the generals. "I need a small team. Some people to get me into the house. I can do the rest. I just need to get in." I say. "Braydon. We can't take you with us. It's a mission for only my top men. And you haven't had even a week of training. I can't allow you to go." says Mr. Collins.
"you have no choice. I'm the only one that can access it. We have the best security in the world. Nobody gets in there with out the presidents say so. And... I guess that means me. Not to mention my house is a maze."
"I'm going too." volunteers Casey as he stands next to me.
The four men give each other looks. Mr. Collins turns to me. "when will you be ready to leave?" I give a smirk. "now."

"Braydon. i don't think this is such a good idea." says Casey as i strap a gun to my hip. "then why did you volunteer to come with me?' i ask sternly. "because i thought i could keep you from doing something stupid. the more i think about this whole plan... the city is crawling with soldiers. you will be spotted in a minute then we will all be dead." he says. i look at him. "if your so scared about dying then maybe you should stay here, but I'm going. this is the last chance i have to do something with my life that my parents will be proud of. I'm going to get Ohio back for them. even if it kills me." i push past him and meet Mr. Collins. outside my tent. "is everyone ready?"he asks me. i nod my head. "excellent. Braydon, meet your team." i look past Mr. Collins to see a group of five. Four men, one woman. "this is Max. he is your gun man. this is steven. he is your muscle," says Mr. collins gesturing to two very large men. the muscle one looks like he could do more damage than the nuke. he moves over to the two other men. "this is Daniel and killian. they are the spys. they wont stay with you but they will be able to talk to you through comms units. which remind me," he pulls out a comm unit for each of us. i put mine in my ear and look at the woman. "well i think thats it... oh yes! Veronica---"
"Ronny." corrects the girl.
"yes. Ronny. she is your...shes good with bombs." he says. i shake her hand. "ever set off a nuke?" i ask her. there is a sparkle in her eye as i mention the biggest bomb in the world. "not yet." she says with pure confidence. i smile at her then look to Casey. "are you in or out?" i ask. s smirk makes its way to his lips. he raises his Gun "FOR THE PRESIDENTS!" he shouts. i smile and all of us raise our guns in unison, "FOR THE PRESIDENTS!" everyone shouts. "LETS GO!" I shout and we take off running. Running towards my house. Running towards the nuke. Running towards sweet, sweet revenge

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