Chapter 11

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The weekend when your parents are away feels like the perfect time. You couldn't believe a great opportunity had just dropped into your lap.

There's a light tap on the window, and you slide the four packets into your pocket. You move to the window, and there he is. He offers a little smile.


"Hi." You greet.

For a moment the both of you just stand there looking at each other. He hasn't been around for a couple of days and it now hits you just how much you missed him.

"Do you want to come in?" You ask.

"Actually, I was hoping you could join me tonight." He holds out his hand.

"Where are we going?"

You ask after you've already taken his hand.

He smiles.

"I want to introduce you to my family. I trust you, and you're important to me."

The statement brings a new type of warmth.

"I'd love to meet your family."

Leo pulls you right into his arms and you both take off.


The trip is awfully quiet.

You aren't really sure what to say. Leo also seems very nervous. As he tracks through the sewers with you in tow, you try to work through a decent conversation starter.

You should say something.



"We're here." He interrupts as you break the corner.

You aren't given a chance to say much, because the three pairs of eyes are now trained on you. Mikey is the first to sprint over.

"Wow, you're that chick!! I can't believe you're Leo's girlfriend now."

Leo looks bashful, and Raph joins, looking down.

"I thought you'd be taller."

You frown.

"I'm average height." You retort.

Donnie shuffles in nervously.

"It's nice to meet you." His awkwardness is kind of adorable.

"It's nice to meet you too."

Your eyes track movement in the background, and to your surprise it's a huge rat. You aren't really sure what to say. To be honest, you shouldn't be surprised. They are giant turtles.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet. Leo has told us a lot about you and your situation." Splinter states.

You turn to Leo, and there's a strange sense of gratitude.

"You told them?"

He nods.

"You saved my life. How could I not. I'm grateful. So are they."

When you look back they are all wearing smiles.

In the past you'd never truly done much for anyone. But when you gave of your time, not once did you regret it.

It feels nice to receive their thanks.

"Well, we'd love to stay and chat but we gotta go." Mikey speaks. They all nod in agreement and you're a bit confused. So is Leo.

"W-Wait where are you going!!" He asks.


"We're heading to April's to watch the game. Have fun with your girlfriend, " Raph says.

Splinter looks as though he's about to join.

"Y-You too Sensei!"

"I do enjoy a good game."

Leo isn't given another chance to speak, because they are all filing out of the lair. Pretty soon it's just the two of you.

Leo looks a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry about that. How about I give you a tour of the place."

You agree with a nod, and Leo leads you around his home. You spot the dojo, Donnie's working station. Mikey's gaming spot. Even the feared Hashi.

Leo gets to his room and you follow as he continues to talk. He's showing you his little bonsai tree and it's then you feel like you should ask.

"Leo, do I make you uneasy?"

He stops abruptly.


"This entire night you've been acting weird. I thought that maybe you were just nervous for me to meet your family but it feels like more than that. What we did that night...did I force you?"

Peter's words on consent are ringing in your head. You realize at that moment that you hadn't stopped to ask if it was something he wanted.

"I'm sorry if I made you do something that you didn't wa-"


He interrupts. Leo shakes his head.

"You're wrong. You didn't force me into anything. I wanted it just as much as you did. I..I like it when you touch me (Y/N)."

You just gaze at him.

Leo swallows.

"I was hoping that you being here would keep me in check because I wanted to do so much more. I've wanted it since that night. I just felt guilty because we haven't even defined what this is. It felt disrespectful for me to make a move on you when I can't even take you out properly."

You understand now. Your fears were pretty much the same. You both had uncertainties. It's a relief. Now you just need to be incredibly clear going forward.

"I want you to be my boyfriend Leo."

His eyes almost glimmer in the light.

"I want that too."

It's a bit of a whisper, and he moves closer.

You swallow.

"I want to have sex with you."

Leo's gaze reflects desire. He nods.

"I do too."

Your heart is hammering, and you reach into your pockets, pulling out the small packs.

"I have condoms."

You say it with such a straight face.

"I-I also took the pill i-in case they didn't fit."

A smile makes its way on his face, and he begins laughing.

"You..really are too much...sometimes." He says between his laughter.

"What would you have done if I said no." He teases.

"Then I would have big breasts. I heard the pills make them huge. I've been on this earth for centuries and they've always been the same size. It's disappointing."

He fights to hold back his laughter this time, shaking his head.

"You're perfect."

He coos, leaving a kiss on your cheek. You grip the packets in your hand, looking up as he pulls back slowly.

" want to..?" He nods, this time leaving a kiss on your neck. You melt into his arms when he pulls you closer.

"This is one hundred percent what I want to do." You giggle when he leaves a little kiss behind your ear.

"Me too." you mumble. 

Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 2014-2016.Where stories live. Discover now