Chapter 10

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"You're a big boy Leo."

He groans at the words, placing his hand against the wall in the shower.

Everything is engraved in his mind.

He couldn't believe that had actually happened last night. The following morning he'd stayed until you woke up. When you did he'd basically fumbled out of the room. You'd give him a kiss and send him a beautiful smile.

Leo groans again, this time leaning his head on the wall. You hand him right under your thumb and it was driving him crazy.

"I need to talk to her tonight. We need to set boundaries. No intimate activities until I at least take her on a date. "

That was the plan he'd already decided.


"I got an A on the quiz, no surprise there. He always gives us a pop quiz on the first Thursday of every month. You would think people would prepare for it better."

Peter is going on about some test, but you're barely paying much attention. Lunches were spent on the bleachers chatting about world events and sneaky tests. You want to pay attention, but your thoughts are otherwise occupied. The image of Leo pops up.

"I like it when you touch me (Y/N)."

Your cheeks flush at the little daydream. If he'd ever said something like that it would probably break you.

"Peter, have you ever had sex?"

He spits out his juice comically, beating his chest aggressively as he coughs. You feel bad now for almost making him choke. When his airway is finally cleared, he looks at you stunned.

"W-Why would you ask that!!" D-Did Mary Jane say something to you!"

You shake your head. Now that the door is open, you have to explain. You lower your head, playing with the crease of your dress.

"I..I wanted to..I just.." The words weren't coming out. His shocked expression softens into understanding.

"You're asking because you've been thinking about it." You nod a bit bashfully.

"I really want to, I think he does too but I don't have any experience so it might be awkward."

Peter laughs, scratching his head.

"You really caught me off guard. I didn't see that coming." You're still fidgeting and Peter does his best to ease your nerves.

"I can't speak for you or this mystery boyfriend, but if you both care about each other, then it doesn't matter if it's awkward. It's your first time. It's supposed to be messy." His words give you a bit of ease.

"Just make sure you both agree that it is what you want. He may be afraid to tell you if he's scared or nervous and the same applies for you. Consent should be present on both sides. Okay?"


Peter looks a bit more relaxed.

"Now that we got that out of the way, we're going to get you some condoms after school."


Peter laughs at your confusion.

"Yes, protection. Remember the thing that ensures that you're safe. As awkward as it is talking about this with you, you're like my sister. I want you to be safe."

His words are touching. You inch closer, reaching out and hugging him and Peter pats your back with a grin.

"It's crazy that I was intimidated by you the first time we met. You're so cute." He rubs your head playfully, and you smile.

~After school~

As you browse through the section of condoms, Peter is behind you trying not to appear awkward but failing miserably.

The size you pick up surprises Peter.

"What the- how big is he!"

Your cheeks glow.

"You know what nevermind I don't want to know!" He starts grabbing up two boxes, and he takes the one in your hand.

"I'm buying all of these for you. If this guy thinks he's gonna run around with his huge eggplant and get you pregnant he's mistaken!"

He drops the boxes at the cash register.

"We'll take them all!"

The cashier turns to you.

"Blink if you're in danger." She says casually.

"It's not for me!!"

He defends.

Yep, that's some big brother energy alright. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now