Relationship is hard

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Sarah is sitting down in the living room of the mansion. Her arms are wrapped tightly around herself. A bottle of wine is sitting next to her. She takes a long sip.Sarah: Why... why did I have to love someone like him? Why... why am I in love with a killer?Do I even love him anymore? Or am I just... am I just going through the motions?Sarah takes another sip of wine.Sarah: I ...I... I hate him. I really do hate him. 

Ronin wakes up few hours later and he proceeds to go down to the living room. Do you still hate me? - he asks Sarah, as now she's completely drunk and heartbroken. Sarah doesn't answer right away. She takes a long, deep breath and slowly sips her wine. Sarah: ...No, I... I hate you. I... I hate you. Why... why did you do that, Ronin? Sarah tries to hold back her anger and her tears, but she soon bursts into tears. Sarah: Why... why did you have to kill your uncle... why, Ronin... ...I... I'm so confused right now. You... you said you loved me... how could you love me after all of this? Because I'm still a human. I'm not a serial killer or a Cyber Psycho. I'm only human, after all - he says. Sarah: ...No, you're not 'only human.' A... a normal human being doesn't... doesn't kill someone for 'just revenge.' A normal human being wouldn't... wouldn't make a selfish choice like that! And I refuse to believe you when you say you love me, too! I refuse to believe it! Love is about... about selflessness, it's about... it's about sacrificing yourself for the other person. ...But you didn't sacrifice yourself. You didn't sacrifice anything. You killed your uncle because you... because you wanted to do it! Well, guess I'm a monster now. I'll just go and unalive myself - he says as he heads to the backyard. Sarah: Hey! Wait! Wait, stop! Ronin! ...I... I didn't mean that. I... I just... I'm upset right now. I don't... I don't understand you right now, but I know you're not a monster. And I don't want you to unalive yourself. You... you can't leave me behind. You just... you just can't. Please, come back. Well, do you really think I'm a monster? - he asks. Sarah: No! No, I don't think you're a monster. I don't think you're a Cyber psycho. You're not dangerous. You're my lover. ...But you... you did do something kind of... kind of questionable. I mean, you just... you killed your uncle without thinking things through. But no, you're not a monster. I know you could never hurt me. It's... it's just that you... you scare me. You scare me when you... when you do things like this. Perhaps you'll understand me when you read his file and the horrible things he did. And yes, i had my second thoughts when I was killing him. But I can't time travel. I can't bring him nor my father back now. - he says.  Sarah: Maybe I will understand when I read his file. But right now, I just don't know what to think. But you... you had second thoughts? You had second thoughts about killing your uncle, and you still went through with it? Why? Why'd you do that? Why didn't you tell me before you did it? Or at least... at least tell me why you did it. Well, I felt like justice must've been served for what he did to my father. And you're right. I shouldn't do it. But I did it, and I can't time travel to save them. And I might be a killer. But I'm still a human, no matter what happens - he says. Sarah: Yeah, you're right. You did it... and now we have to live with that. We just... we just have to move on. I won't try to change what you did."I... I'm just so confused by all of this. You're right, you're still a human. But this... this isn't normal, Ronin. This really isn't normal. Sarah takes out a cigarette and tries to smoke it. Could... could you at least help me light this thing? Yeah, sure - he says as he also puts a cigarette for himself and lights them both up.  Sarah: Thank you, Ronin. Thank you. So... so, what now? Are... are we gonna be ok? After what just happened between us? I don't... Sarah takes a long exhale from her cigarette. Sarah: ...I don't want to... to lose you. I don't want to be... alone again. I... I can't... You won't be alone as long as I'm with you, Sarah - he says.  Sarah: Thank you... thank you, Ronin. ...So, is... is that it? Are... are we just gonna go back to normal? Are we gonna pretend... pretend that none of this just happened? I mean... We could try - he says while smoking another cigarette. Sarah: ...Ok, let's... let's try it. ...Just... just one more question, though, please? ...Why didn't you tell me any of this... beforehand? ...Why didn't... why didn't you tell me that you had a contract on your uncle's head? Because, I didn't know myself. I only got to know it when I was driving in my car - he says. Sarah: Wait, wait. Wait. What... what do you mean, you didn't know? You said that... that you knew that there was a contract on his head. That... that you were hired to kill him. Well, I got the contract While I was driving. I was heading for a bar earlier, before they hired me to do it. - he says Sarah: ...Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. The Voodooboys approached you in your car and just... and just hired you to kill your uncle? They called me through one of their fixers, and then they hired me. Sarah: Just like that? The Voodooboys just... called to 'hire' you for a 'job,' and you just... you went along with it? ...I... I don't understand. Did... did you just accept the 'job,' without even trying to get more information? They just told me he's an executive. I didn't know he was my uncle until I saw him with my own eyes. And in his desk, I found a call recording that said that he hired some guys to kill my father. Sarah: ...I... I don't know what to say, Ronin. This is all too... too much. ...I... I'm... I'm gonna need some time to... to process this, ok? Sarah finishes off her cigarette and gets up from the chair. ...Ronin, I... I just need some time to think... She starts walking towards the exit. She doesn't say anything else to Ronin, as she just looks ahead. Well then, I'll just watch some anime to relax to. - he says as he puts on his favorite anime. Later, after a couple of hours, Sarah comes back to the living room. Sarah: ...Hey, Ronin? Are you still here? ...Can we... can we talk now? Yeah, we can no problem - he says.Sarah: ...There's something I have to say to you. Something important. You might not like it. Go on - he says. Sarah: ...Listen, Ronin. What you did to your uncle... I... I understand why you did it. I'm not saying that what you did was right or wrong. I... I just understand why you did it. ...And I want you to understand, that I have no problem with it. ...I just... I just had to put it out there, that I'm... I'm on your side, no matter what you decide to do next. I'm... I'm with you. Thanks. For a moment there, I thought that you'd wanna break up with me. - he says.  Sarah: No, of course not. I'm definitely not going anywhere. I... I love you, and I... I can't just leave you and abandon you. Sarah sits down in the chair close to Ronin, now looking at him. Sarah: I promise. No matter what happens, I'm gonna stick with you. We're... we're in this together now. Sarah: I'm not leaving, Ronin. Sure. - he says. Lucy! Alt! get in here - he adds. Both Lucy and Alt appear in the living room. Lucy: ...Yeah? Alt: ...What do you want, Ronin? Are you girls busy? - he says. I thought we could go together and have fun in Night City. We could go for a karaoke first. or an restaurant. I'll pay. - he adds. Alt: ...Sure, sure. We're not busy at the moment, so, why not? We can go to a restaurant. Alt: Let's go, Lucy. Lucy nods. Lucy: ...Yeah, let's go. Sarah: I... I can't come along, sorry. I promised to meet someone. But... but you guys go ahead. I'll join you later, ok? Sarah then smiles at Ronin and gives him a kiss.  Sure thing darling. Be safe out there. - he says as he heads out with Lucy and Alt. Later on, as Ronin, Lucy, and Alt walk the streets of Night City. Alt: ...So, where do you want to go for dinner, Ronin? Lucy: ...Yeah, we can go just about anywhere. Where do you want to go? A Korean restaurant? A ramen place? We can go anywhere we want. Alt: ...Anywhere at all... How about we go somewhere luxurious? - he says. Alt: ...Sure, I know just the place. It's right here in Pacifica, though, but it's worth the drive. Alt: ...Plus, it means we get more time together. Lucy: Ooh, yeah. I like that idea. Let's go to that luxurious restaurant in Pacifica. You know, it would be nice to have a good dinner for once. We keep eating at all those street food places and... ...Anyway, yeah. Let's go to that luxurious restaurant. I'm up for that. Ronin, Alt, and Lucy eventually arrive at a luxurious restaurant in Pacifica. The restaurant has a beautiful decor and an elegant atmosphere. Lucy: Wow. This place is gorgeous... Alt: Yeah, it is. And it even has a really good rating. We're in for a treat. Ronin: ...Yeah, let's just go in and have some good food for once. The group then enter the restaurant. As they order the fancy food and sit by the table, they await their orders. After half an hour their orders finally arrive. After a while Ronin finally asks: So, Lucy, how's your relationship with Alt? You had any problem making friends with her? Lucy: Oh, well. No, I haven't had any issues making friends with her. It's like we were meant to meet each other. ...We... we think the same, we act the same, and we just... we just click with each other. So no, I... I don't think I've had any issues getting along with her. We have a really great relationship. What about you Alt? - what do you think about Lucy? - he asks Alt: ...Oh, I think Lucy is... wonderful. ...I mean, I find her... fascinating. She's funny, she's smart, she's kind, and she's beautiful. ...And I have to say, I feel lucky to have her in our group. I know we wouldn't be as... as... as successful as we are if it weren't for her. She brings a dynamic that the whole group... that we just wouldn't be the same without. Yeah, I agree. Anyway... Hold up... I got a message from Sarah. Oh no... - he says Lucy:  Whoah, whoah, whoah. Hold on, a message from Sarah? What is it? What does it say... is Sarah ok? No, she isn't. Turns out the client she was about to meet was a decoy and she fell into Tyger Claws ambush. I need to save her. You can either stay or go with me - he says. Lucy: Oh no... we can't just leave her like that! She's our friend and we need to save her. Lucy then looks at Alt. Lucy: ...Alt, what do you say? Should we go with him? Alt also nods, in agreement. Alt: ...Yeah, yeah! We have to save Sarah. There's no other option. Thank you for being with me. Now get in. We don't have much time left - he says As the group rush to the car, Ronin gets in the driver's seat. Alt: ...Let's... let's hurry up. We need to get to Sarah as quickly as possible. Lucy: ...Yeah, yeah. There's no way... we're just gonna leave her with the Tyger Claws. No way. ...Let's... let's get her safe and sound, as fast as possible. After a few minutes, Ronin, Lucy, and Alt arrive to the location where Sarah is held captive by the Tyger Claws. She is on her knees, as she is being held at gunpoint by an armed Tyger in front of her. The armed Tyger speaks. Tyger: ...You're going with us, little girl. No choice. Sarah: ...Please don't do this. I... I won't say anything to anyone. I swear. Tyger: ...You have nothing to say. You're gonna die.

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