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we stand in an alley way. the same alley way Jayla and i was in when we were kidnapped by Casey and his dad. "you guys are clear. just be as quiet as possible. there are soldiers just 5 blocks away." says Killian in our comms. "copy that." i say. i crouch down and continue to move behind the build. But the second i do is when shots fire at me. none of them hit me before i jump back behind the wall. i look to max. "your up, max! shout. he pulls out his sniper and comes in front of me.
i press my fingers to my ear. "Killian! i thought you said we were clear!' i shout above the gun fire. static fills my ear. "Killian? Killian do you copy?" just more static. "crap." i mumble. i look to my team. "Steven, take the lead. I'm going to find Killian. Ronny, stay close behind Steven. Max," he looks at me with sweat and excitement on his face. "keep bringing the heat." i say. i slide out from behind the wall. i run till i get to the next building, bullets flying by my head. i hear a gun cock and i look above me. a soldier on the roof of the building points his gun at my head. i fumble with my own gun, a shot rings out. the guy on the roof falls in front of me. i turn my head and see Casey, his gun in the air, smoke rising from the barrel. "don't go anywhere with out me." he says sternly. I'm about to argue with him when i hear more shots ring out. "we have to find Killian." i say.
"theres no time. he's dead. we have to keep moving." he says extending his hand to me. i look him in the eyes and take his hand. he pulls me out of the shadows and i whip out my gun. I see whats left of my team running as fast as they can. "theres an abandoned military house just two minutes from where you guys are. we need to make a plan." says Daniel. i watch as Max, Steven, and Ronny duck into a building. "we are almost there----"
"Braydon!" everything happens so fast. my eye contact with the sniper. my eye contact with Casey as he jumps in front of me. the blood that now stains Casey's shirt. me, shooting the sniper in the head. and Steven coming towards us. "Braydon we have to go!" shouts Steven as he picks up Casey. i follow Steven as we run, my tears blowing off my face. once we get into the house, i go to shut the door, but a bullet nicks grazes my cheek bone. i scream as i fall on the door, closing it. Max quickly locks the door and tears part of his shirt and puts it to my cheek. it burns but i bite my tongue to keep from screaming. my leg kicks in pain. in a matter of seconds the whole piece of clothe is soaked and dripping with blood. "i need a first aid kit!' shouts Max. Daniel tosses him one and he flings it open. he takes out a bottle of alcohol and uses it to cleanse his hands. he then takes out a needle and thread. my eyes widen. "it needs stitches." he says. he threads the needle and i cringe at the thought of that piercing my face. "take these." he hands me the strange pain killers i got in the hospital, but this time i don't think twice. i pop them in my mouth and swallow them dry. its burns my throat but not as much as the needle stings my face. i don't feel much, but i feel enough to cry and kick and scream. it feels like hours pass before Max says its done. his hands are stained with red. like he picked a bunch of berries. more like blood berries. he puts a think piece of gauze over the stitches then tapes the gauze to my face. "there. your done." i stand up, shaking. i look around me. Ronny lays on a blanket, white clothe wrapped around her calf, blood soaking through. Daniel had a scrape or two and Max looks unharmed. "wheres casey?" i ask as i look around the room. i don't see him or Steven. "Steven took him to another room. it was bad." says Daniel as he holds Ronny's had as she cry's.
"i have to see him." i say. But Max steps in front of me. "not yet. wait for Steven to come out and tell us his condition." i look to the floor but nod my head. i go sit next to Ronny, grabbing her other hand. "what happened?" i ask. "some civilian come running out of his house and shot her in the calf." says Daniel. i look down on her and she looks up to me. "this 'nuke' better be worth it." she says. "it will be." i tell her and she gives me the same, confident smile. she sits up and gets to her feet, Daniel helping her. "whats the plan?" she asks like she wasn't just shot or anything. Like my words healed her. "we wait." says Steven as he enters the room. Blood coats his arms up to his elbows. i run to him. "hows Casey?" i ask franticly. "he'll live. the bullet hit him in his lower back but, and i have no idea how, the bullet didn't go as deep as it should have. he should have died the second he was hit. he's very lucky. we all are." He's going to be okay. He's going to live. i breathe a sigh of relief. "can i see him?" i ask. Steven looks skeptical. "for a moment, while i call headquarters. We need to get him out of here." i walk past him. i peak through every room until i find him. he lays on a cot, his shirt off. he lays on his back but from this view, i would have never guessed he was shot. i think he's sleeping so i just lean up against the wall. i cross my arms over my chest and look down at my combat boots. "Braydon?" my head jerks up and i see Casey, his eyes open and looking at me. "hi." is all i can say as i stare at him. at the boy who saved my life. i would be dead if it wasn't for him. "come over here." he says. i hesitate but i slowly start to make my way over. i get down on my knees and look at him. "you remember the first time you came to the Ditch and i thought you were just being a baby about getting shot."
"yes." i say. "i now understand.' he gives a slight laugh. but i just look at my hands. "whats wrong?' he looks at my face and just notices the bandages on my face. his eyes widen. "what happened."
"nothing compared to what happened to you." i say. "I'm fine. how are you?" i ask. "fine." he mumbles. i jump to my feet. "why'd you do it?" i shout. "what are you talking about?" he asks me. "why'd you jump in front of me? i should have taken that bullet.this is exactly what I was talking about last night. People get hurt when they are around me!" I have so much anger. I run to the desk and flip it, shouting, "why'd you do it!" he just stares at me. i stare at him, waiting for an answer. "well?" i ask impatiently, my anger slowly dying down as I realize how tired I am. "you don't deserve to die." he says. "neither do you." i reply. he looks away from me. "yes i do." he whispers it so soft, that i barely heard him. i sink back down to my knees. i put my hand on his cheek. he looks at me and i look at him. his eyes are so beautiful. i lean in and press my lips to his. he wraps one of his hands around my neck, keeping us close. tears still run down my face and land on his. i don't know how long we have stayed like this, but i still don't want it to end. we finally pull apart and look each other in the eyes. "Braydon..." he whispers my name. "yes?"
"Braydon?' says ronny. she comes in the room and i quickly get to my feet. Daniel is supporting most of her body weight on him. "yes?" i ask. "we are making a new plan. we were told to come get you." she says as she looks from me and Casey. so does daniel. "can i come?" asks Casey. we all look at him. "yeah. Braydon, can you take Ronny?" asks Daniel. i nod my head and take Ronny's arm and wrap it around my neck to support her. i lead her out of the room and down the hall. "so... you and Casey, huh?" she says. i smile to myself and lay her down gently. "i'll be right back." i tell her. i go back to Casey's room. i am about to go in but i hear Daniels voice. "don't mess this up." threatens Daniel. my eyebrow furrow. What are they talking about? i hear footsteps and i quickly run back to Ronny. i sit down next to her. Max and Steven sit down too. Casey limps in with Daniel and everyone claps. i help Casey sit down next to me. "it hurts to sit like this." he says. i move over and tell him to lay down. he puts his head on my lap and i look down at him and smiles up at me.
"we need a new plan." states Steven. he pulls out a map of the city that i didn't even know he had. he lays it down in front of all of us and i smooth it out. i point to my house with one hand and then point to out destination with my other. "we aren't that far." i say. "yeah, the distance isn't the problem. its the snipers that are blocking our way." says Daniel. we all nod out head. "we need a distraction." says Ronny. 'she right. we need those snipers to ignore us. any plans. " i can look through the window from my spot. its grey and dull outside. very few things were left outside. except for a military police van with two officers beside it. i look at everyone. "I've got an idea." i say

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