The Italian job

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Ronin's POV

I have woken up quit early today. Around 4:30 am. I can't tell if it's me being stressed over our future or perhaps that I can get a bullet with every step I take. I then took a shower, made myself some coffee and I sat  on the couch. Nothing much happened, until I got another contract. It's name was "Aggressive Negotiations" Normally, I wouldn't care,but there were  possible connections to Sicilian Mafia. Since this is a debt job, and will most likely end with the target's death. So here I thought since Sarah likes old things from the 20th century, she might like that job. Especially that I have a plan on how to do this contract. But for now, I'll just wait for her to wake up...

4 hours later 

    Sarah's POV      

Weird. Felix is the one usually sleeping in. He's probably in the living room. I'll go for the morning shower and then I'll join him downstairs 

a few minutes later in the shower

Lately I've been tormented with different thought. Like how are we going to raise our girl, if I will have to raise her on my own due to one of us being gunned down at some point. Sure, It'd be nice to  have our girl raised together, but we don't exactly know things go, aren't we? Anyway, I should probably go downstairs before the water will get freezingly cold again. As I was downstairs, I've noticed him (Ronin) slumbering on the couch. What's funny is that he has an empty cup of coffee in his hand spilling drops of coffee. Ha. Silly you. I know just how to wake him up...  Sarah then splashes Ronin with water saying: Śmigus Dyngus! ((In Poland there's a tradition that on Monday after Easter  people are splashing each other with water. It's called "Lany Poniedziałek".))

Well, that wasn't very nice - Ronin said  sarcastically as he woke up, but seeing Sarah giggling made him smile. You look silly when you're pissed - Sarah said giggling. Oh, Do I now? That's good to know. - he replied. Why are you dressed like an Italian mob? - I wondered. Oh, it's related to the job i took. - What job? - Taking a loan back. The guy will most likely have protection on him, that's why as you can see my Beretta 92FS has a silencer on it. you might use a suppressed gun on the job. And I also have a ballistic knife for quick takedowns. You should gear up if you want to come with me. Oh and don't forget about the suppressors on your guns. as soon as our target hears any gunshot he'll run away and the job will be considered as failed. - Ronin explained. Of course I'm in - I happily replied as I went to prepare. Half an hour later I walked back downstairs with my gear up and ready. Very well then. Shall we m'lady? - Ronin asked We shall - I answered.

Half an hour later

Alright, we're here - Ronin Said. You'll go left, and I'll go right. Remember, no one can see us. - he added. Got it. - I replied as i cocked my pistol to see if it worked. it did. We slowly moved in taking one guard by another. Up until we arrived at his office. It's empty. Good. Sarah, could you lean on the wall so that the light from the door wouldn't make you seen able? - Sure thing. - I replied to Ronin's request as I leaned on that wall on that the door was at the right spot. Ronin then checked the desk for any guns and emptied its mags. he then sat on the other chair as he put on his leather gloves and waited in silence for the target's eventual arrival. Not an hour later, he was already there. As usual, the target didn't even notice us as he sat on his chair.

Took you long enough to get here. - Ronin said, pointing his silenced Beretta 92FS at his head. It has been a long time since you'd last payed your part of the loan's installment. You know that Lorenzo won't be happy if you keep postponing your payment, Matteo. - I know, I know. I'll pay him later - You mean never? - I never said that. Look, I'm out of money right now, but I will pay, I promise. - Fuck your promises. You owed us ever since we loaned you that money when you needed it 5 fucking years ago. And what did you do with that money? Started your workshop that we see here? Fuck no. all you did with that money was to spend it on whores and alcohol. and where did it get you? Exactly. Fucking nowhere. You wish I wasn't sent here to kill you. But no one said that I can't harm you, you fucking imbecile. - Wait wait wait, okay, okay. Here's the part of the installment. Can I go now? I have other things to do. - No, you can't. I'm the thug with a gun loaded, so if I fucking want, you will no longer be here, so either you listen to me, or risk taking a fucking bullet. So sit your ass the fuck down or I'll gun you down. And if I do, you will regret ever stepping through these doors. - Alright, alright. chill.I'll sit. You don't have to threaten me. It looks like i fucking need to. Anyway, 35 thousand euros? With how many days have you been in strip clubs, I know your lying and you have more. Now do open your safe. - Or what? - Ronin shoots a bullet at the window right next to him. Do not fuck around with me and do as I say, or the next bullet will land in your head. - Alright alright. I'll open the fucking safe. Matteo then goes to the safe and opens it. It contained enough money to pay off his debt with a slight advantage. Well, Well, Well that seems to be enough to cover your loan with extra interest. I'll take it. No you won't - Matteo said as he pointed his gun at at Ronin. Ronin, seeing that he dared to point his gun at him, burst out laughing as he puts a bullet between his eyes with his silenced Beretta. Pathetic. Ronin said as he walked up to the safe to take Matteo's debt and getting some money from it including the debt. After Collecting 3,5mil with interest that Matteo was owning to La Cosa Nostra, he walked to Matteo's corpse on the chair as he closed his eyes saying: Requiescat in pace, idiota.

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