The Big One.

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As Ronin goes to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for them both, he can't help but smile a bit as he now hums a tune to himself whilst working.He then hears a sweet voice from the bedroom saying:Are you going to take long, honey? You know what I'm waiting for... - Sarah now whispers seductively as she now sits on the bed smiling at Ronin.  Not much longer darling - he says as he finishes the breakfast. Sarah now then smiles sweetly at Ronin and replies with a tease:Aww... you're no fun. We could've had a quick breakfast in bed but, if you want to eat at the table, then fine. - she says in a teasing tone as she now kisses Ronin's cheek and now says:Just be sure to come here ASAP. I'm looking forward to the 'after-breakfast treat', darling. - Sarah now whispers to him. Who said that we're gonna eat at the table? - he says as he carries their breakfast to their bedroom. Sarah now giggles and says: Ohh... so we're eating in bed, then? That's even better." she says with a naughty smile before now saying: Please don't take too long, though. I'm looking forward to some 'breakfast for two'.

Ronin soon after arrives to their bedroom as they proceed to eat their breakfast. Sarah then reaches her hand towards Ronin, then says: Come here and kiss me, honey. she whispers suggestively while now smiling at him, then she now adds: I've had something I've been wanting to give to you... - Sarah says as she now starts to blush a little, now smiling seductively at Ronin. What is it? - he asks. Sarah doesn't reply with words but instead, shows  Ronin exactly what she meant. First, her face turns red and then she slowly gets close to Ronin, then she starts to kiss him passionately. She starts to caress his hair and neck as they both now lay on top of each other on her bed, then Sarah now whispers seductively: I think... we're going to spend the rest of the day here. Oh, now I see what you mean - he says as he returns the favor.  For the rest of the morning and noon, Ronin and Sarah now spend some time together, doing all kinds of things that two lovebirds like them do in these situations... In the afternoon, they now get up, have a shower together and now get ready for a nice walk across the park together. And as the evening starts to approach, Ronin finally invites Sarah to one of his favourite restaurants. Suddenly Ronin gets a message from Rogue 'come together tomorrow with Alt at 2pm. I have a Job that might interest you three' - he reads it, after which he enjoys the rest of the day with Sarah. Sarah smiles as she sees that Ronin is checking his messages and now says:

You got a message, dear? - she asks in a teasing tone.Then, Sarah looks at him and now smiles again and now replies:Well, I can already guess who this is coming from. It's most likely her again, asking you for a favour. - she now says as she gently plays with Ronin's hair.She then asks him:So, what exactly did she need you for? Don't be shy, tell me. - she now says teasingly. Rogue said she had a job that might interest us. And that we'll need to bring Alt with us - he replies. Ooh... that sounds interesting. - she now says as she smiles seductively and now whispers to him:Did Rogue say what kind of job it was? - she asks in a sultry tone. No, she only said to meet her tomorrow at 2pm - he replies. Sarah now then smiles at Ronin before now replying:Then, it must be something pretty important. I guess we'll see what this job is about, eh?" Sarah then says as she now looks him in the eyes seductively whilst now adding:At least now we've got the night to ourselves. - she says in a playful tone.

That we do, my love - he replies as he kisses her in the cheek  As he now leans back and now smiles at her, Sarah replies: So, my love... you think you could get me another kiss? She now says sedantly whilst now holding Ronin's face and now adding: I mean... since you're so good at it. - she now whispers softly to him with a teasing smile. I could. - he says. But I could give you even more at our place - he says now teasing her. Sarah now smirks and whispers to him: Oh, you think you can get me to do that? - she now says as she now brings her head close to his and now adds: I dunno... if I feel like it... I might actually let you do it this time - Sarah says in a teasing tone as she now leans towards him and now whispers: But you're gonna have to try really hard if you want to even have a chance of getting me to give it to you - she says as she now winks subtly. If you don't wan't it, we can stay on the kisses - he says. Sarah suddenly grabs Ronin by his shirt and now pulls him slightly closer. She now whispers seductively into his ear: But, I do want it from you, honey... and you have to prove to me first that you deserve it -  she now whispers, adding: How are you gonna do that? - she now asks whilst stroking Ronin's hair and now biting her lips slightly.  How about I make you a drink back at our house? - he implies.  Sarah then replies to Ronin: That sounds really good~" she says before now saying: But... I need a bit of convincing, so... try a bit harder - she now whispers to him as she now moves even closer towards him, now nibbling his ear and now rubbing her hands up and down his arms. Well, I can go and make you a dinner so good, that you'll never forget - he implies trying to convince her Sarah now chuckles softly and now replies in a teasing tone: I know you can cook, dear, but... I thought of a different kind of meal that'd be even better in this case -  she now says as she now looks into Ronin's eyes seductively. Okay, I might be a mood breaker, but I'm lost now - he says.

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