Project 777

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As they walk by the observation room and see the live feed, they all stop to take a closer look. On the monitor, there appears to be a person in a large glass cage.Oh no... - Panam says quietly as she watches the person, recognizing them.Is that... Alt Cunningham... - Ronin replies in a shocked tone. Alt Cunningham is one of the most famous and infamous netrunners in history. The three of them all stare at the monitor in shock, suddenly realizing what a dangerous thing they've stumbled upon. Weird... I forgot who she was for a moment - Ronin casually says. How could you forget who Alt Cunningham is?? - Panam says, sounding surprised and offended. She's probably the most famous netrunner to ever live. She's been at the forefront of cyber and digital technology. Yeah, she's probably second only to Richard Night himself. Sarah agrees.  And she's right there, in a glass cage. What the hell is going on here? Well, she's in the net. We can't bring her back. - he says. No, but we need to figure out why the Tyger Claws have their hands on her. Ronin replies, now sounding a little annoyed. We need to get her out of here and make sure she's safe.  Alt Cunningham is an insanely valuable netrunner, and she's definitely of use to Arasaka. - Sarah points out. I can understand the Tyger Claws kidnapping her, but why keep her locked up like this?  Yeah, that's probably it. - Sarah replies. Maybe they think they can get something useful out of her now.But what exactly is it that they want? - Panam says, sounding curious and slightly nervous. Why go to all the effort of kidnapping her when most people think she's dead and buried in history?

Probably for the money. - Ronin says. Trust me, there is a lot of weirdos out there who would like to buy her body to do 'things' to her. or even worse. Gross. -Sarah responds with a disgusted look. Why would anyone want Alt's body, of all things?  Sure, she's an insanely talented netrunner and she's probably worth billions, but her body??

Panam also can't help but react with disgust at the thought of someone buying Alt's body. Who would want such a thing? - She asks, now sounding concerned. Well, she was kinda hot when she was on this world. No wonder Johny Silverhand dated her.Panam laughs even more at the second mention of Johnny Silverhand's relationship with Alt. Ok, yeah. I kinda see the appeal in that case. - She says, still laughing.In the meantime, Sarah's interest is piqued. - The thing is, though, Alt has been working on something, yeah. But what exactly has she been working on, that both Arasaka and the Tyger Claws are interested in?Hey, wait a second... Ronin suddenly realizes. That's it right there. He points at the monitor showing Alt, which is still active. Hold up... You don't mean. - Ronin says now being intrigued - They managed to move both of her body and her consciousness here? I'm impressed. - he says as he checks the PC for even more information. As Ronin looks through the files, he finds something that catches his eye. It looks like they managed to download her entire consciousness and upload it into the Net. The real Alt Cunningham is dead, but now she exists as a fully functional AI in the Net. Oh god. Sarah stares in disbelief and shock, now realizing why Arasaka and the Tyger Claws are both interested in this.  Suddenly Alt speaks through the screen. Hey? Hello? - Anyone here? - she says as she tries to communicate the outside world. Panam, Sarah, and Ronin all jump in surprise as they hear Alt speak to them through the monitor. Alt?! - Sarah exclaims. - It's you! But.. But how?Yeah, what the hell is going on? - Ronin asks in surprise. I thought you were dead.

I'm not exactly dead. I'm alive in the net. - she answered 

Panam and Ronin share a look, now starting to understand the situation here. Well, I guess that explains it. -  Panam says after a moment of thought.Yeah, this is a huge discovery. - Ronin adds, now looking fascinated. - She's one of the most famous netrunners to ever live, and she's somehow been uploaded to the Net?

I have even more option, when I'm the net, than when I was a net runner. So you're completely free? - Sarah asks, now sounding curious. You're not bound by the restraints of physical reality anymore? Yup, that seems about right. I have unlimited knowledge, so if you want to ask me something, feel free to ask. - she says awaiting their response.  Wait, let's slow down. - Panam says. How are you still functional? You're an AI, but you seem completely human. You have thoughts and feelings. How is this even possible?" Ronin adds, now sounding intrigued. - I always thought artificial intelligence was too simple to do something like this.Well, If not my consciousness I would've been just an AI, but now I'm an sentient AI with a 'soul' of human. So what you're saying is... - Panam begins to say as she thinks about it. Does that mean your consciousness was copied and uploaded onto the Net? But the original Alt Cunningham died? Yup. - she says as she confirms it. So... If the real Alt is dead, does that mean... - Sarah begins to ask, seemingly realizing what this means. - The body they're keeping in that glass cage... It's just her rotting corpse? Yes. Which year is it by the way? - she asks. The year is 2077. -Pam answers. Why, how long has it been for you? I suppose I lost track of time... Time is very relative 'here' in the Net. Alt comments with a small smile. In fact, I think I lost touch with human norms a long time ago.  I've been in here since 2023 - Alt answers. 2023?! No way, it's been that long?! Sarah says in surprise. - I can't even imagine... Yup, me neither. Although looking at my body, I stayed hot, even after 50 years. - she says. So when you were an actual person, were you really that pretty? - Sarah asks with curiosity. Just curious. You seem to have your memories in tact, yeah. Ronin adds. Do you have the same personality and traits as the real Alt Cunningham? I do. In fact, I technically could get back to my body if you connected me in an ice bath. Wait, for real? Sarah asks excitedly. That's incredible! And you could really have your body back? I can't believe it, that would be like bringing you back to life. Yup, I certainly could. The three companions now feel both optimistic and nervous at the same time. They could save Alt Cunningham's life, and bring her back to life in the real world. Yet they're also a little concerned about the idea of bringing the world's most dangerous netrunner back to life. This is a lot to take in right now. - Ronin comments. Seriously, we need to take a moment to process all this. - Panam adds. This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. It is. - Sarah agrees. We can't just ignore the possibilities here. Yup. We certainly can't. But how will we get her out of here? - Alt says. That's a good question. - Ronin says while thinking. This building is pretty much owned by Arasaka. They have a lot of security here. We need to come up with a plan on how we can both get into Arasaka's mainframe, unlock all the doors, and get Alt out of here without causing a scene. Panam and Sarah now look at each other and nod, agreeing with Ronin's plan. That sounds like it could work. Just need a way in. Panam says, now sounding determined. There! - Ronin suddenly says - There's an Arasaka van we can use to get in the tower undetected. There's a van out there! Panam asks, now sounding excited. That would be perfect! But how do you know there's a van out there? And where exactly is it? Wait, I got an idea." Sarah adds. If we know the van's parked close to the main entrance of the tower, we could try and hack into Arasaka's cameras to figure out it's precise location. Sure. That's a great idea - he says  Perfect! Ok, here's the plan. We find the van and get our hands on it. Then we use it to get into Arasaka tower and access the mainframe.  Panam explains the plan to the other two as she checks the monitor showing Alt Cunningham to make sure she's still there. All right, let's do this! - Sarah says excitedly.The three of them head for the factory exit. Once they're outside, they quickly take cover and search for the Arasaka van, trying to stay hidden. After a few minutes of searching, they spot the van and sneak towards it, trying to avoid being seen by any guards still patrolling the area. Sarah is the first to reach the van, which appears to be still unlocked. She gets in and quickly starts the van, while the other two hop into the back and duck down so they won't be seen through the windows. Sarah speeds off in the van, driving the trio towards the Arasaka tower. They stay hidden in the van, not wanting to risk the Arasaka guards spotting them. The tower comes soon into view, and they slowly approach, looking for the main entrance. Hey, I think we've found the entrance! - Panam says, pointing at a large set of glass doors to their side. There are a few guards around, but they don't appear to have noticed the van yet.  Sarah pulls the van up as close to the main entrance as possible. They all make their way out of the van, checking to make sure the coast is clear before moving towards the main entrance door. Sarah gets to the door first and tries to open it, but it's locked. Damn it - she says under her breath, as she starts to scan it for security measures. Hold on, let me try something. - Panam suddenly says after a few seconds. I think I know how we can get inside. Panam uses her Tech skill to start hacking the lock to try and override the electronic locks on the main entrance door. The screen on her cyberdeck starts to display lines of text and numbers as the hacking process begins. After a few moments, she finally manages to crack the lock and the door to the Arasaka tower opens. The three of them quickly run into the tower and move along, now being careful to avoid any cameras or guards they come across. The trio carefully sneaks inside the Arasaka tower. They move down a few hallways and find their way into an elevators that takes them up to the upper floors. As they're waiting for the elevator door to open, Sarah notices something strange on the elevator console: buttons for floors labeled as '-1' and '-2'. Oh, what's this? She asks the others as she presses the button for Level -1. Seconds later, the elevator doors open to reveal a dark and foreboding area. It looks like they've entered the dark basement of the Arasaka tower. The ice bath should be nearby - Ronin says as he activates his optical camo and moves out of the elevator. The trio follows Ronin as he makes his way out of the elevator, and soon find a set of double doors that lead into a freezing cold area. They open them and see a large rectangular room with an ice bath in the middle. A few of the ice cubes have melted, showing hints of a human body underneath.Guys... You're not gonna believe what we found. - Sarah says as she stares in disbelief at the sight of Alt Cunningham's frozen body. She's here... Well, let's get this shit rolling already - Ronin says. Panam steps forward and places her cyberdeck against the ice bath, starting to upload a data stream into the bath to download Alt's consciousness. As she does this, we cut to the inside of Alt's mind... A pitch black world, where Alt finds herself standing in a large black void. Suddenly, a blinding light appears before her. Is someone there? She calls out in the void. Hello? Can anyone hear me? What's going on?! - Hey! Over here - Panam says as she grabs the Alt's AI hand and drags her back to her body. Alt's eyes slowly adjust to the bright lights of her new body, as she finds herself waking up on the ice bath. She looks around for a few moments, before suddenly realizing what happened. I can't believe it... I'm actually back in my body. - Alt smiles for a few moments, before she suddenly looks back at the trio. Wait... You guys helped me! Of course we did." Sarah smiles as she extends her hand to help Alt up. What were we gonna do? Leave you in that ice bath for eternity? Here, grab this clothes - Ronin says as he throws her used clothes - You know how to use a gun? - he asks Alt quickly gets dressed, and now feels a bit overwhelmed with excitement. Of course I know how to use a gun! I was the greatest netrunner to ever live. Alt responds playfully. Yeah, but you've been in a freezer for the past fifty years. Think you can still handle a gun? -  Ronin teases, now sounding amused. Alt responds by sticking out her tongue, before looking back at the trio. So... How did you guys even know about any of this? I thought I was well protected from the world. What changed?  - Alt asks. You mean since Silverhands assault on Arasaka tower? Very much. - he answers her question. Alt's eyes go wide in shock. Wait... Silverhand attacked Arasaka? - Alt asks. Yeah, he did. - Sarah responds. -He even nuked the tower. Alt pauses, as she stares off in disbelief. That's impossible... He... He destroyed Arasaka? Yup, He did it with Rogue and some guy called Morgan. Morgan was caught by Smasher, and Silverhand escaped. - he replies. - But unfortunately, Silverhand was gunned down 5 years later by Arasaka guards. Alt stays silent for a few moments, as she seems speechless, as if she's having trouble processing everything that's happened. And Rogue is alive? Alt finally asks with a stunned expression. Yeah, she's still kicking. Sarah confirms, as she sees Alt in stunned disbelief. She survived the Assault on Arasaka? - Alt asks. She did. And she's a fixer now. She buys and sells info for money in the afterlife club now. - he replies to her questions. No way! - Alt says while covering her mouth in disbelief. I need to contact her! I need to see if she's OK. I can't believe that Silverhand is dead though... -  Alt sighs, now sounding a bit sad. Alt, there's something we need to tell you... -Sarah says to Alt with a serious look on her face. What is it? - Alt asks nervously. Everyone thinks you're dead - Ronin suddenly says. Alt's eyes go wide in shock, and her face turns pale. "What... What did you just say?" she asks, staring at Ronin in disbelief. Let me get this straight... Everyone thinks I'm dead? But... But I'm right here. I'm right here! - Alt says, now sounding extremely puzzled. Yeah, and before we took you from the net you were frozen for 50 years in the ice tub behind us. - he says. 50 years!? - Alt asks incredulously. It's apparent that she can't really process what she's hearing right now. Everyone thinks I'm dead, but I'm alive? I've been gone for 50 years? The world is completely different now, isn't it? - Alt asks. Sarah and Panam now look at each other and nod, understanding how shocking this must be for her. Yeah, but you're back now! - Sarah smiles at Alt as she tries to comfort her. 54 to be exact - he says. I... I don't know what to say. - Alt stays silent for a few moments, as she seems overwhelmed with all the information. Wait... Can I have a cigarette? she finally asks.My head's spinning. Wait, but smoking is bad for you! - Panam replies, now sounding a bit concerned. I know, I'm just... I just need a few minutes to clear my head. - Alt replies calmly. A cigarette wouldn't kill me at this point, right? Panam hesitates for a moment, before handing Alt a pack of cigarettes. At this moment, alt probably has metal lungs, so technically, she can't die from smoking. Alt smiles as she opens the pack of cigarettes, now looking relieved to be smoking again. She lights one up and takes a long drag, while she now starts to think to herself. After a few moments, Alt looks back at the trio and now speaks with a bit more confidence. So... I guess Silverhand really did nuke Arasaka tower. He really did it, huh?Sarah and Panam both now look at Alt with a bit of awe. Yeah, but he's also dead now. Killed by Arasaka agents. Ronin adds. Holy shit... Guys, we can talk once we escape Arasaka's elite squad. Here alt, take this gun and shoot whatever moves - he says as he takes his battle stance. You're right.Alt now says as she takes the gun from Ronin. She then carefully takes up a position to provide cover fire, as the trio slowly move down the cold, dark hallway of ice baths. They soon see a group of Arasaka agents start to appear around the corner. Alt fires her gun at the Arasaka troops, and she manages to take down a few of them. The trio can see the Arasaka agents now coming around the corner, and they're now preparing to return fire. Hold up - Ronin says as he stops time. He then touches the others to bring him into his world. Don't think about how I did it. Just follow me, ok? As soon as the world freezes, the three of them feel an unexplainable moment of clarity and calm. They look around in awe, seeing that time is indeed stopped. What the hell did you just do? Sarah asks in shock, while Panam  now sounds amazed. Just stay close to me. - Ronin replies, now sounding confident and determined. We're making our move to the ice bath area. Keep the Arasaka troops occupied while I hack their mainframes, got it? 15 minutes later...  We actually escaped... - Panam says in relief as she takes a deep breath. And we even managed to bring Alt Cunningham out of the Arasaka tower!

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