Cammora sends his regards

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Ronin's POV

The next few days seemed to be okay. Yet I could feel death coming and chasing me down. I don't know where or how, but I'm gonna get killed. I just hope I'm gonna spend some time with Suzu before that...

But time was slipping away like sand through my fingers, and the shadow of death loomed ever closer. Suzu, with her gentle laughter and warm embrace, was the only solace in this darkening reality. I needed to cherish every moment with her, to etch her smile into my memory before it was too late. So, despite the impending danger, I sought her out, longing for just a few stolen moments of peace amidst the chaos that threatened to consume me.I just hope I'm gonna spend some time with Suzu before that...
But time was slipping away like sand through my fingers, and the shadow of death loomed ever closer. Suzu, with her innocent smile and curious eyes, was the light in the darkness of my thoughts. I needed to cherish every moment with her, to be the father she deserved before fate intervened. So, despite the impending danger, I sought her out, yearning for just a few stolen moments of father-daughter joy amidst the uncertainty that engulfed us.In her laughter, I found solace, in her embrace, a reason to keep fighting. And though the threat of death lingered, I vowed to protect Suzu with every fiber of my being, to shield her from the horrors of this world for as long as I could.

Yet the death was quickly approaching. I don't really know how, but I feel like I have a week left. So I'll try to make the most of it. With the specter of death drawing ever nearer, I couldn't shake the feeling that my time was running out. A week, perhaps less, stretched before me like a fragile thread, ready to snap at any moment. Yet, in the face of this grim certainty, I was determined to make the most of whatever precious moments remained. Every second became a treasure, every smile from Suzu, every tender moment with Sarah, a cherished memory to hold onto in the days to come. I knew I couldn't escape my fate, but I refused to let it rob me of the love and joy that surrounded me. Instead, I embraced each moment with an intensity born of desperation, determined to leave behind a legacy of love and courage in the face of adversity.

As March 29th, 2096 dawned, the weight of impending death bore down on me with a crushing force. Each passing day felt like a countdown to the inevitable, a relentless march towards an unknown fate. Despite my efforts to cling to happiness, to find solace in the love of my family, each hour seemed to chip away at my sense of joy, leaving only a hollow emptiness in its wake.The world around me continued on its relentless march forward, oblivious to the turmoil raging within my soul. Yet, as the days slipped by, I found myself increasingly consumed by a sense of despair, a gnawing fear that no amount of love or laughter could dispel. With each passing moment, the grip of death tightened, leaving me feeling powerless and alone in the face of an uncertain future.From that fateful day forward, I resolved to make the most of the time I had left with my loved ones. I spared no expense, treating them to extravagant dinners and lavish experiences, determined to create lasting memories that would endure long after I was gone. Even my duties as President took a backseat as I entrusted my responsibilities to a capable Vice President, confident that she would continue the work of transforming Night City for the better, just as I had done.Despite the looming shadow of death, I found a sense of purpose in these final acts of generosity and devotion. In the warmth of their laughter and the sparkle of their eyes, I glimpsed a fleeting glimpse of happiness, a fleeting respite from the darkness that threatened to consume me. And though the end drew ever nearer, I took comfort in the knowledge that I had lived fully, loved deeply, and left behind a legacy of compassion and hope for generations to come. As each day passed, the specter of death drew nearer, its presence looming ever larger in my consciousness. Yet, strangely, I found myself unafraid. Standing firm in the face of impending doom, I met Death's gaze without flinching, a sense of calm settling over me like a protective cloak.In Death's eyes, I saw not the harbinger of fear, but the promise of release, the gateway to a new beginning. I awaited her arrival with a sense of acceptance, knowing that she would soon usher me into the paradise that awaited beyond this mortal realm. For in that final moment, I embraced the inevitability of my fate, finding peace in the knowledge that my journey was nearing its end, and a new adventure awaited on the other side.In those final moments of intimacy with my wife, I sought solace in her embrace, craving the connection we had always shared. But even as our bodies intertwined, I couldn't escape the heavy weight of impending death pressing down upon me.Every touch, every caress, felt tinged with the bitter sweetness of farewell, a reminder of all that we stood to lose. Despite the love that flowed between us, I couldn't shake the nagging sense of urgency, the knowledge that our time together was slipping away with each passing breath.And as we lay tangled together in the aftermath, I couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond the veil of mortality. Would our love endure in some form beyond the confines of this world? Or would it fade into nothingness, lost to the passage of time? Uncertainty hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over even our most intimate moments, as we grappled with the inevitability of our shared fate.As the calendar turned to April 1st, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air, mingling with the ever-present presence of death that seemed to hover just beyond my reach. I could feel her presence, like a silent whisper in the wind, beckoning me towards an unknown destiny.Yet, as the day unfolded, I couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't the day. Despite the looming specter of death, there was a strange sense of reprieve, as if fate had granted me a temporary respite from its clutches. I felt Death's presence drawing closer, her icy fingers reaching out for me, but somehow, inexplicably, the moment passed, and I was left standing, still tethered to the world of the living.Perhaps it was a cruel trick of fate, or perhaps there was some greater purpose at play, but for now, I remained suspended between two worlds, caught in the liminal space between life and death, waiting for the moment when fate would finally claim me as its own.As the clock struck 21:37 on April 2nd, fate's final decree was fulfilled, and Death's icy grasp closed around me with a chilling finality. Like a silent thief in the night, she claimed me as her own, just as she had countless souls before me.The world faded into darkness, and all that remained was a fleeting echo of a life once lived. In those final moments, as consciousness slipped away, I heard the voice of my assailant, delivering a cryptic message that sent a shiver down my spine. "Mr. Satori?" they said, and I could only respond with a weary "Yes?" before the cold steel of a shotgun shell tore through the veil of existence, bringing an end to my journey.In that fleeting instant, as life bled away from me, I couldn't help but wonder if I deserved this fate. Had my defiance of authority, my refusal to bend to the will of the government, finally caught up with me? Perhaps, in the end, I was simply a pawn in a larger game, a casualty of my own hubris and ambition.But as darkness enveloped me, I found a strange sense of peace, a release from the burdens of mortality. For in death, there is a certain finality, a certainty that all things must come to an end. And though my journey had been cut short, I took solace in the knowledge that my legacy would live on, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Ronin, even in the face of death's embrace.In those final moments, as the world faded into darkness and the embrace of death drew near, my thoughts turned to those I loved most dearly. With my wife Sarah by my side, her tears mingling with the cold touch of farewell, I spoke my last words, a solemn vow to entrust our daughter into her care."Take care of our daughter, for both of us," I whispered, the weight of a lifetime of love and devotion hanging heavy in the air. In those simple words lay a promise, a testament to the unbreakable bond that bound us together, even in death's final throes.And as I slipped away into the unknown, I took comfort in the knowledge that, though my time in this world had come to an end, the love I shared with Sarah and our daughter would endure, a beacon of hope in the darkness that lay ahead.As I ascended to the heavenly realm, Saint Peter's benevolent gaze washed over me, absolving me of my earthly sins and welcoming me into the eternal embrace of paradise. From my vantage point among the clouds, I looked down upon the world I had left behind, my heart heavy with longing for those I had left behind.But even as I watched from above, a sense of peace washed over me, knowing that my loved ones were in good hands. I prayed for their happiness, for their safety and well-being, knowing that though I could no longer be with them in body, my spirit would always be there to watch over them.And so, with a hopeful heart and a steadfast faith in the power of love, I entrusted their futures to the hands of fate, knowing that wherever their journey may lead, they would always carry a piece of me with them, a guiding light in the darkness of this world.


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