Chapter 9

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Most days are pretty normal. Something you greatly appreciate. With all that went on in New York, you always enjoyed the quiet calm days. This particular afternoon you're heading to meet the boys. But you needed to grab something at your house first. So when you step through the door, you don't expect to see the banner, or both your parents at the door with big smiles on their faces and a cake in hand.

"Happy Birthday Sweetheart."

You just stare.

After you'd turned twelve, you were always pretty adamant on not wanting your birthday to be celebrated. You didn't need the reminder. But now, it is different. You enter fully with a soft smile.

"My birthday was a month ago. " Your mother nods.

"We know, I just thought it was time we started celebrating." She explains.

You're more than grateful.

"Make a wish."

She urges. You step closer, eyes fixated on the candles.

Closing your eyes you make your wish. Blowing out the candles, you exhale. When your eyes open, there they are. Smiling so lovingly right back at you. Everything you ever wanted was right here.

"Thank you."

Your father moves to place the cake down, before long they both tackle you into a hug. The three of you laugh, standing there as you hug.

Maybe you could visit the boys a bit later.


"They bought me a cake. My mom got me presents but I barely even looked at them. Somehow just being able to spend this year with them.. was enough."

It's become somewhat of a habit to inform Leo of your daily occurrences. He's smiling.

"I'm glad you're here to spend it with us too. Sounds like you had a great day. Next year we'll have to actually celebrate your birthday. I feel a bit guilty. I never got you a present. "

You don't need some grand gesture from Leo to show that he cares. He's already done so much for you. More than you can ever return.

There is however, something that you want that only he can provide.


Your palms suddenly feel a bit sweaty. He looks over from his spot on the ground where he's seated, legs folded. He had been meditating when you walked in earlier.

"If you don't mind, there is something that I really wanted."

He looks invested. Standing, he moves closer.

"Of course, what is it?"

Why does it feel like he's about to run off and grab the moon if you were to request it.

"I..I want you to kiss me."

The change on his face is a bit slow. From the way his eyes shift, if you had to guess, you would think he was blushing.

You lower your head.

"I've never had one and I..I guess knowing that we both feel the same way about each other, I figured it would be okay. "

Leo is quiet , and you can't bring yourself to look at him.

"It's okay if you-"

"I'll do it."

He sits down, and you're still messing with your fingers.

"You don't have to just because I asked." You mumble. Leo smiles, you're obviously flustered. He's not doing much better. But he's imagined kissing you possibly a dozen times.

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now