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I sit at a long half circle table that sits on a podium. I sit in the middle, the president ceil infront of me. On my left is my aunt Lily who I made another representative and on the right is Uncle Ben, my other representative. Below me sits an addience waiting for the trail to begin.
The doors swing open and in walks mr. Collins, my old nuke team and Casey. They have chains on their hands and feet. I motion of them to sit. A guard stands at both ends. "mr. Quinn Collins. You are brought before this trail because of your betrayal to this state." I say to everyone as I stare down at him. "you will give a testimony, my representatives and I will announce your verdict and at 9 amtomorrow morning you will be brought back here for sentencing." I say this for the other five before the trail even begins. Mr collins steps up to the podium but I tune him out. There is nothing he can say that will change his fate. Steven goes next. He explains how he had no idea what he was planning and I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing. "you have got to be joking!" I say to as I stand up. I lean over the table in front of me. "I was there! I am the only one allowed to use that excuse! So you can step back in line, cut the crap and we can move on." I motion for max to rise. He gives his testimony, so does Daniel. After the boys, I motion to Ronny. She just stays seated. I look at her. "I have nothing to say that you would believe. I except what ever fate you give me. I wasn't faithful to this state. I was going to watch it burn. All I ask is that when you sentence me to death, I feel it is only right that I go the way I planned the city to go." she looks me in the eyes and I know she is telling me the truth. She sees me starring at her and she flashes me her usual confident smile, but there is pain and sadness in her eyes. I move on to Casey. He stands and looks right at me. "I'm so sorry Braydon. I truly am. I shouldn't have come to you last night." I sneak a quick glance at my aunt and I see light shine through her eyes. She put some pieces together and looks from me to Casey multiple times. "I just knew I had to see you one last time. I also except any fate you give me. But. I would like my last words to be: I love you, Braydon. And i have to know, Do you love me?" I stare at him, eyes wide. The crowd uproars and I have to tell them to settle down three times. I stand along with my aunt an uncle. "the counsel will know decide you fates." we leave the court room and head to a white door. A soldier opens it for me. I have seen my parents retreat to this place a few times. I always wondered what it looked like. But as I step in, I realize exactly what my father said when he called it boring. the room is completely white: white floors, walls, chairs and tables. I sit down and lily looks at me. "that was the boy from last night." she states. I nod my head. "he loves you." I shake my head. "and you love him." I shake my head faster. But I still don't breathe a word. "I can see it in your eyes. You can stop denying it." she whispers to me after she realizes how in infers uncomfortable my uncle was getting. "this shouldn't take long to decide."

"Quell collins. Please rise." as mr Collins rises, so do the three of us. My uncle announces his verdict first. "guilty." I turn to my aunts "guilty." everyone stares at me. "you have been found guilty by all three members of the state. We will see you tomorrow for sentencing." this is how the rest of the trails go. The only time someone says innocent is for Ronny and it was me. I remember how Ronny was. Innocent is the word I would have uses to describe her. But my aunt and uncle over ruled me. She will be punished.
I turn to Casey. My uncle starts. "guilty." he says with venom in his words. I can't help but think "yes" "innocent." I catch a glimpse of lily and she stares at me. I can't help but think "thank you" now it's my turn. I stare down at him. At the boy who changed my life. He made me mad, sad, and happy all at the same time. But I can't look at him with out seeing the blood from my family on his hands. "guilty" I hear myself mutter. Tears spring to his eyes as he looks up at me. "goodbye Braydon."
No one hears me as everyone leaves but I mutter "goodbye casey."

My family and I sit at the table eating tomato soup. It's been my favorite thing to ear since I got back. No one talks as we sip on our soup. But every once and a while i catch Lily looking at me. After the fourth time input my spoon down and look at her. "is there something wrong aunt lily?" I ask trying to hide the irritation in my voice. "no. It's just that... Todays trail was very stressful." she says. And it hits me. She's mad that I think Casey is guilty. "why did you pardon Casey?" I ask her. Everyone stops eating an all eyes are fixed on me. "Braydon, do you know what the most important thing in the world is?" she asks me. A list runs through my head: power, food, shelter, safety. All the things that you couldn't live without. I don't answer her. She takes my hand in hers then takes my uncles hand too. She looks at me then at him. "the most important thing in the world is love, Braydon. No one can live without it. If there was no such thing as love, there would be no reason to live. The world would cease to exist." I look at my unfinished soup. "I love you guys. Can't that be enough?" I ask. "we love you too, but there is never enough love." she takes a deep breath and looks at her soup too. "Casey does love you. I saw it in his eyes."
"well I guess since he loves me I should just forget about the fact that he killed my family. Your family." I say louder than I meant for it to be. "no. You should never forgive unless your ready to forget." I stand up. "well. I guess there's your answer." I leave with out making a sound.

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