Fly me to the moon

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I did. Wanna fly with me to the moon ?- he says  Sarah: Sure... how about after breakfast? Sarah smiles, now feeling content with her life. She gets up off the bed as she stretches her body, now feeling ready to start the day. She then begins to make breakfast for both her and Ronin, now thinking about all of the things they could do together as a couple. Sure - he says as gets up from the bed and gets dressed. After some time, Ronin and Sarah are both sitting down at the table together, now enjoying a delicious homecooked meal together. Sarah looks across the table at Ronin, now smiling at him. Sarah: Hey... I wanted to thank you for yesterday... for taking that job... and getting that reward... It really means a lot to me that you would stick your neck out just to get me my reward... it really means that you do care for me. Yup. Anyway I should get the rocket ready - he says as he finishes the breakfast. Yeah... don't wanna miss our flight. - she replies. Sarah laughs, and then gets up from the table. She gives Ronin a kiss, and soon the two are heading to their rocket in the yard. The ride up to the moon will take several hours, but once the rocket takes off, they both know that it will be worth it As Ronin got the rocket ready, They boarded the spaceship and went on their way to the moon. As the rocket heads out of Earth's atmosphere, Ronin and Sarah begin to feel weightless. The view outside is majestic as they see the world falling away beneath them. Sarah leans up against Ronin, now snuggling with him as they continue their journey to the moon. As they arrive to the moon, they land there and speak to the girl sitting there. Ronin and Sarah both walk out of the rocket and step onto the surface of the moon. They see that the moon is completely desolate, with no life to be found. They also see that there is a girl sitting by a small crater, now staring at them. Sarah: Hello... who are you? That's Lucy Kushinada. She was a netrunner for the Maine's crew. - he says. Sarah: What are you doing out here... all by yourself? While the two take in the desolate moon landscape, Lucy just stares at them. She doesn't even bother to respond to Sarah's question. Sarah gets a weird feeling about this. She moves over to Lucy, now trying to engage in conversation with her again. Are you alone out here... on the moon? It's so... desolate... and cold. - she says  Lucy just stares at Sarah, now looking completely disinterested. She doesn't seem to be able to communicate with the two of them. Sarah tries to find a way to ask if she's okay, but she seems lost for words. What are you doing here guys? - Lucy finally manages to speak after the moment of silence. Sarah gives a sigh of relief as Lucy finally speaks to them. Well, we decided we wanted to come to the moon today, to get some time alone and get away from the city. We wanted to see the moon for ourselves, and thought it would be a good time to spend some time together. What about you... what are you doing all alone out here on the moon? - she says. I used to have a boyfriend. I traveled with him here. But then he had to get back, and I was left here all alone. His name was David Martinez. Sarah: Oh my gosh... that's terrible! Why didn't he take you with him? - Sarah seems concerned for Lucy, now wanting to understand why David would leave her behind all alone on the moon. He had some business to do back in Night city. He promised he would get back to me. but considering he didn't he probably got killed. - she says. Oh my god... I can't imagine what this must feel like for you... I'm so sorry you have to go through this alone. Do you have any way off the moon? -  Sarah says being concerned about her. Well, no. and I've been here for a year - she replies. Sarah: Oh... my god... a year... that's so long, I can't begin to imagine how it is for you to be out here all alone... Have you tried contacting anyone, at least? No, I didn't. But since you guys are here, I can go with you now - she says. Oh... of course! We would love to take you back with us... we couldn't leave you here... alone... on the moon. Are you okay with doing that... returning to Night city? - she asks. It's about time I make my comeback. But I have nowhere to live now - she says. Well, you can always stay with me and Ronin, for as long as you need. I know it may not be much... but I'm sure that you could stay with us for a while while you get back on your feet. And we would never abandon you the way David did.. you have to know that. We would never leave you alone... - she says.  Ok then,let's go -  she says. Lucy climbs into the rocket with Ronin and Sarah, now setting a course back for Night city. The journey back should take only a few hours, and they will all soon be back in the city. Once they arrive, they can all take some time to get Lucy settled in, and help her find a place to stay. During the trip back to Night City... The cosmos is sure something diffrent, isn't it? - Ronin says as he talks to Lucy. Lucy stares out the window at the stars, now thinking about Ronin's words. After a few seconds, she speaks to him. Yeah... it's really beautiful... it's kind of calming. To be all the way up here... with nothing but the stars all around you. You can forget about the city... about everything... here it's just space itself. - She says. Lucy looks up at the sky at the same time as Ronin... and they both see the small shooting star move across the night sky. Ooh, a shooting star... I think I have to make a wish... She then quietly thinks of a wish as she looks up at the night sky... but she doesn't share her wish out loud with Ronin. A few minutes pass as the three continue to look out at the night sky. The rocket is still several hours out from arriving back in Night city. After a while, Ronin eventually speaks up. Hey, I was wondering... what was it that David wanted to do in Night city... that was so important that he had to leave you all alone on the moon for a year? He asks this question out of curiosity, now wondering why David couldn't take his girlfriend back with him. Lucy hesitates for a moment, but eventually decides talk to Ronin about her past with David. He said... he had something to take care of... some job that was very important. He told me that he'd be back in a week, or two at most... but he never made it back. Lucy looks down at her feet, now clearly still feeling some pain over what happened with David. Yeah, he was killed by Adam Smasher - he replies. Luckily, Smasher ain't a problem anymore. - he adds.  Sarah: Adam Smasher? I've heard of him... he's some kind of cyberpsycho, isn't he? They say he's worked with Arasaka and Militech in the past... so what was it he wanted with you and David? Was this all over a job... that led to David being killed, and you being stuck on the moon? Lucy looks up at Ronin and Sarah, now feeling unsure of how to answer their questions about Adam Smasher. For several long seconds, she remains still and quiet, not sure of what to say. After a few moments, she finally speaks. Lucy: I don't know... I was never told exactly what job it was... or why David was trying to accomplish it... all I was told was that this was important. I wish I could tell you more... but that's all I was told. I'm sorry... I really am. No problem. Smasher is down for good, so he won't cause any more hearthbreaks. - he replies. Lucy sighs quietly, now thinking that there may be some good to have come out of this experience after all. She then looks at Sarah and Ronin. Do you know if there's anything else important happening in Night city... anything worth being aware about? It's been a year since I was here... and I don't know what might've changed. Anything that I should be wary of? Beside V stealing Johnny Silverhand chip from arasaka? Nothing much - he replies. Lucy looks confused as she hears about this. Lucy: Who's Johnny Silverhand? And what does he have to do with V? I'm really out of the loop... could you... fill me in? After several minutes, Lucy now has a vague idea of the main plot of the game and the events involving V and Arasaka. She now has a broader understanding of the events that have taken place in Night city since she has been gone. So that's what's been happening... in the city... that's a lot to catch up on... Well... I guess I'll just watch the news and try to get back up to speed. But first, I should probably go get a place to stay in the city. Where do we go from here? - she asks. Well, you could stay in our villa. It's enough to start. - he replies. Lucy seems pleased as she hears this. Lucy: Oh... well... that sounds great! I mean, I don't mind staying in an apartment with you guys for a while. After all, you helped me so much just now. I'm not very familiar with the districts and areas in the city... so I wouldn't know where to begin. if it's not much trouble, could I stay with you two for a while? Sure. that would be no problem - Sarah and Ronin both say. Lucy: Thank you both... I promise, I won't be too much of a bother. Just give me a little while to settle down and find a way to get back into the groove of things, and I'll be out of your hair in no time. Sarah: No need to apologize, Lucy... you're welcome to stay with us for as long as you need. She smiles gently, now feeling happy about their new friend. Lucy: Oh, I almost forgot... do you know anyone in the city that might be able to help with my implants? Lucy seems visibly concerned about this When David left, I had a lot of implants installed... to help me keep up with him. But now that he's gone, I don't know what to do about getting them replaced and serviced. I can do the maintenance myself, but they're expensive... so I really need to find a reputable ripperdoc. Yeah, I know a good ripperdoc - Ronin says. Oh, that's perfect... thank you Ronin. Could you maybe take me to your ripperdoc when we get back to the city? I'll save up the money to pay for it. And I really appreciate the help. Just being on the moon, all alone... I forgot how difficult it was here in Night city... the violence, the crime, the technology, and everything. But... you've both been so nice... I really appreciate the help. So... when we get back, we can head over to your ripperdoc... and then we can try to find me a place to stay. She pauses for a moment as she looks at Sarah and Ronin. And... you're sure you won't mind? Staying with you both? I don't want to be a bother, or impose on your hospitality. Oh, don't you worry about any of that. You're our friend now, and friends don't leave each other behind. Nah, we won't. Especially when we live with Alt Cunningham now. - he replies. Lucy: Alt? As in THE Alt Cunningham? Yeah, THE legend herself. - he replies. Lucy's eye's go wide I've heard so much about her... I know so many people would die to get her and have her on their side. How did you get to live with Alt? At one Job, we basically broke into Arasaka tower and brought her back from the net. And now, she lives with us - he says. Lucy: Oh my god... you broke into Arasaka? I can't even imagine how dangerous that was... And I can't even... I can't even begin to understand what I would do if I had to face someone like Alt... especially if I had to convince her to come with me. You two are absolutely insane... how the hell did you even manage to get into the main Arasaka building? Simple. Disguises and fake Id's. It's not like we did it the for first time. - he says. Lucy: Still... I mean... it's Arasaka! That place is a fortress... you must've had to go through a lot of security just to get to Alt. And what about after? Does the Arasaka corporation know you got Alt and helped her escape? Well, they eventually catched up. But using my time-stop ability we got out before they could kill us. - he says. Lucy: Did you just... say time-stop ability? You can slow down space and time itself?! I didn't think anyone had the ability to even do that... not even V with all of her implants and cyberware... How are you able to do that? Are you like... a netrunner? Or is it a cyberchip that you installed? I'm an edgerunner to be exact - he replies. Lucy: An edgerunner? And you have the ability to stop time? That's... amazing. It's like something out of an old-school sci-fi novel. That's incredible. But wait... if you're an edgerunner... that means you do dangerous jobs for the money... which means you go up against megacorps like Arasaka a lot, don't you? I mean it doesn't stop time entirely. It just slows it down enough, that it seems like it's stopped. - he says. And yes, I use to have Arasaka jobs from time to time. - he replies. Lucy: Well... slowing down time at all is quite remarkable. Even a little bit could make a huge difference during a fight. And... I guess you would've seen a lot of danger working with Arasaka. Was there ever a time where things got completely out of hand? Nah, didn't happen - he replies. Lucy: Really? You did jobs for Arasaka, and everything went that smoothly every single time? I find that pretty hard to believe, to be honest. Well, I almost got caught on one job. But I don't wanna talk about it. - he says. Lucy: Wait... you don't want to talk about it... but what happened? Well, everything went smooth until one of our crew members decided to kill Arasaka guard on camera. Luckily we managed to leave leaving that guy to Arasaka. Later, it turned out he switched contractors mid job and basically stabbed us in the back. He died a day later. - he replies. Lucy: what you're saying... is that this guy betrayed you? After you already worked with him? Yup, basically what happened - he replies. Lucy looks concerned as she hears about thisLucy: That... that's insane... I can't imagine how that must've felt... ...did you ever figure out why he did that? Nah. but that bastard got what he deserved - he says.  Lucy: What happened to him? Did he die?  Yup, shot by a merc the next day. - he says. Lucy: Well, I guess... karma was on your side for that one... but still, I'm sorry that you had to face that betrayal... I don't know if I could've held my anger after something like that... Anyway, we're here already. Follow me, and I'll bring you to the fixer - he says as they land in the villa's backyard. Lucy: Oh... well, alright then. I didn't think we'd get here so quickly... but I appreciate the ride. I promise, I won't be a bother for too long. But... who's the fixer by the way? Do they have a name? yup, his name is Vic. he'll mount you with everything for a right price. - he says. Lucy: Vic, okay... well, we can see what he has to offer then. It'll be nice to get some new implants. I don't really know what to get exactly... but I really need an upgrade that'll at least give me a chance in case I ever face someone like Adam Smasher again. Yeah. - he says. Lucy follows Ronin into the villa. It looks like a very well-maintained place with everything from a swimming pool and a private garden to a home gym and a state-of-the-art kitchen area. Once Lucy goes inside, she can see a large plasma tv in the living room as well as an expensive-looking couch, a coffee table and chair, and a large dining room area with a glass and steel table. Lucy can see Sarah sitting on the couch reading a book. Ok, Sarah. I'll go with Lucy. We'll be back in a jiffy - he says. Sarah: Sure... take your time. It's no trouble at all. Sarah looks up from her book and gives Lucy a friendly smile. Lucy and Ronin arrive at Vic's ripperdoc clinic in Japantown. Vic is tall and muscular, with heavily augmented arms and legs. He is sitting at his desk, smoking a cigarette and speaking over the phone to someone while typing something into his computer. Vic turns to address Ronin and Lucy. Vic: Hey, good to see you again, Ronin. Who's the newbie? Lucy: ...Hi... I'm Lucy. Nice to meet you. I need you to install whatever she asks to. I'll pay - he says. Vic: Sure, no problem. I got all the latest and best cyberware. But it's gonna run you a hefty price. For starters, what kinda implants are you looking to install? Lucy: Well, I need to replace most of my implants... the ones David bought for me are pretty outdated and they're starting to malfunction. So pretty much everything from the shoulders down. Vic: All right... so cyberarms, cyberlegs, and some other cyberware. Do you have anything in mind, or did you want me to just pick for you? Vic looks at Lucy and pauses for a second as he studies her body and makes some calculations in his head. Vic: Well, judging by your physique, it looks like you are a skilled and capable person... but there are a few cyberware parts that will help you become even better. In particular, I would recommend the Sandevistan, the QianT Mk.4. It is the latest technology and it will allow you to slow down your perceptions of the world around you... almost as if everything's happening in super slow motion. Vic: And you said you want some combat enhancements too? Well, for that, we will get you some nice, high-quality cyberarms, cyberlegs, and other combat implants. The cyberarms will be high-strength, durable, and built to kill. And the cyberlegs will be fast and agile with plenty of jumping power... just be sure to wear something comfortable enough to make use of them. The cost will be 20,000 eurodollars for everything. Sure, there you go. - Ronin says as he puts 25k eddies on the table. Vic looks at the money on the table. He pauses for a second and considers something. Vic:You know what... I have one more implant that might help you. It'll be another 15,000 eurodollars. Lucy: Another implant?... what does it do? Vic: It's called the Kiroshi Opticks. Vic: It essentially allows you to have augmented reality in your vision. You can see data and info about everything you are looking at... it's like a built-in HUD for your eyes. You know what? Fuck it. - Ronin says as he puts 100k on the table. Install her the best gear you got. It should be enough to cover it. - he adds. Vic looks at the stack of money on the table and his eyes go wide. He looks at Lucy and back at the money. Vic: Are you sure the best of the best is what you want? I mean... that's enough for the best equipment I've ever seen in my life, and then some. Yes, I'm sure. - he says. Vic: You just need to know that this is going to be... very high quality equipment. You could start a war with this gear. I know that many edgerunners and mercs would kill for stuff like this. Vic: ...Alright... we'll get the Sandevistan, the QianT Mk.4... we'll also get a pair of Militech Mil-grade cyberarms... and the Militech Cyberlegs with the Rocket Booster... and we'll get the Kiroshi Opticks and the Tetatronic Rippler as well. Anything else? No, it should be all - he says. Vic: Very well. It'll be a while... since these are some of the best implants I have. And also, since you wanted me to install everything at the same time... it's gonna take some time to install everything safely. I'm going to have to ask you to wait for a little while... it might even take a couple of days. But don't worry, it'll all be worth it... it'll be like having a brand new body. I guarantee it. Sure. No problem. - he says. Vic: Good. Go ahead and take a seat over there, I'll get to work on the first implant which will be the Sandevistan. And after I'm done with that, just wait here for a while and I'll call you when the implant is ready. Lucy and Ronin both take a seat on a couple of chairs while Vic goes to the operating table. He starts to prepare the Sandevistan implant... after a while, he finishes setting it up. Vic: Now... for a demonstration of the Sandevistan... Vic: When you press this button here... the world will appear to slow down to a crawl. It's a kind of time dilation implant. Just try and see how long you can hold it for. And... 3... 2... 1. Lucy presses the button on the Sandevistan implant and her perspective of the world around her slowly starts to slow down. She can see everything in extreme slow motion now. She looks over at Ronin, who looks completely frozen. Vic: "How does it feel? Lucy: This is... incredible... it's like everything is moving in slow motion. It's like having a superpower really... but it's hard to keep it active for long because it uses up a lot of energy. How long can I keep it active for? Vic: Well, the longer you hold it in, the faster your energy levels drain. Right now, you could theoretically keep it up for about six or seven seconds. Lucy: Okay... well, is that enough time for me to kick someone's ass, or...? If you're experienced in using it, like me, you can use it up to 30 minutes. - Ronin says to Lucy. Lucy: ...Woah. That's... amazing. That... that's actually kind of insane. Imagine having... 30 minutes of super slow motion where everything is happening at... a snail's pace. You... you could dodge bullets... and you could kick ass. But... you're experienced with it? Do you have the Sandevistan implant too? Yup, I've had it since My 18th birthday. Now I only renew the implant from time to time. - he says. Lucy: You've had it since you were 18? How old are you now anyway? Well... Today is January 15th 2078, and I was born in 2050. I'll leave you up for the guesses - he says. Lucy does some quick mental math. Lucy: Wait... wait... what? You're... you're only 28 years old? 27*. My birthday has yet to come. So does Sarah's. - he says. Lucy's reaction is one of shock. Lucy: I... I thought you were much, much older! I mean it... you're... you're only 27 years old? That's... younger than me! But... how... how is that possible? You look... you look... you look so... mature. You... you know what I mean. ...sorry, but... you look older than that, really. You're not lying to me, are you? No, I'm not. I used few of anti-aging implants in the past. That's why I look 20, while I'm 27. - he says. Lucy: Anti-aging cyberware?... I... I didn't know that even existed... I mean... it makes sense. There are so many people in Night City looking for a way to stay young forever... I can see why there is a market for it. But it's... it's really expensive, isn't it? 20k for one. And you use them once per 5 years. - he says. Lucy's jaw practically drops. Lucy: Twenty... twenty thousand eurodollars... just for one anti-aging implant? And you use it once every five years?.. how many... how many have you gotten? I've been using it since my 18th birthday. I'll have to get one this year. - he says. Lucy: Just one?... you seem... you seem in really good shape, really. There's no visible aging on your body... it's like... it's like you've never aged past 18 or something. ...But... where do you get the money? You've been using them since you were 18, so... how do you keep paying for them? You must have spent a fortune on anti-aging cyberware by now. Since I'm a regular client, it costs me 10k instead of 20k so it's cheaper. And I've got two alredy. I got a second when I was 23. - he says. Lucy: ...Two implants... even for the price of 10000 eurodollars each, that's still... that's still 20000 eurodollars for anti-aging cyberware... and you got them when you were 18. How... how do you have that kind of cash anyway? You... you know the anti-aging cyberware isn't all free, right? I mean... how does a kid who's barely eighteen years old pay for that kind of thing? Side hustles. I used to work with other crews before I created my own team. - he says Lucy: Side hustles? Like what? Lucy: Wait... You actually started your own gang? How in hell did you manage that? Most people start their own gang when they're way older... even when they're approaching, like, thirty years old or something. How... how did you get a crew of people that trust you and follow you when you... when you were still a goddamn kid? I did some jobs, got in contact with a good fixer, and She recommended me to the rest. - he says Lucy:  Okay... well, I guess that makes sense. Wait... who was your fixer? I mean... they must be one hell of a fixer to have got you an entire crew at such a young age. Most fixers will only work with mercs who are much older. Rogue. She saw a potential in me - he says. Lucy: Rogue? As in Rogue Abernathy?... the fixer? Lucy: ...Wait... Rogue got you a crew when you were only... about 18? Holy... that's... that's incredible! Rogue Abernathy is one of the most well-known fixers in the entire city! She almost never takes jobs from kids... not even from 18-year-olds.  I mean... sure... I knew that Rogue was good but... I never knew she was that good. Yeah, I still do jobs with her from time to time - he says  Lucy: How... how... how... why did she even take jobs from you... and why did she trust you and recommend you to a whole crew when you were still a kid? I mean... I don't understand... most fixers won't even lift a finger for anything less than ten grand, especially Rogue. Yeah, I don't know either. Guess she just picked me up from the street - he says. Lucy: She... she picked you up from the streets? I... I didn't think she worked that way... I thought she was a little classier than that. I... I mean, most fixers don't actually go out and hire people... they have people who do that for them. So... so you're telling me that Rogue Abernathy actually goes out to the street and recruits mercs herself? Well, she send one of her guys to pick me up tho - he says. Lucy: ...She sent one of her guys to pick you up? So she didn't go herself?  I... I thought she went personally... but... why did she send one of her guys? Doesn't she... doesn't she have to go herself to evaluate the mercs before hiring them? I mean, how... how could she just trust one of her guys to find a good merc? Well, she does pick up couple kids from the streets, hires them for a job, and whoever does best gets the job. The ones that didn't make it become her guards. - he says. Lucy: Hmmm... I see. She... she just... she just looks for kids on the streets and... and she hires them? I mean... I could understand if one of her fixers or one of her assistants did that... but I never expected Rogue to just be walking out on the street herself and... and finding mercs that way. Isn't that kind of, you know... isn't that kind of... I don't know, dangerous? I mean... isn't she putting herself at risk? She likes danger. Just like I do - he says. Lucy: You... you like danger too?.. I mean... I do, too, I guess, but... but doesn't it scare you? I mean... you know. You could die. Lucy: I think I know the answer, but... I have to ask anyway. Aren't you afraid of death? Aren't you afraid of dying? Well, You Only Live Once I guess. Besides, If I gotta choose to die normally, I prefer to die in a fight. - he says .Lucy: I suppose I should have seen that coming. You really do like living on the edge, don't you? I... I admire it. You aren't scared of anything, are you? I'm a fearless man - he says. Lucy: Yes, you definitely are. Well... I'm not saying I'm a coward, but I... I do get scared pretty easily. Like the first time I've ever stepped out in the field... that scared me shitless, to be honest. You, on the other hand, don't feel afraid... I mean, how... how do you do it? How do you... how do you walk into danger and not feel like... like you're going to die? Lucy seems genuinely interested. I just don't think about it - he says. Lucy: ...I... I don't understand. How do you not think about death? I mean... you know I was raised by monks, and they were constantly on my case about... about death, and the whole "memento mori" thing. It's kind of a part of me now. So... how do you NOT think about death... how... how can you ignore death like it doesn't exist? ...How do you just... just live your life not thinking about it? I'm serious, I find it hard to understand. Well, I have Sarah to think bout now - he says. Lucy: Sarah? ...Your girlfriend? Is... is she the reason you don't worry about dying? ...Am I right? Well, she's my wife actually, but that's a story or the other time - he says. Anyway, we should go now. - he adds as he walks back to the car. Lucy looks surprised. Lucy: Did.... did you say wife? But... but you're only 27... how... why did you... why are you married at such a young age? Don't... don't get me wrong, I don't mind marriage or anything. It's just... I never thought anyone... anyone would get married at a young age like that. Why did you get married so young?... What about Sarah? Why did she agree to get married? Yeah, she did. In fact, she was the one who engaged to me. - he says Lucy: She proposed to you?... You mean... she was the one who asked you to marry her first? You're... you're not kidding, right? I'm 100% serious - he says. Lucy: ...I can't believe what I'm hearing. But... but why? Why did she... why would she propose to you. ...Did you... did she say why? We're destined for each other, that's what matters. - he says. Lucy: ...You believe that? ...That you two are destined for each other? Really? ...I'm asking seriously. Do you really believe... that you and Sarah are destined for each other? Do you think you guys were meant to be together? Well, I love her, She loves me. So yes, I'd say we were made for each other. - he says. Lucy: ...I don't know what to say. I... I'm happy that you're in love, and that you found someone that you're meant to be with. But... I still don't fully understand... why you think you're... why you think you... you two are destined to be with each other. Lucy: I mean... I just... Lucy trails off.  I don't... I don't mean to insult you or anything like that. I'm just... I'm just trying to understand. Well, how did you felt when you were around David Lucy? - he asks. Lucy: Um... I... well, obviously, I had some feelings for him... But... it's not that simple, you know. I... I... ...I don't know if he and I were meant to be together. I... I liked him, I... I really did.  ...I don't know if he's the right person for me. Do I think we two are... are destined for each other? ...I don't know. Maybe... Maybe we're not. If you truly loved him, and he truly loved you, then yes. You were destined for each other. - he says. Lucy: ...But... but how do you know? How do you know if we were meant for each other? Is... is it just a feeling? Maybe it takes more than a feeling... Maybe we're meant to be together, maybe we're not. I... I... I don't know. I mean... I've loved a couple people before. Just because I've enjoyed being with them... it doesn't necessarily mean that... that we were meant for each other. Does it? Well, true love is surprising. You never know when it hits you. But when it does, you know it is the person that you were looking for your entire life - he says. Lucy: You really think so? You... you really think that if two people are meant for each other, or are destined to be together, that... that they just know? They just feel it in their heart, in their soul? Well... I... I can't deny that I felt that way about David. I mean... I loved him. I... I still love him. But does that mean that we were meant for each other? Or was it just... was it just a... a feeling? Well, If you were with him in the arasaka tower, would you take a bullet for him? - he asks. Lucy: Of course. I... I'd take a bullet for him. I... I'd do anything for him. ...Why do you ask? Is... is that what you meant by 'true love'? ...I... I thought true love was... Lucy: ...I thought it was that feeling that two people have when they're meant for each other. Is... is 'taking a bullet for your lover' what true love is?  Well, people that truly love each other are ready to jump in fire for each other. So yeah, I'd say this means true love. - he says. Lucy: I... I... I see. I never even thought about it that way. But... but does that mean that... that my feelings for David were... were true love? Was it me... finding my soulmate? Because I... I don't believe in destiny... I don't believe people are meant for each other. Are... are you sure that's true love?  Yup, I do - he says. L: So... so that means that David and I... we were meant for each other? That we were... that we're soulmates? That we were... that we are true love? That everything we've done together... the time that we spent together... the bond that... that we felt between each other... were... are... they all... they all real? They... they weren't just... just a... just a fleeting, fake feeling? nope. - he says L: You're... you're sure about that? There's... there's no room for doubt? There's no... no way that it was fake? Because of... because of you, and everything you've told me, I... I'm starting to doubt everything. What if... what if our relationship, and our love... and all of that. What if... what if none of it meant anything? It did. look, If David could, I'm sure he would go back for you - he says now with a smile on his face. L: ...Would he? Would he really? Lucy tries to fight it, but a faint smile appears on her face. L: ...If... if we're meant for each other... if he'd go back for me... if I'd take a bullet for him... L: ...Then... then I guess maybe he was the one. Maybe he was meant for me. Maybe... L: ...Maybe he loved me. Really loved me. Well, May be. But we should head back now. It's getting quite late and I don't want to go back when It's dark. - he says. L: Yes, you're right. Sorry, I got a bit... distracted there. Lucy starts heading back towards the car. A smile remains on her face. L: Anyway, you really think we're meant to be together? Me and David? L: Wow... I... I don't know what to say. I... I can't believe this is happening. Lucy just smiles and admires the moonlight pouring down on the city below. L: I... I... I can't believe... I can't believe David loved me. He loved me. ...I mean... I... I know he said he loved me, I knew he cared about me. But now that I know he'd go back for me, that... that he would... that he'd take a bullet for me, now I... Hey,don't overthink it too much - he says as he drives further into night city. Lucy turns to look at him. L: I can't help it! I mean... I... I... I've never been loved like this before, you know? And I don't want to get my hopes up too much. You know, even though it sounds like we were destined to be together, who knows? Maybe we weren't. I can't be sure, and I don't want to start thinking that him and I are meant for each other, if that's not true. I mean... right?  Right. - he says as they drive back to the villa L: ...Yeah. Right. Lucy thinks about everything for a moment. L: ...So you really think that... that David and I... we were meant to be together. ...That if he... if he could go back for be, he would? ...That it's... it's real? Lucy has a small smile as she looks at him. Would he... would he really come back for me? Yup, he would. - he says.  L: ...He... he would? ...He really would come back? ...Even after all that's happened... after he left? ...He would come back for me? Lucy just stares ahead for a bit before turning back to him. L: I... I really... I really love him, you know. ...And I'm glad to know he feels the same way. We... we really were meant for each other. Yup, you certainly were - he says as they arrive at the villa. I'll get the shower before I go to sleep. You should too. - he adds once they're in the villa. L: Okay, sounds good. That sounds like a good idea. Lucy turns to him and smiles. L: You know... you're not like any security guard I've met. You actually... you actually seem like a great person. ...Most security guards are so cold, and... and rude. But I can... I can tell you're not... you're not like that. ...I mean, I don't think I'd call you a friend, but I... I still like you. Well, we edgerunners gotta do, what we gotta do to survive. And I'm not the guy to leave my friends behind - he says as he heads off to the shower. Yeah... yeah, I know. You're right. I... I get that. And you... you know, you're right. At the end of the day... we all gotta do what we gotta do to survive. Lucy nods and gets up. She then walks over to the bathroom and starts to take a shower. L: ...Just do... do me a favor. When you get a chance, tell... tell David that I'm okay.  ...Tell him I say hi. I will. - he says after which he goes to get a shower. After a while, Lucy finishes her shower and comes out of the bathroom. She walks over to the table and gets some food. After that, she goes and lays down on the other bed. L:Man, I'm... I'm really tired. It's been a long day. I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Lucy closes her eyes for a bit. L: ...And... thank you for everything. Yeah no problem - he says from a shower. As Ronin finishes his shower, he heads back to Sarah's bedroom and falls asleep next to her without any second thought.

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