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I roll out of bed, my feet hitting the hard, cold floors. I don't want to get out of bed today. Not after what happened last night. I don't dwell on it much but it still lingers in the back of my mind. I walk to my bathroom, sliding my red robe over my white, silk night gown. I stare at myself in the mirror. My face and eyes are red. Tears stain my cheeks. I look horrible. I pick up my foundation, but I put it back down. I don't put on any makeup. My mother would kill me if she saw me now. Either that or disown me. I'm not even joking. But I feel like this is the only way for her to actually see that I don't want to be perfect, that I am not like her, and that is fine for me. It is a huge risk to go out like this but I don't care. I put on my red dress with white ribbons tied around my wrist and neck. I strap on my black heels and walk out the door, ready to face the world, but this time as a rebel. Well, short of. My family is just now walking up to the elevator when I arrive. I walk in after Dulce and stand in front of him. I stare at the door for a minute before my dad talks to me.

"Braydon is there something you would like to say to your mother?" he asks me. He just has to do this in front of everyone. Dulce and Jayla don't know what happened last night so they stare at me, but Calvin has his eyes glued to the floor.

"I..." I start, but I didn't know how to finish the thought, because I am torn between two thoughts. I didn't want this whole thing to carry on any longer, but at the same time, I'm not about to become her little robot again.

"I don't know. Is there anything you would like to say, Mother?" I ask. If she was willing to apologize, I would be too. But I still refuse to become a president. My mom looks at me.

"Why aren't you wearing your makeup? It's a public speech today, Braydon, you know that!" comments my mom. Yeah, if she thinks I am going to apologize after that, she is dead wrong. I just fold my hands over my chest and look down at my shoes. "No. There is nothing I want to say," and that what the end of it.

After a few minutes, the doors open up and my parents walk out to give the crowd what they want. As soon as I walk out, the camera instantly turns to me and the crowd instantly starts turning their attention to me. People point and laugh and I clench my fists at my side. They don't understand what I have to go through. If they did, I am sure they would have done the same thing. I take my seat and smooth out my dress, not wanting to look up. I'm starting to think that maybe coming here without any makeup on was not the best idea. No. I am not going to give in!. That exactly what these people want but it's not going to happen to me.

I calm myself down and focus back on to my brothers, and parent's speech. They were taking about us again. I listen, but while I do, my body fills with rage and anger and I don't know how much more I can take. "There is nothing more important to us than to lead you in the right direction! This is our dream!" That was enough.

"No!" I stand up screaming. I walk to the front and stand next to Calvin. "How can you say that? It was just last night that I told you about how I felt and then you go and do this? How could you do this to me?!" I scream and push him. The crowd was going insane.

"Braydon! Braydon, stop!" Screams my mom as she grabs my wrist.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" I scream at her now, but she is dragging me to the elevator, my dad helping her. But I was still fighting. I am not going to give in. Not this time. Not again!

"I don't want to be president!" I yell so the crowd can hear me. The crowd gasps. A kid in the front row shouts at me.

"Well we don't want a spoiled, stuck up, robot brat like you leading us anyway!" Spoiled. Stuck up. Robot. All the things I tried so hard not to be. That pushes me over the top. I brake free from my parents grip, get on my hands and knees so I was face to face with the boy and punch him right in the nose. That's when Dulce comes in and actually picks me up and carries me away to the elevator.

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