Chapter 3

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"Good morning (Y/N), would you mind helping me across the street."

Your eyes lifted and despite yourself, you blushed.

The second they landed on the male you could feel your heart increase against your will.

See, you might have been oblivious to a lot, but this was different. The male that stood in front of you held a cane, sunglasses perched on his nose, and a smile on his face.

"O-Of course Mr. Murdock."

Matt was somewhat of a family friend after he helped your father with a small legal matter. Although he lived a few blocks down, you'd known him since you were a child.

Hence your stupid crush.

"He's twice your age!"

Technically. You were probably tripled his age with all the lives you'd outlived.

"How is your family?" Guiding him over the street you reply.

"They're fine. Mom says you can stop by whenever you're longing for something other than Chinese. " He laughed.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Why couldn't I have been reincarnated into an adult body!!"

Even his laughter was a crime.

Truth is, when you first met him, you hadn't fully recognized him. Still, that didn't deter your young mind on how attractive he was. Then you realize just who this man was.

Hell's Kitchen's very own Daredevil.

That seemed to spike your interest. Now every time you saw him you would lose all composure.

When you got across he released the hand from your shoulder.

"Thank you." You nod.

"A-Anytime. See you around Mr. Murdock!"

You were speeding off, because your heart was about to constrict.

"I still have a few months. Calm down, you cursed organ!"

He definitely knows.

After school you make it back to your home. Your mother greets you, asking about your day. For some reason it feels easier. To be honest about what you experienced. Honest about how you feel.

"Peter sounds like a nice young man. Are you two friends then?"

Sitting at the table, you look down at your plate.

"I..I guess so."

You've never really had friends. Never cared for something that you would ultimately lose.

"That's great, sweetheart."

Whenever she speaks, you can hear the subtle hint of pain in her words. You want nothing more than to quell those fears, but there is nothing that you can say. Because the time is literally counting down. 

Several months and you'll be nothing but a memory. A picture hanging on the wall. When you feel her hand covering yours on the table, and the smile she offers, somehow that thought floats away. You enjoy the moment, rather than dwelling on it.

After dinner you help clean up and you move to your room. You find yourself sitting by the window, just staring up at the sky. You hope that the constellations have some secret answer to your life. Your irises glow gold, and you blink at the shadow that casts over your window. The ring on your eyes disappears almost immediately.

"Still fighting crime I see."

There isn't a word, but then you see his arm as he pulls himself up. Leo sets himself right on the branch set outside your window.

"How did you know it was me?"

"You're the only vigilante running around at this time of night who's crazy enough to come back here."

He smiles at that, and you open the window for him. He accepts the invitation, lowering his head as he steps inside. He surveys the space. He isn't even shocked at the lack of posters or small trinkets you would expect from a normal teenage girl. Aside from the colored wallpaper and books, there is nothing personalized. 

It's a room of someone who doesn't have attachments.

"How much longer do you have?"

That was not where you thought this conversation was going.

"Seven months." Leo nods.

"So I have seven months to convince you that the human race isn't completely irredeemable."

"What makes you think you can change what I've known for centuries in a matter of months."

"Well, you never met me."

"I thought Raph is supposed to be the self centered one."

"Hah, you're hilarious." You smile at that.

"I'm sure you have better things to do that waste time on me."

Leo takes a step closer to you.

"I don't see any of the time I spend with you wasted. Especially given the circumstances."

His earnest responses always throw you off. You direct your gaze elsewhere.

"What exactly do you have in mind?"

He grins.

"Glad you asked, follow me."

He holds out his hand, and for a moment you just stare at it. This isn't just a request to venture out there. By taking his hand, you know you're taking a chance on feeling the pain of ultimately losing all of this when it's time to move on. It's a terrifying thought.

But for once, you don't feel as terrified by it. You take his hand, and when he pulls you close, it feels like just a piece of you has changed. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now