A protection Job part 2

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You look at your Cyberdeck, realizing that you have five more hours until the job. As you look at Sarah, you see that she is no longer in bed, and she seems to have made breakfast. You notice that Sarah is cooking bacon and eggs, along with a plate of fresh fruit. Apparently, Sarah didn't get as drunk as you did, and now she's cooking you some brunch. After eating together, you and Sarah settle down in the living room, ready for the next five hours of preparation. You look at Sarah, curious to know more about her background.

You and Sarah sit down at the coffee table and get a couple controllers ready to play some video games. Sarah grabs one controller and hands the other to you, as she picks a game to start playing. Sarah is a big gamer and says that playing games is her favorite way to relax and pass the time. As the game begins, you quickly become engrossed in playing, and you notice Sarah's fast reactions and quick thinking in the game. 

As you're playing with Sarah, you realize that the hours have flown by quite quickly. You look at the time on your Cyberdeck and notice that you only have an hour left before your meeting with Lucius. You think about telling Sarah and starting to get ready, but she looks so focused and in the game that you don't have it in you to interrupt her. But then, as if on cue, you receive a message from Lucius. 

Sarah is focused on her game, deeply involved in trying to make it through the next level. As you look at the message, you feel bad interrupting her game. But then, you think about who's waiting on the other end of the message, and you start to get antsy. Finally, you turn to Sarah and say - Lucius has sent a message. We have to meet with him in half an hour. - Sarah looks at you with a surprised expression, and suddenly you feel bad for cutting her short in the middle of her game. You look to Sarah, who puts down her controller and quickly stands up.  -No worries, we have to go anyways - she says, before heading into the washroom to get dressed for the job. You both quickly get ready and then head out of the apartment, making your way to the rendezvous point with Lucius. You and Sarah make your way out of the apartment, heading towards the rendezvous point. Sarah is dressed in her tactical gear, with her helmet and vest on, while you're ready to go as well. Soon the two of you arrive at the meeting place, which is a random back alley with no one else in sight. You look around the alley, noticing the empty space and feeling a bit uneasy about it. 

As you stand in the empty alleyway, you get an uneasy feeling that something is not right. But before you have time to fully think it through, the building nearby suddenly bursts open and Lucius walks out of it; debriefing you and your crew on the job. V and Panam are also there with a few of their people. You all listen closely to Lucius' instructions and wait for him to finish, eager to hear what the job involves.

With the details of the mission now in your mind, you proceed with the rest of the crew to the staging area where PanAm's plane is parked, waiting to be refueled before taking off to the Badlands. The entire team, including V, Panam, Sarah, Royce, and Dex, make their way to the plane, where they all board. The sun has fully risen now, and it's a warm day in the Badlands. 

As the team boards the plane, you all notice Royce and Dex already sitting down, drinking sodas from a snack table that PanAm has provided. With the entire team now boarded, the plane takes off and heads deeper into the Badlands. The sun is now fully risen, and you see the barren, desolate land from the windows of the plane. You look over at Sarah, who is sitting next to you, and see that she is starting to doze off. 

As you notice Sarah starting to doze off, you decide to talk to her to stop from falling asleep. You look over at Sarah and tap her on the shoulder. Hey, Sarah. We're about to land, so you should probably stay awake.  Sarah jolts awake, and you hear her mutter something about falling asleep. She seems to be quite exhausted after her night out drinking and the hangover she's suffering from. As the plan begins to land, you look out of the window at the view of the desert.

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