Personal Vendetta

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Sarah wakes up in the middle of the night. She looks at Ronin and then looks at the clock. It's 3 a.m. S: ...Ronin... Ronin, wake up... Sarah nudges and pokes at Ronin. S: Ronin... Ronin then wakes up and sees Sarah. R: Sarah, what is it? What's wrong? S: I need to show you something... Sarah then takes Ronin's hand and leads him into her office. Once they're in there, she turns on her computer. S: Here, watch this... this is... this is about what I was telling you. This is... this is important. Ronin looks over Sarah's shoulder and watches what she brings up on her computer screen. On Sarah's computer screen, Ronin sees that Sarah is looking at some leaked and top-secret Arasaka documents. The documents seem to show that Arasaka is currently involved in a massive cyberwar against a dangerous new megacorp known as Militech.R: Sarah, what are you... what are you doing?! Sarah just looks at Ronin with worry in her eyes.S: You have to believe me, okay? You need to get away from this job. This is too much.

Hold up... It's all about the assasination that was done 20 years ago... Holy... This is related to my father - he says. S: Yes, it is... this is why I'm showing it to you. I... I don't want you to get involved. Sarah looks at Ronin with worry and sadness in her eyes. S: I... I don't want anything to happen to you... you mean a lot to me. I... I care about you. I... I don't want to see you get hurt. Please... You don't want me to get involved yet you show me that either arasaka or militech killed my father. - he says S: Listen... I know you have your suspicions. And I'm... I'm very sorry to say it... but I believe your suspicions are true. I... I... I'm so sorry, but... Sarah can see the rage starting to build up in Ronin's eyes. S: ...but... I don't want you to get involved. Please... don't go after them. I'm not gonna go after them specifically. I'm just looking for the people they hired to kill my father. - he says. S: But... but you don't know... you don't know exactly who they hired. It could've been anyone! You can't just say that... that you'll... I mean... I know you want revenge, but... but this could lead you into dangerous territory. You... you could become a target too! I... I don't want that to happen to you! I... I don't want to see you like that, Ronin, okay? With my Sandevistan, they won't even see me - he says. S: But... but... I... I just... I'm sorry, I... I can't just let you go do this, okay? I... I... I mean, I don't want to go against you... but... but I'm going to stop you from doing this. Please... please understand. You're my friend, and... and I just don't want to lose you, you know? I... I don't want anything to happen to you... You won't lose me... In fact... I already know who killed my father. and they're in gang neutral territory. - he says. S: You... you do? You know who they are? You know who killed your father? But... but... how do you know? How could you possibly know?! ...Why haven't you... why haven't you done anything about this yet?  I guess I wasn't strong enough. But still, I'm going to talk with them. maybe even spare them - he says. Sarah looks at Ronin with surprise. She seems very worried for him.S: But... why would you spare them?! They killed your father! They ruined your life! But... but you... you're supposed to be strong! Ronin, I know you're strong, and I trust you, but if... if you let them live... ...Then they'll just do something like this to someone else. I... I can't let you do that. I can't let you risk your life for them...  Then I'll kill them. It's no problem for me - he says. Sarah sees the resolute look on Ronin's face. S: ...No. Ronin, I... I can't let you do that. I... I've already seen too much death and violence, and I... I can't stomach any more of it. I can't... I just can't lose you. Not like this. Please... please don't do this. Please, Ronin, I need you to listen to me. Well, I guess you leave me no choice. - he says as he releases the sleeping gas in their villa. Sarah falls asleep while Ronin goes for the revenge. Ronin eventually gets to the gang territory. It turns out to be a warehouse in an industrial district. R: ...Well, well, well. Look what we have here... a whole warehouse full of dangerous gang members. This is gonna be fun. Ronin slowly creeps into the warehouse and approaches a small group of male gangsters who are standing around drinking beer and talking. Ronin then proceeds to kill everyone in the warehouse except the guys who killed his father. Ronin successfully kills all but one guy. At this point, the last remaining gang member has his gun pointed at Ronin's face. Ronin takes out his Sandevistan and activates it. R: Look, I don't want to kill you. Just tell me who you work for. Who hired you to kill my father. And maybe you'll get to walk out of this warehouse alive. The gang member just laughs in Ronin's face and reloads his gun. R: Fine. Then we do it the hard way. The gang member drops his gun. He seems legitimately terrified of Ronin and what he will do if he doesn't talk. Ronin takes out three photos, one showing the gang member's wife and two daughters. R: You have a beautiful family. They'd be so sad if you died, wouldn't they? And I don't want that to happen either. So just... so just tell me. Who hired you to kill my father? Why don't you do us all a favor and just tell me the truth? Well, what is it? You either tell me or you'll watch your family die. What's it gonna be - he says, now threatening him. The man is now shivering and shaking with fear. He looks at the photos of his family. R: Please... you have a family. I know you wouldn't want anything to happen to them. So why don't you do us both a favor... and just tell me who hired you to kill my father? The man then looks at Ronin with tears in his eyes. M: Okay okay! I... I'll tell you. Just don't hurt them, okay?! Please... R: Go on. Tell me. Go on. Tell me who hired you. You don't want your family dead, do you? - he says.  M: Okay... okay... okay. I... I was hired by Arasaka. R: ...Arasaka? Are you sure it was them? Why would Arasaka want to kill my father? M: Look, I don't ask questions. I just do what I'm hired to do. R: ...And who was it exactly at Arasaka who hired you? I want a name. NAME NOW! - he says now expecting an answer. You have 10 seconds - he says. M: I... I don't know! I don't... I don't know their names! All I know is I was hired to kill your father, okay?! Now... now, please give me my family back! I beg you! Please... The man begins to shake and quiver with fear. M: Please... please, I just want them home! Please... Give me his phone number - he says. Only then I'll leave you alone. - he adds The man then looks at Ronin with a mixture of fear and confusion.M: ...What phone number? What are you talking about? You have my family, and all you can think about is a phone number?! The man begins to tear up. M: Please... please just... just give me my family back. Please... I'll do anything you want. Just... R: ...Just give me the phone number to the person who hired you. The person at Arasaka. The man takes out a piece of paper and starts to jot something down. Thank you. - he says as he knocks him out and spays him with a spray that makes him forget Ronin and what happened here. Rogue sits at her computer hacking Arasaka. She's sitting in her comfy chair in her own personal office. She looks up at Ronin. R: Rogue... I have a name. I have a number. I have a lead. Can you please hack into Arasaka's database and figure out who the hell this guy is? And why they wanted my father dead? Rogue looks back down and continues to type on her computer. After a bit, she looks back up at Ronin. R:Rogue? Did you find anything? R: ...Rogue... can you tell me what you've got? What are you waiting on? Rogue eventually turns to Ronin, a look of sadness on her face. R: ...Rogue, what is it? What did you find out? Rogue: I... I have some bad news for you. R: What? What happened? What did you find? I... I'm so sorry, Ronin. But... but... the person who hired Arasaka to kill your father was your own uncle. - Rogue says. Well, do you know his current whereabouts? - he asks. He's in the Arasaka Tower in the Central District. It's the massive skyscraper in the city center. His office is on the top floor. - she says. He's the president of Arasaka, Ronin. I couldn't believe it either, but... but... but it's true. This... I... I'm so sorry, Ronin. Your uncle... he's the one who ordered your father's death. Well, It's time to blend in to the Arasaka. Thank you for the help Rogue. And here's a paycheck for your help - he says as he hand her 50k of eddies. Rogue's eyes go wide as she looks at the 50k. ...Ronin, what... what are you doing?! I can't take that! I... I mean, it's way too much! I mean... I... I don't want any money! I'm doing this because I want to help you! Because I... Well, that doesn't matter. What does matter is that I can't take that money from you! But... but thank you. - she says. If you can't take it, then use it for something - he says as he leaves Rogue and heads for Arasaka. ...Ronin wait! Don't you think you need... or you know, maybe use some extra help? I... I mean, you're going into the Arasaka tower. It's gonna be dangerous! At least, just... just wait for me, okay? Give me a few minutes. I... I just don't like the idea of you going in there alone. - she says. You can go with me. But don't tell Sarah about this. I don't want to let her know I went after my father's killer - he says. R: ...I won't tell Sarah, okay? But... but you need me. I'm an expert when it comes to the Arasaka tower. Let me help you. Please, Ronin. ...You've helped me, and saved my life in the past. Don't you think... don't you think I should at least... at least try to return the favor? Huh huh?C'mon, think about it! The Arasaka tower is huge. We need all the help we can get. If you need help in a hit job, be my guest. But you should know that you'll be paying your own crew. - he says. R: But... but... you said you'd pay me, didn't you? Plus... plus... I'll be paying for my team, yeah. But... but, I mean... This is big, you know? There might even be top guys and executives at Arasaka. You might need more help than you have, yeah? Please... just think about it. And... and if you change your mind, then... then you can just contact me at any time. Well, If you're ready, meet me at Arasakas. I'll be waiting - he says. R: I... alright then. But... don't you think we're taking a big risk here? Are you sure about this? Are you willing to risk everything for... for revenge? I know we don't speak much about it, but... but your uncle... he used to be like a second father to you. He gave you your first cyberdeck. Remember that, Ronin. This isn't just about revenge. R:Hey hey! Just wait a second, okay? Let... let's just talk this out. I... I mean, there's no way I'm letting you walk into Arasaka without me. I just... I'm not willing to take that risk. You need me, Ronin. You need my help. Just... just be reasonable, okay? You know me good enough to know, I won't enter Arasaka guns blazing,Rogue - he says. R:Ronin... that's all the more reason to join me! If you're going in there with a stealth approach, wouldn't it be better to have a stealthy crew back you up? And I know Arasaka. I can lead you to the right floor of Arasaka tower. It's the 100th floor. It's completely locked off to pretty much everyone but the Arasaka executives. It'll be heavily guarded, and I know exactly what to expect. Well then, get your crew together and we'll meet by the Arasakas - he says. Rogue quickly gets on her computer. She then turns to Ronin with a confident smile. Rogue to the rescue! I'll get a team together and meet you in front of the Arasaka tower. Just... stay put until I can get there, okay?And remember, if you need me, you know where to find me. Just... don't do anything stupid until I get there. Ronin and Rogue are in front of the Arasaka tower. Rogue is wearing a black and blue bodysuit. She's also wearing black and blue mirrored shades. In one hand, she holds her trademark shotgun, and in the other hand, she's holding a small satchel with some items inside. She then turns to Ronin. Okay. I've got my crew here. Three other guys. They're all good professionals, and they know what they're doing. You said you wanted to go in there stealthy. Well, you're in good hands. Here, put this on. - he says. We can walk with this disguises up to 99th floor. - he adds. Rogue quickly takes the disguise and puts it on. It's a black and gray jumpsuit with some sort of logo on it. She then turns back to Ronin. R:There. That good? We'll look like some regular employees walking through the tower. We won't raise any suspicions. Now, we'll make our way to the 99th floor and go from there. Ready? Yup, let's go - he says. They both arrive at the 99th floor. The elevator door opens and they both step out. The floor is deserted and almost completely quiet. Their presence doesn't seem to have been detected. Rogue then looks at Ronin. R: ...Now, this is the difficult part. The 100th floor is heavily guarded. And it's completely locked off from anybody but employees on the 100th floor. Even Arasaka's elite guards don't have permission to enter. Now, we can try hacking the doors, but it'll be risky. Or... - Ronin says as he takes the keycards... We can use those to reach it. Some executive must've left it here. - he adds. R: Okay, that works too. Good thinking. I don't know why I didn't think of that. Well, anyway, let's look around for those keycards. Just be careful. We're still in enemy territory. Rogue begins to scour the floor, looking for the keycards. She eventually finds two cards on a desk at the end of the hall. Hey, I found some. Come here. Here are the two keycards. They should be enough to get us to the 100th floor. - she says. Let's go. - he says. They then both move towards a set of double doors. They hold the keycards up and the doors automatically slide open. They enter the 100th floor. As they cross the threshold, they suddenly hear a faint beep and then... the doors slam shut behind them, locking them in. R: Wha-? What was that? S: Rogue, this isn't funny! You shut the doors, didn't you? Rogue shakes her head. But then... but then who did? And why are these doors locked? The EMP causes the lights in the hallway to go out. Ronin then begins to tie a rope to the railing at the end of the hall. Rogue watches him closely. R: ...Ronin, what are you- What are you doing? You can't climb up to the 100th floor! You're gonna get yourself killed, Ronin! You heard what I said! Even Arasaka's elite guards don't set foot on the 100th floor! Don't you get it? This is suicide! Well, you can either stay in the elevator and risk getting detected or go with me. The guards on 100th floor won't see us anyway due to EMP - he says. R: You're... you're crazy, Ronin! This is insane! I'm not going with you, and that's final! You'll get yourself killed, Ronin! And for what? Revenge? Don't you see how insane that is? Now please, let's just go back down to the ground floor. We can forget about this whole mission. Please, I don't want to see you get hurt. Well, see you on the other side then - he says as he now enters the 100th floor. No no no no no! Ronin, wait! Please, wait! Can't we just talk about this for a second? Just listen to me, please! ...Ronin, you don't know what you're doing! You don't know what you're up against! ...Please, for me! Come back down here! Please, come back! Ronin comes back 5 minutes later with the job being done. Now we can go back - he says as they head back to the 1st floor. R: Y-you actually did it? You... you killed your uncle? Your own flesh and blood? How could you do that? How could you let go of your humanity that easily? And besides, what have you gotten out of it besides revenge? Has your life improved because of it? And... and what about your mother? I know for a fact that she's not happy to see you, and... and I'm sure she didn't know that you were going to murder your uncle. My mother's been dead for 10 years. And yes, I feel a bit sorry for him. But he choose his fate that day, when he set a hit on his own brother. - he says as they head back to the first floor Rogue and Ronin arrive at the first floor. Rogue then stops Ronin. R: ...Ronin. Can... can I just ask you something? I... I don't care why you killed your uncle, but... but why did you bring me along? It's... it's not like I helped you kill your uncle - I was useless to you in this mission. So why did you bring me along? It... it just doesn't make any sense to me. But why did you take me with you? You wanted to go with me, didn't you - he says. So I took you with me like you wanted. And here's your cut. I don't care what you do with it. I'll need a couple of days to cool off. - he says as he leaves in his car. R: ...Ronin. Wait. Don't... don't leave. If... if you're going to leave, could you just leave me the cut? Just... just the money and nothing more. And... and what do you mean by 'cool off'? What... what are you planning to do? Ronin hands her a pouch filled with eddies. Umm... Ronin, I... I'm sorry if I came across as judgmental. And... and I'm sorry, I didn't know about your mother. Nah, It's alright. It's not like she was an angel either. - he says. And hey, If you need something from me, just call me - he says as he drives off. Rogue takes the pouch of eddies and looks at it. Umm... okay then. I guess I should take this and say thank you for... for everything... Um, bye. Goodbye, Ronin. - she says seeing Ronin drive off. As Ronin arrives back at the villa, he sees Sarah all and well, not remembering their conversation before he went after his father's killer. Hey, Sarah - he says welcoming her warmly. Sarah: Hey, Ronin. How was your gig? Any trouble? And... and is that money your cut? ...Oh, and... I guess I should apologize for my behavior in our earlier conversation. I... I acted a little childish, I guess. But yeah. How did it go? No, no money from the job today. It was personal. - he says. Could you believe that my own uncle set a hit on his brother? - he adds. Sarah: ...What do you MEAN it was personal?! Ronin, are you telling me you... you just killed someone out of revenge? But... but there was... there was no contract on your uncle whatsoever! Did you just... did you just do this on your own? And to answer your question; I don't know if I believe you or not. I... I've never felt as uncomfortable as I did in our earlier conversation. Seriously, Ronin. What do you mean? What's going on?  Well, now I have no one to talk to in Night City except you. And no. It wasn't a revenge act. I just felt that justice had to be done. - he says. You could hate me for it, and I'd understand. - he adds. Sarah: ...I... I'm seriously concerned about you right now, Ronin. You're acting so strange. What do you mean there wasn't a contract? What kind of 'justice' do you suppose you were serving here... And besides, what about your mother? What about her? I'm sure she wouldn't be happy to hear what you did. This... this can't be good. Ronin, this isn't you! This isn't the guy that I fell in love with! Well, my mother has been dead for a decade now. And there was a hit on him. 250k eddies. - he says. Sarah: Wait, wait. Wait wait wait. You're telling me that someone offered a contract on your uncle's death? You mean someone else wanted him dead, too? Then... then who was it? Who hired the contract on your uncle then? The Voodoo Tribe. He's been messing with their business for a long time, but no one ever thought of killing him. Until I showed up. - he says. Sarah: ...The Voodooboys hired the contract on your uncle? Well, then this... this kind of makes sense. Kind of. ...But... but why? Why would they want your uncle dead? What did he do to them?...And... wait a second. If you knew that the Voodooboys were the ones who set the contract out, then why didn't you just tell me about this? Why didn't you come to me? You wouldn't let me do it - he says. You wouldn't let me do it - he says.   Sarah:I... I wouldn't let you? Why would you think that?You said you didn't care about eddies, and... and killing someone for personal reasons isn't the kind of behavior I would ever condone. ...But... if what you say is true... if the Voodooboys really did want your uncle killed... then that's a little different, I guess. Sarah thinks for a moment. But Ronin, I... I don't want to know more about what you did. Please. - she says. Sure. This is a closed chapter in my life anyway - he says. Now, I'll go to sleep, because I'm very tired - he adds. Sarah: So... you're just gonna drop this and pretend that nothing happened? You killed your uncle, and it's just... just gonna be ok for you? And... you're telling me that you're not gonna be around for a few days... you're just gonna be gone, and it'll just be okay? Ronin... please, don't leave. Don't just leave me. You can't do this to me. Don't worry. I'm not leaving anytime soon - he says. But I'm gonna stay off the grid for a few days. - he adds But what about us? What about me? What about... what about our relationship? You can't... you can't just shut me out. I... I don't want to be shut out, Ronin. Don't do this. Don't leave me behind. ...You promised that nothing... nothing would come between us. Don't make that promise a lie. - she says. I'm not gonna shut you out. I made a promise, and I plan to keep it. - he says. And no matter what happens, I still love you. - he adds.Sarah: ...You... you still love me? ...How can you say that? I... I... I just don't understand you. I've really lost you. I lost you to... to your revenge. I've lost the man that I loved. Can't I... can't I say anything to you? I... I want you to stay with me. I need you. Look Sarah, I'm not gonna leave you. And you didn't lost me to revenge. Now, I just wanna go to sleep. So just let me rest for a while, and we can continue this conversation once I'm rested. - he says. Sarah: Ronin... I... I... alright then. Alright. I'll let you sleep it off. Go get your rest, then we'll talk. Ok? And... and Ronin? I... I love you too. Don't forget that. Sure, honey. I love you too. Now I wish you goodnight - he says as he lies in bed and falls asleep. 

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