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10 years later

Applause erupts from the audience. They are clapping for the speech I am about to give. I stand where my parents once stood when they gave speeches. People look at me, at the physical scars that still haven't faded since I was a little girl. I'm sure they also see my mother in me. I know I do. I speak with my head held hi and my voice echoes through the space filled with those who have come to remember the war that took place only 10 years ago. It still feels like yesterday. It still hurts but when I look out at all the people who loved my family and miss them as much as I do, and who also support me, the girl who didn't want to be president, it makes it easier. The pain doesn't hurt so much. Ive made some changes since the war. I've changed learning curriculum to include the war, I've adjusted the legal system and have added more benefits to our troops who protected us then and who continue to protect us now. But the biggest change I made is that after my term, the next president has a right to step down and elect a member of the state representative to take their place. I don't want my son to feel stuck as I did.
The wind blows through my long dirty blonde hair.
"my family gave up everything so I could stand before you today. so today goes to them. It also goes to those who fought for us when I was lead astray. I regret those choices still today. But I am forever grateful for those who came to my aid. We owe everything to our soldiers who fought bravely that year. Let us take this time and remember their sacrifice." Everyone claps and I make my way down the steps to take part in the parade put together to honor those who fought. I turn to the side and see my top security guard, Elijah, holding my beautiful baby boy. I open my arms and place my little CD on my hip.
"ready to join the parade Madam?" asks Elijah.
"what do you say, CD, wanna join in the parade?" CD smiles and giggles and I kiss his cheek. I laugh with my baby and everything is perfect. That's when I hear the screams.
That's when I choke on the smoke.
That's when I see someone I though I would never see again.

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