Chapter 4

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Your little outings with Leo became a bit of routine. 

He'd stop by after his patrol and take you to different venues around the city. You'd seen a lot in your life, but this was different.

There was a difference between surviving and actually living life. Wherever he took you, there always seemed to be something to discover. New York was his home as much as it was yours. But to you, it never felt like a home. Just another stop to a destination you had to get to.

The more time you spent with him, the more your feelings seemed to be changing. Not about humanity.

But him.

It was a bit aggravating actually. Because you tried to find flaws at the very start. You couldn't grasp any that would make you dislike him anywhere near the amount that you did for your own race. If anything you wish there were more like him. 

That's how bad it got.

That night as you sat in the window sill waiting for him to come, you couldn't get your mind to stop racing.

So you sat there in hopes that when he finally appeared it would all make sense. But the later it got, the deeper the pit in your stomach became. Because Leo never just bailed. He always told you when he would be preoccupied. You glanced at your phone, but there was no message or indication that he wasn't coming.

"He's fine, there's nothing wrong."

That's what you try to convince yourself of. 

Finally your thoughts seem to win the battle. You moved to the ground, crossing your legs and closing your eyes.

"Show me what's wrong."

~The Lair~

"He's bleeding too much!"

April called.

Mikey and Donnie were scrambling to get more gauze. Raph and Splinter were right at Leo's side.

"It's..just a scratch." Leo tried to assure. 

Yet the bullet wound in his side proved differently. 

They were all frantic. It was a miracle that she'd even been able to get the bullet out. The amount of blood he'd already lost was alarming and none of them were doctors. It's clear that he needed a transfusion. But how could they go about that without endangering both him and his brothers.

Leo sat upright.

"I'm fine, I just need rest."

"You're not fine."

Leo blinked, for a second he thought he was imagining it, but he wasn't.


April stared at him as if he'd lost his mind and Raph came back with a roll of gauze. Donnie held the back up bandages.

Leo looked back at his family confused. No one seemed to be experiencing what he was at the moment.

"You're a jerk. You didn't even call to tell me you were busy. "

Leo couldn't help but laugh, despite his predicament as you kneeled next to him.

"Currently tied up at the moment. " He responded.

"Who is he talking to?" Raph asked.

April shook her head. 

"I think he's delirious."

"Am I delirious?" He asked. You shook your head.

"You're not."

You pressed your hand to his wound, and he could see the fear in your eyes. The raw pain as you looked back at him.

"Why do you do it..why do you keep risking your life when all they do is create a cycle of pain."

Leo placed his hand over your own.

"Because I know in the end it'll be worth it. It's.." He grunted, trying to stay upright.

"It's hard to explain. I..I just know. The same way I know you can change." 

He found himself reaching up, hand laying on your cheek.

A single tear ran down and he brushed it away easily, sending you that comforting smile.

Leo felt a dull burn in his side and when he looked down he was startled at the glow that sparked.

"W-WHAT'S HAPPENING!!" April yelled.

They all just stared at the wound. Leo looked back up at you for an explanation, but you offered none. Your body seems to vanish the same way the wound on his body did. The minute the light was gone, Leo jumped to his feet in a panic.

"Hey! You need to sit down! Y-Your body just healed itself!!"

"I don't have time to talk, I need to see her. I-I need to make sure she's okay!"



Raph recognized the name and that look he wore. He took a step back, nodding.

"Go and check on her. Make sure ya come back."

Leo nodded, grabbing his swords as he took off.

"A-Are we really going to just let him go?" Donnie asks.

"He'll be fine. I don't know how but that chick, she saved him"

It had to be her.

Nothing else made sense. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now