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Dulce throws me down as soon as the elevator door closes. I can't even image what my parents are going to do to me. I would get smacked across the face just for speaking without permission in my own house.

"Braydon! What the hell was that?!" my mom shouts as she smacks me across the face. I fall to the floor but stand right back up. I have never heard my mother say anything like that before. She doesn't curse. Not ever.

"You're asking me that question?! How about you're little speech you gave! What the Hell was that?!" this is the first time I have said anything like as well, but I'm not going to lie, it fells pretty good to say. But I make a mental note to not overdo it with the bad language. My mom towers over me, her stare hard and cold. But I glare right back. "You just wait till we get home! I'm going to give you a punishment that Satan himself would find cruel!"

"You just go ahead and do that because after this I am so gone; I'm so out of here!" She is taken back, so is everyone else. "And what do you mean by that young lady?" I sigh out of frustration. "It means, I'm going to grab my stuff and run as far as I can from this hell hole." I turn my back to her and stare at the corner of the elevator.

"You will do no such thing." says my dad. I stay where I am. I could feel all five pairs of eyes on my back. "And who's going to stop me?"

"me." I look up at Dulce. "And me." Calvin. And Jayla just grabs my hand. She doesn't speak. But this is her way of telling me she doesn't want me to go too. I finally turn around but I don't look my parents in the eyes.

"And me." says my dad. They want me to stay. They actually care about me. That's all I have ever wanted. But I already had it before the fight. Now only my mom's opinion counts.

"And--" screaming cuts her off as we look up at the monitor in the top of the corner next to the door. The crowd that was there to hear my parents speech fall on their faces, randomly. Gun shots ring, I could hear them even with the volume off on the monitor. Blood covers the lens of the camera. We can't see anything that is going on now.

"Get the gun." mom says. My dad rushes over to the control panel and punches in a sequence of numbers. A secret compartment opens up revealing a gun. I couldn't help but think of it as a vending machine. You press in the code to get something to eat or drink. The only differences is instead of dispensing a sweet or salty treat, we get a cold and dangerous weapon. And the stakes are much higher. My dad cocks it, getting ready to protect his family. A loud noise comes from the top of the elevator. All of us stare at the ceiling, waiting, wondering what we are about to face.

Everything that is going on fells like it is going in slow motion. The man, dropping into our private elevator, gun in hand, shooting my father in the neck. Dulce, Calvin and my mom pushing me and Jayla behind them. That's when things start to speed up. Dulce falls, then Calvin then my mom, then the man. Six shots rang out total. All of them hitting flesh and blood spills everywhere. My ears are ringing. Jayla shakes me, crying, screaming, and begging for me to live. I'm alive. It takes me a while before I realized it. I look down at myself. At the gun in my hands. At the smoke coming from the barrel and my finger on the trigger. I don't even remember picking up this gun. But the proof is in my palms. And there is no questioning what I did. I killed him. I killed him. I. Killed. Him. I throw the gun out of my hand sending an unbearable pain though my whole body. I notice blood gushing from my shoulder. He shot me. But not just me, my entire family. I completely tune out Jayla as I stare at the pile of body's that lay at my feet, laying in a pond of blood, their blood, and maybe even a drop or two of mine.

A flood of tears fall from my face like a water fall. "CALVIN! WAKE UP!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I hold my brothers limp head in my hands, with eyes that will stay shut forever. I turn to my other brother praying that he escaped this terrible fate. "Dulce.... Please! This isn't funny! This is sick and wrong! Don't do this to me!" I cry even louder like he is playing a prank on me, that this whole thing is one of his games he used to play when we were kids. But he doesn't jump at me shouting "Boo" and laughing his head off about me being so dramatic, instead he lies there. Motionless. Lifeless.

He's gone, I hunt for my father. I can't even look at him. He was the only one shot in the neck and that sight was too much to bear, but I pound on his chest begging him not to leave me for ten minutes. Then I find my mom. Her beautiful blonde hair, now a crimson red. Her eyes open, but no light shows through them. I hold her in my arms and cry on her shoulder. Just like she did when I was little and hurt myself. But this time, she's the one bleeding, but it's too late for me to tell her it will be okay. And that I love her.

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