Chapter 7

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When consciousness finally returns, your mind is the first to fire up.

"Starting over again."

You're not in a rush to open your eyes. You already know what's waiting for you.

From the weight of this body, it's clear that this infant is a bit chubbier.

Chubby is an understatement.

Whatever is on you must weigh a ton.

You groan in discomfort. Squinting, your eyes open.

The first thing you make out is the ceiling. This particular room looks familiar.

So is the weight around your body. You turn your head, and your heart jumps at the sight of the large green bicep holding you close.


You barely get the words out, and his forehead creases. He turns and you shoot upright.


He jumps awake, eyes darting back and forth. He looks ready to battle whatever has interrupted your sleep.


When his gaze finally settles, it's then that he notices.


It dawns on him that you are in fact right here with him.

Not gone, but here.

"I'm alive!!"

You jump into his arms, and he holds on as you laugh joyfully.



Leo seems to join in and he stands spinning you around as he continues to cheer. It's written over both your faces.

"Thank you."

You're not sure what happened, but you don't even care, because you're here.

In the present.


You know exactly who it is you want to see next.

Pacing through the streets of New York, you rush up the flight of stairs. You run to the door, practically yanking it open.


You can hear scrambling. When she gets to the hallway, she just stares, placing her hand over her lips in shock. You know she assumed the worst when she woke up and you weren't there.

The tears come shortly after, and you take shaky steps into the house.


She can barely stop herself, she darts forward, hugging you tightly.

Once in her arms, you both sink to the floor, crying in each other's arms. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now