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The next day, everyone's at the villa. Sarah wakes up first, and goes to make herself some coffee. After a bit, Lucy wakes up too, and heads down to the kitchen to try some of Sarah's coffee. Lucy: Huh, this tastes pretty good. Alt then gets out of bed, and also goes to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.Alt: Okay, I'll have to remember to tell Sarah that her coffee tastes pretty good. Alt continues to fix herself a cup of coffee. Afterwards, Sarah speaks up. Hey, guys. Guess what happened last night? Lucy and Alt turn to look at Sarah. What happened last night? - Ronin asks. Sarah: You guys remember all that fuss about the Phantom of Arasaka? Well... guess who the Phantom actually ended up being Lucy, Alt, and Ronin all look at Sarah for a moment, waiting for her to say something else. Sarah: It was us. We're the Phantom of Arasaka. Alt: Wait, what? Are... are you serious? Sarah: Yeah, the news is reporting that it was us. How cool is that?! Took you long enough to figure it out - Ronin says. Sarah: Oh, come on! I just wanted to get a reaction for this. This is massive! No one was ever expecting that the Phantom ended up being... us. I mean, who else would come up with the idea of putting on fancy masks and dressing in all black? Alt: Yeah, I'd say this is pretty cool. We really made a name for ourselves out there. And the fact that we just found out it was us all along. That takes this to a whole new level. Hold up. I got a call from Rogue. She says that someone have heard about us and offers us a job. She says, that if we're interested, we should meet her in the Afterlife club. So, are you in? - he says. Everyone nods.Alt: We're definitely interested. Let's go... after we get ready, of course.Sarah: Of course we're interested! Rogue's offering us a job? We're in! But like Alt said, we gotta get ready first. And we gotta get ready fast.Alt: Yup. We gotta look good if we're meeting Rogue.Lucy: We do gotta look good. I'm going back to my room to get ready. You guys go do the same. We gotta be looking fly if we're gonna be meeting Rogue. Sure, I'll wait for you guys in the car. - he says. The group all head off to their rooms to get ready.After about half an hour, everyone's ready. Lucy, Alt, and Sarah are all wearing the Militech Wannabe outfit, while Ronin is wearing his regular outfit, but with a different color scheme.)Alt: Alright, I think we all look good. You guys ready for this?Sarah: Yeah, we look good. Let's go meet with Rogue.Everyone nods. The group drives to the Afterlife and parks outside it. They all exit the car, and walk into the club. They see Rogue waiting for them on the second floor of the club. Alt: Hey, Rogue. How're you doing? Rogue: Not great. But you're here, so let's just talk business.Alt: Right, right. You said on the phone that you have a job for us? Rogue: Well, I don't. But he does. Suddely a man all dressed in black walks to Rogue from a bar. M: Hello. My name is M432TR0 but friends call me Michael. Anyway there's a job, that would suit you guys. It is highly payable, and the risk makes is even more worth it. So, are you guys in? - he says. Alt: Well, I think we'd be interested in hearing more about this job. We're willing to take on a highly risky job if the pay is worth it. Rogue: Mhm, yeah, I agree with Alt. I think the four of us are just the right crew for this kind of job. Now, can you tell us a bit more about this highly paid, high-risk job of yours? It's a data breach heist. The target is a Militech convoy. You guys need to get the file and get out o there. Normally, this would be easy, but after your hit on Jack McAlister they tripled their guards on each convoy and on each of their complexes. So you'd have to plan it out. - he says. So you up for it? As I said, it's high risk, but it's also highly payable, so it'll be worth your time - he adds Alt: Uh huh. A convoy, you say? Like an armed vehicle carrying a file? So what we have here is a sort of "high-speed chase" job?Sarah: Right. We'd have to either try to pull this off on the highway or in an urban environment.Alt: I think we can do that. But before we give you an answer, can you tell us how much we'd be getting paid for this job? And, more importantly, who we're doing this job for?  Well, here's the first problem: If you'd try to pull it off their schemed route, they'll turn on a silent alarm and in mere seconds you'll get swarmed by Militech guards. So you'd have to do it on the  move. - he says.  Alt: Well, maybe we can get the job done quickly enough for it not to be an issue.But, back to my previous question. Who'd be giving us our payout? Alt: Well, maybe we can get the job done quickly enough for it not to be an issue. But, back to my previous question. Who'd be giving us our payout? The payout is 2 mil eddies. Plus, if you do it stealthy, you'd get a 10mil bonus. and you're doing it for me - he says. Sarah: Two million? That's a huge amount...But why do you need us to do this job for you... Michael?Rogue: Yeah, what's in it for you? I mean, even if we pull off your mission perfectly, you're not paying us directly. So what do you gain from this mission if we succeed? It'd be a pure pleasure for me. Besides, I like to cause chaos in corpos minds. So It'd be a perfect opportunity for you all. - he says. Alt: Okay, that sounds good. I mean, I've always loved messing with corpos. Especially Arasaka. But, still, I have a few more questions. Who exactly would we be stealing this file from? And who's going to be our fence? could you elaborate on the 'fence' thing? - he asks. Sarah: A fence is someone who buys your stolen merchandise.Alt: It's basically a middleman who buys things you steal and resells it on the black market. Fences usually know a lot of shady characters who'd be ready to buy our wares. Oh well, I have my buyer. But he specifically asked to keep his identity secret, so I can't tell you who he is. But be aware, he has a lot of money and can pay us a ton for it. - he says. Sarah: I see. So, we'll just have to meet a mysterious benefactor. Alright, not a problem. But, there's one more thing I need to know. What exactly do you mean by 'the Militech convoy?' Alt: What exactly are we supposed to be stealing from this convoy? Militech data? Weapons? Vehicles? Something else? Something like that. You'll need to steal a file from one of the trucks. Everything else you find is yours to keep. My client specifically needs the file. - he says. Sarah: Aha. Okay, that sounds good. So, a file on a convoy.So, I'm assuming we won't be the only ones trying to get to this file. I think it's safe to presume that people like MaxTech, Arasaka, and even some independent groups would do anything to take the file for themselves. Alt: Right. We'll have to make sure we're prepared. So, any other details on where and when this convoy will make its way into the city? The convoy leaves the complex at 7pm today. You can either grab the file in the complex, but it'll require more caution, or you could wait till they go into less secluded area and catch up with the convoy there. It's really up to you how you do it. Once you get the file, meet me at this location - he says while sending them a drop off point location to their cyberdecks.  Sarah: Okay, that's quite the information dump. Right, so, let's review. We have to steal a file off a Militech convoy. We have to do it without setting off their silent alarm. And we can either grab the file out of the complex or during the convoy's route. And once we get the file, we'll drop it off at this location for the final payment. Any other details we need to know, Michael? No, this is everything. I count that you can get the job done - he says. Sarah: We can definitely get this job done. But, just to clarify, how do we contact you if we have any other questions or concerns? Alt: Or if something happens and we have a change of plans? Yup, message me, and we'll figure it out. And call me M432TR0 of Maestro if you will. - he says. Anyway, I'm heading home now. You can either stay here for a while or get ready for your job. - he says as he drives off with his car. Sarah: Well, I guess we shouldn't waste any time! Alt, Lucy, Ronin, let's get ready for this job. Alt: You heard the lady. Let's get going! Ronin:  Alright, lets get this done! Lucy: I hope we don't regret doing this.Sarah, Alt, Ronin, and Lucy get ready to take on Michael's job. After getting ready as much as they can, the group then begins to make their way over to the job site provided by Michael.It's a quiet night as the group approaches the area where the Militech convoy is supposed to pass through. A nearby construction site provides enough cover and hiding spots to allow the group to take on the job with minimal risk. Ronin: Alright. Here we go. Alt and Lucy, do you have your stealth gear on? Alt: Yes, we do. Lucy: Of course! We're ready to make our move. Ok, We'll hide in the convoy and wait until they exit the suburban area. Only then, we'll make our move - he says. Sarah: Good plan. We don't want to blow the mission right at the start. Okay, we can do this. We just gotta keep it cool and take them out quickly. Alt: Yeah. We just have to be quick and quiet. Lucy: Alright. It won't be easy, but we can do this. Ronin: Right. Lets just keep calm and make this a stealthy job. We've practiced enough for this. The group then gets ready to ambush the convoy. As the group lays in wait for the convoy, after about three minutes, they hear and see the convoy approaching. Sarah: They're here. The group readies their weapons and watches as the Militech convoy passes by. Alt: Hold your fire... not yet. The convoy continues driving past the group. Alt: Hold... and... fire! As they shoot the weak points of the trucks, the militech convoy stops to check what's going on while the group sneaks past them. The moment the Militech convoy stops, the group springs into action. A couple of the guards are killed. While Ronin and Alt focus their attention on one truck, Lucy and Sarah take on the other. Alt manages to stealthily take out two guards and then grab the data core from the data truck. Alt: Got it! Let's get out of here. NOW. Alt quickly sneaks back into cover without being spotted. As they get out of the trucks, they make their way to the escape car and drive off to the drop off point. After a bit of driving, the group reaches the specified dropoff point. Alt: This is it. Michael must be waiting for us here. Suddenly, a bunch of cars speed towards the group from the front and from the rear.Alt: Oh, no, we've been set up. Everyone, watch out. Gunfire comes from the approaching enemies. This must be a trap set up by Michael. Keep it together. Let's destroy these guys and get paid.The group finally reaches the dropoff point. They see Michael standing there with three other people dressed in Militech outfits. One of them is holding a briefcase with the Militech logo on it. Michael: That was quick. Are you really the legendary Cyberpunks everyone's been talking about recently? Or are you just some street mercs that got lucky? Anyway, here's your money. And be glad that we're the ones who hired you and not Arasaka or someone worse. Before the group can protest, the three Militech guards approach the group. What's going on in here? and why would Militech want their own tech? Suddenly, the Militech guards raise their weapons and aim at the group. Militech Guards: Down on the ground! Now! This is your only warning! Alt: Oh, my god. What is going on? This job seems to have been a double cross. The group is now trapped in between the Militech guards. Michael watches from afar, enjoying the show. Ronin then activates his sandevistan and kills the Militech guards. Ronin: These guys were just a bunch of amateurs. Sarah: Right. At least they weren't MaxTech, but this job went south real quickly. Michael was definitely in on the double cross. Lucy: Wait, there's still the Militech logo on the briefcase. We can still get paid. Alt: Right. We're not going away without getting our eddies back for this mess. The group then approaches the empty Militech briefcase to hopefully get paid. You guys check the Militech briefcases. I have someone I need to deal with... - Ronin says as he heads to Michael. He tries to escape, but before he can move, Ronin catches him. Okay, you son of a bitch, you have exactly 10 seconds to tell me who was behind this or I'll put a bullet between your eyes. - he says now clearly being pissed off. Michael: You really want to know? The person behind this double cross is an underground crime lord known as Black Dog. He made a deal with Arasaka in exchange for him helping set up the Militech convoy. Black Dog's got a lot of influence over the gangs in Pacifica. If you're lucky enough to find him without Arasaka catching on, you'll be able to get the data file and maybe even a bigger payout. Michael then chuckles to himself.Michael: chuckles Oh, this is getting good. Well, fuck you too - Ronin says as he shoots him in the head. He then proceeds to search his body and finds Black Dogs exact location. Don't ask where we're going, just know that there will be a shootout so prepare yourselves - he says as he enters the car. Alt: Alright, sounds like we're taking on Black Dog. You heard the man, guys. Let's get armed and ready to take on whatever trouble Arasaka, Black Dog, and whoever else gives us.Sarah: Count me in. I'm not letting these guys walk away with the file.Alt: Yeah, same here. Let's bring this mission to a close and give Black Dog what he has coming.The group then gets armed and ready to face whatever trouble Black Dog throws their way. As they arrive at the Black Dog's Casino, Ronin bashes through the front door and says: SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND! - he says as he shoots a grenade from his gun killing a few guards instantly. All four of the group take advantage of the sudden chaos and follow Ronin through the front door. They quickly take out several guards inside and make their way through the casino. Eventually, they see Black Dog talking to one of his henchmen, a huge man with body armor and a cyberarm.Black Dog: ...and if these so called Cyberpunks show up, you make sure to shoot them on sight. Got it?Henchman: Yes, boss.Black Dog: Good. Now get out of here. I have things I need to discuss privately. 

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