You wanna know how I got that scar?

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Hey, Ronin. - Sarah asked, as they were both sitting on the window frame looking at Night City. - Yeah? What is it, darling? - Ronin replied. - There's something I've been meaning to ask you for a while, but I never got the chance to do so. - Go on. - The scar, on the right side of your head. How did you get it? - Sarah asked. - I was shot, back when I was just a young choom looking to make some money. - Ronin replied.
Oh? You mind telling me about that? Of course, you don't have to, if you don't want to. - Sarah said whilst looking at him with her ocean eyes. - No, it's nothing. Besides it's quite an interesting story. - Ronin replied. - I'm listening - Sarah said as she curiously looked at him, waiting for the story. - I'd been working as an errand boy, delivering parcels and mail for some lowlife gangsters. It was dangerous work, but I was a kid back then. I thought I knew everything about how to stay safe and nothing could touch me. So I'd never been worried about anything before. That was, until I took a job and got too greedy with my earnings. I trusted the wrong people, and I got shot for my troubles.
You mind telling me more about the job that got you that scar? - Sarah asked, still being curious. - Yeah. So, anyway - Ronin said as he took a big breath. It wasn't an ordinary job. I was just 20 back then. I didn't know how things worked in Night City. One day, our boss got a call from one of the fixers. It was a militech convoy heist. I didn't know much about the job, since my boss kept his mouth shut about any details. We were just supposed to do the job and get paid  for it. But, as you see, the job didn't go as planned. The job itself was dangerous enough as it was. Militech is no ordinary corporation. They've got more security and firepower than any gangster in Night City. But my boss was sure it was doable and that we could get the job done. So we did the job, or that's what we thought we'd done. But it was a trap. As soon as we started the heist, Militech's private military forces gunned down most of our crew. It was like hell had been unleashed on their truck. We had no chance. Me and my friend from the crew escaped. But in the end, I was the only one to survive. My friend died due to internal bleeding. I delivered the package, barely managing to survive and escape the remaining Militech troops. But in the end it was for nothing. When I got to the drop-off point I was surprised to see my boss making a deal with arasaka to buy it. The only thing except the bullet he put in my head was the words: "You were never good for this job. And now, I don't need you anymore". The next thing I know, I wake up in some scrapyard outside of night city barely able to stand. I decided to crawl my way out and I crawled to the street and then I passed out. - Damn, I'm sorry you had to go through that. It sounds like you've been through a lot. But how did you survive the injury? How did you manage to get the care you needed? - Sarah asked, both being intrigued by the story and still curious of what happened next. - Well, the guy who found me, turned out to be an ex- ripperdoc. He checked my vitals when I was unconscious, and when I woke up hours later, he told me that the bullet barely missed my brain and instead went to the right side of my head.
After that, he patched me up and managed to hide the scar. He gave me some meds to help heal but I was still very weak and I had to stay in a hotel nearby for a couple of months. I still remember all the pain that I had to endure because of that bullet wound. But I'm glad that the ripperdoc was nice enough to help me. Otherwise, I don't know what would've happened to me. Believe it, or not, he  actually treated me fairly well. He patched me up quite well, and he managed to book me a hotel room nearby for me to stay. He also gave me his phone number, if anything happened, or when the scar got worse.
- So, what happened after that? Did you return to the fixer? And did you ever find out who set the trap in the first place? Or why did your boss sell the package instead of keeping it? - Sarah asked, now being even more intrigued in the story. - Yeah, I did a favour or two for him. In exchange, he helped me get my revenge on my old boss. Turns out, he wasn't even someone from the high league. Just another punk looking to make some money while he just sat there in Japantown partying. He was quite surprised to see me surviving, but I didn't care anymore. I just put my pistol against his head and shot him in the head. This time, I made sure I didn't miss... - Ronin replied with a sour voice, reminding himself that not everyone in Night City can be trusted. After that, I went off the grid and decided not to deal with fixers or any of their jobs anymore. I was done with the merc life, and I wanted to just live an honest life. So I found a job at the scrapyard and stayed away from any illegal activities. I was happy with the job itself, though the pay was mediocre at best. But I was okay with that. It wasn't like I had any other options. The only real downside was the bullet wound on my head... It still bothers me at times. But still, the scrap yard wasn't enough. It paid good, I admit, but still, it wasn't giving me that adrenaline I used to get when I did the job as a Merc. - And? What did you do next? - Sarah asked, fully intrigued in the story. - I decided to quit my scrap yard job, and I became a netrunner for hire. I had some experience with the net from merc days, so I thought: Why not? And the rest is basically history. - Ronin said, with ease, as his story finally reached its climax.

You're right. It sounds like you really found your calling in netrunning. It's great that you're able to use your skills as a merc in this new career path. But what do you mean by the bullet on your skull still bothering you? How exactly does it bother you? - Sarah, asked, still being curious about it. - Eh. It hurts from  time to time. That's why at least once per month I have to take a pill to  help me ease the pain - Ronin replied. - Hmm, that really sounds like a pain in the ass. I can see why you'd need to take a pill to ease the pain. But I'm just wondering... Have you tried to get rid of the bullet completely? I mean, with all your netrunning skills, you must have some access to good medical care, right? - You don't get it Sarah. The bullet only made a mark. The bullet itself hit some trees on its way, if I remember that right. - Ronin replied. Ohhh, I get it now. The bullet just caused a superficial wound and it wasn't anything serious. But still, it's strange how the bullet would be embedded in a tree if it only caused a superficial wound. Maybe he missed a more serious target? Well, I'm going to ask you another question: Since you're a netrunner, have you tried to locate the bullet in the treeline where it struck?

Ronin smirked, looking at Sarah. - Where'd ya think I had that necklace from? I found that bullet by accident at one of my jobs as a net runner, and I decided to make a necklace with it, to remind me of my rookie mistakes. - he replied.

Oh, I guess that really explains the whole thing. At first, I thought the bullet was still inside you and a constant source of pain for you. But now that you've explained it, it makes the necklace a lot more sensible. It seems like you have a more practical and less painful way of dealing with the bullet, which is great. I'm glad you could use it as a reminder to learn from your mistakes and build your skills as a netrunner. - Sarah said, as her inner question was answered.

Yup. That's right. Anyway yawns it's time for me to get some sleep. You can join me if you want winks - Ronin said as he headed straight to bed.

Hmm, it is getting late, huh? I suppose I should be heading off to bed too. I'm pretty tired from all the excitement and adventure earlier today. Maybe we could keep the conversation going tomorrow? - Sarah asked.  Yeah, that'd be good. - Ronin said as he laid on the bed  with Sarah next to him. Goodnight, honey. - Ronin said, as he closed his eyes Goodnight. - Sarah replied, as she closed her eyes too.

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