Chapter 2

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"Your life matters."

That conversation has not left your mind.

It's been weeks since you last saw Leo. There is so much that you've been questioning. Until recently you have just been counting the days down. It was a meaningless cycle. You knew that in the end you would be dead before you turned seventeen. You never cared either. Thankfully whatever deity that cursed you with this was kind enough to never make your deaths painful. You'd just fall asleep one night and wake up back at the beginning. As an infant.

Death was a part of your life, you'd long accepted that.

So why?

Why is this the first time that you felt regret at the thought of leaving without seeing Leonardo again. You barely knew him. Hell he'd threaten and kidnap you in your second meeting. can't get rid of the thoughts, or feelings.

"Sweetheart?" Your head turns at the soft knock.

"Mom." She steps inside with a smile, holding a sweater.

"You left it in the washer. I almost turned it pink. " She hands you the white article of clothing.

"Thank you." You fold it in your arms, eyes moving back to the window. She looks like she is about to leave you to your thoughts.

"Mom." Her footsteps halt.

" believe in reincarnation?"

It's stupid to even propose this question. You know for a fact that she already thinks you're unhinged in some kind of way. With the number of fights you've gotten into, it's a miracle you haven't been suspended.

"I do." 

When you look at her, you aren't sure what to expect.

"My grandmother used to tell me tales. As a child I suppose it felt ridiculous." She takes a seat right next to you.

"I can't say for sure if I've ever experienced such an occurrence in my life. It's been said that most of us go through it without even knowing. But there were others that were able to retain memories of their pasts. Pieces of those lives. Because of the strain it has on their individual soul, their life spans were limited to the sixteenth year." You're a bit shocked. She just sends you a sad smile.

"When I first held you in my arms, I knew you were special. I just hoped that you were just a little, less...just for my sake.." 

You can see the build up of tears, and you reach for her. This entire time you've been shouldering your pain. When all along she knew. How many more of your past parents actually were aware? Had you been more trusting, maybe the last couple decades could have been easier.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head, holding you tighter.

"Never apologize for being you. Never."

You clutch unto her.

This entire timeline is far different, for once maybe you didn't have to be alone.


"Waiting for ya girlfriend."

Leo glares at Raph. who merely chuckles. When they'd completed the patrol, Leo fell back, and Raph didn't pass up the opportunity to shoot a snarky remark.

"Ya been weird since that morning. Did she ask ya out? "

"Get going Raph."

He didn't say much more, just popped a toothpick in his mouth and followed his brothers with that stupid grin. Leo's eyes moved back to the sky, following the patterns of the stars he could make out in the distance. He wasn't sure what to make of your story. But aliens were real, so was something such as reincarnation so far-fetched?

Hell, he was living proof of something impossible. That added with the pain he could clearly see in your eyes. That was not an expression you could fake. He made a turn, heading for the edge as he jumped to the next building. A part of him felt like he needed to see you again.

Which was weird. At least for him.

Every surface his feet touch he can feel his heart beating faster.

"What am I doing?"

You weren't a threat. So why was he still invested? At the start he spent some days just looking out. If anything but to keep his family safe. But in the past week you'd done nothing even relatively heinous.

However he'd heard the conversation with your mother, and the uncomfortable ache in his chest returned. He was protective by nature, so maybe that's why he felt like he needed to help.

You had just under a year left.

He didn't want you spending it filled with hate. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now