Chapter 8

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You've been wondering what this truly means for you.

You don't feel much different, yet this is the first time that you've remained in the present time. So something must have changed.

"Everything works, no problems?"


You assure Leo.

You're at the usual spot. Though the both of you had spent that morning celebrating, as the days pass, you know he's a little worried. You are too.

There is one particular thing that is fresh in your mind.

"I never said thank you."

Leo loses his train of thought when you look over at him. You're both sitting fairly close.

"You stayed with me all night. It was selfish of me to ask you to do that. Being the one who would have to carry my body back. It was unfair."

You knew that, but at the moment, you just wanted the comfort that only Leo could provide.

"It's okay to be selfish sometimes. You were scared. You needed me, so I did what I had to. I knew from the start what was going to happen. You never hid it from me. If you had passed on, I'm glad that I was able to be the last thing you saw when you left."

You feel like tearing up again. You shift a bit closer, and your hands brush. Your eyes moved down. You can't seem to stop yourself from gently holding his hand. That warmth feels so safe. Leo swallows at the touch.

His hand is so much bigger than your palm.

Your eyes finally connect again. Somehow the blue of those eyes are all you ever want from life.

"(Y/N) I'm-"

"Are you uncomfortable?"

You don't really let go, even after you ask the question.

"No I just.." 

He's not sure what to say.

"I have feelings for you Leo."

His eyes are wide.

"I don't know if it's because you tried so hard at the very beginning to convince me that there was more in the world than pain. Before I met you I had every intention of leaving this world without a second thought. But you made me question everything. Challenge everything. That night I..I wanted nothing more than to tell you how I felt, but I knew I'd leave and it was selfish to say that when I know we wouldn't be able to ever have a future. I was terrified of so much back then. But I'm not anymore."

He can feel the slight tremors in your hands.

"I know there is a chance that you don't really reciprocate these feelings. Even so I'd still like it if we can be-"

"I have feelings for you too."

You pause.

"From the second you told me I think I..I became protective. Maybe at the start it was just pity. But the more time we spent the harder it was becoming for me to stop thinking about you. It felt easier to keep it to myself. I didn't want you to leave with anymore regrets. I couldn't."

You internalize all that is said, and Leo squeezes your hand.

"Just so you know, I'm still not completely won over by every person on this planet."

"Why'd you have to ruin such a great moment."

You laugh, and Leo joins in.

It's clear he still has a lot of work to get done. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now