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Ronin's POV

As I woke up in the morning, in the bed with Sara laying right beside me and me, still being hangover from yesterday's party, I decided to wake up and walk to the bathroom. As I stood in front of the mirror, I pondered: "Was it all real?" "Did I really had sex with Sarah, despite her being pregnant?" "What if I accidentally caused her to lose our child?". I couldn't shake those thought off. I splashed cold water on my face, then I looked at the mirror and said to myself: Come on Felix, you got to get yourself together, despite what happens. As I said that, i turned off the mirror and went to make some breakfast for Sarah. I really don't want her to overwork herself. Especially now that she's pregnant. While making the breakfast, I tried to shake off the thoughts about what happened yesterday in the bathroom. After a while, I decided to try and act like nothing happened and just make Sarah some breakfast as if nothing ever happened.

Half an hour later, Sarah's POV

Yawns Huh... I guess, Felix must've went downstairs to make some breakfast. I wonder if he remembers something from the party yesterday... Especially what we did in the bathroom. Due to how much I've drank yesterday, I barely remember it, but i know one thing. It was awesome. I guess I'll take a shower and join him. I'll see what he thinks about the night before. As I was showering I suddenly got a flashback...

Militech's heaquarters,2069

?: Come on Sarah, We gotta go! Our cover's blown! We need to get out ASAP!

Sarah: Hold on, I'm almost in! Just give me a minute!

?: We don't have a minute! We have to go! NOW!

Sarah: I know, I know! Sarah nervously tries to get the most of it. Got it. Let's get out of here!

?: About damn time. Come on, follow me, if we're fast enough, we might avoid the Militech soldiers.

Sarah: Lead on then.

As they moved through the corridors, staying out of sight of cameras and Militech soldiers they almost got out. Almost...

?: Fuck. They pinned us down.

Sarah: What do we do now?

?: Just... Do as I do, and we should be fine.

Militech soldier: DON'T MOVE! STAY WHERE YOU ARE!

Sarah: We're so fucked...

?: Calm down, we ain't dead yet.

Sarah: Yeah, but they're gonna kill us.

?: Not on my watch. EAT THIS, MOTHERFUCKERS!!



Militech soldier: Target neutralized. Search the building.

Militech soldier 2: But sir, what about the other girl?

Militech soldier: She isn't our problem anymore. Now we need to enter the building and see if those terrorists haven't caused any major damage.

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